Rabbit are mainly raised for the making profit by selling their meat and also raise as a lovely pet. Fur is also obtained as an important byproduct. Rabbit farming is done from long time ago all over the world. And if you want to start an animal farming business and have not much capital as well space than this small mammals; rabbit are the best for farming or raising them as the business plan. Also, in all type of climatic condition, you can raise them and also earn much profit by raising them. So, raising rabbits is really enjoyable and profitable business.

This business does not require much capital as well space as like other cattle farming. And, within a short period, you can achieve great profit with this. There are two methods of raising rabbits, both of them requires shelter to give protection from the predators and other elements. A good storage of fodders is also required for starting rabbits farm. Anyone can start this business with having only a few rabbits only.

Importance of Rabbit Farming———

The Rabbit Farming Business has the great importance as all like other livestock which can be started with low investment, and also less space. This is also a good source of income for many unemployed peoples. Rabbits produce a high-quality woolen can be mixed up with other fine fibers for preparing quality woolen cloths, which are in trending demand. Presently, the angora rabbits are mainly raised to get their high-quality fur.
This farming business is affordable to all. Anyone can start this business plan with having few rabbits only. Since rabbits are wonderful breeders so your farm will increase up to commercial scale in short period only. A female rabbit can give birth up to 8 kits in one month. Think, how fast your business will grow up. Rabbits do not require any specific fodder for them. You can feed them easily with the green available in your surroundings and also the vegetable waste.
Rabbit meat has great demand in the market because of high protein content and less fat content in comparison to other meats.

Why Should I Start A Rabit Farm?——–

Here below are the reason, why to start a Rabbit farm rather than going for any other livestock farming.

  1. Highly Prolific in Nature: Rabbits have the high productive capacity. Since a good rabbit female is capable of producing more than 25 young ones in a year.
  2. Less Space And Low-Cost Business: One can also start this business at small scale business as a part-time in the backyard garden by using the kitchen waste as the fodder.
  3. No Need of Qualification: Anyone can start this business such as a farmer, a housewife, a labor, etc and also, it does not require too much space and capital to start a rabbit farm.
  4. Instant Income: By raising rabbits, you will able to good returns in around 6 months after establishing of the farm.
  5. White Meat: The meat from rabbit has great demand in the market as it is classified as the white meat because it is full of poly-unsaturated fatty acids.
  6. Big Wool Producers: Rabbits are also the best wool producer on the basis of wool produce per kilograms of body weight because rabbit needs about 30 % low digestible energy for producing wool in compared to sheeps.
  7. Great Market Scopes: Because of instant returns, within a short time period, you can repay all the initial costs.
  8. A big source of Income: Besides meat and wool, you can also get big income by selling kits, pelt, meat and their manure.
  9. Good Manure: The residual feed of rabbit commonly mixed with rabbit manure is best suitable for the Worms compost to yield excellent manure for the agriculture.
  10. High-Quality Wool: The wool obtained from the rabbit is about eight times warmer in comparison to the sheep’s wool. Also, this can be mixed well with sheep wool, silk, rayon, polyester, nylon, and other fibers to obtain high-quality handlooms.
  11. No food Cost: You can feed your rabbits with all available greens also the waste from vegetables, forage, etc. So, there is no cost of fodder for them required.
    Take some time and think, is the best to start a new livestock farming rather than going for any other business.

Which Rabbits Breeds, Should I Raise?————-

Before starting a rabbit farming business plan, it is better to learn whichbreed of rabbit is better for raising. So, to provide you comfort here below is the list of the top 10 breeds of rabbits, which are suitable best for raising rabbits along with their avg. meat weigh and specification to earn a lot.
Rabbit Breed Average Meat Weight Specification
New Zealand Whites 9 to 14 Pounds Common rabbit breed, most raised, top meat-producing breed
Californian Rabbits 9 to 14 Pounds Hybreed of New Zealand Whites & Chinchilla, popular for producing good quality and blocky meat
The American Chinchilla 10 Pounds Best suitable for raising rabbits, larger than the Chinchilla rabbit
Silver Foxes 12 to 14 Pounds Fancy meat producing rabbit breed, silver body along with black shading
Champagne D Argent – perfect breed for homestead, different colors such as white, chocolate and creme color
Cinnamons Rabbits – Breed of American Chinchilla and New Zealand White, good meat producer breed
Satins rabbits – Good meat-producing breed, available in chocolate, red, blue, black, Siamese, copper, and also otter color
Rex Rabbits 9 to 12 Pounds Good for meat as well for fur, also available in various color
Palomino Rabbits 9 to 12 Pounds Are also good meat producer for commercial purpose
Flemish Giants 20 Pounds Best suitable for raising as business, have larger body skeleton and size
Apart from this, New Zealand Red, Grey Giant, Soviet Chinchilla, White Giant, Flemish Giant, Dutch, are also some high meat producing rabbit breeds, raised by the people for producing meat and fur from them.
Note: For the Business, it is always a good thing to raise a highly productive, more fertile and fast-growing breed of rabbits to obtain more profit from this business. But, select a specific depending on your climate condition also the availability of source.
How to Raise Rabbits Profitiablely?
Farming Or Raising Methods In Rabbit Farming

There are two methods for raising the rabbits, first one is the by deep litter system and the 2nd one is by cage system. Both of them, require a good shelter to protect them from the predators. If you have less capital, then you can make a small shelter at your backyard with low investment. Shelter apart from saving predators is also helpful in keeping your rabbits free from the weather conditions, sun, rain, etc


Feeding Your Rabbits———

A smart guy, always look for what do rabbits eat and drink? before starting a new rabbit farm. As your is business mainly base on the meat weight. So, a good food for your rabbits always assure a good health and also proper growth of them. Try to provide healthy and high quality, nutritious food in sufficient amount, so that your rabbits can grow healthy and well. Usually, rabbits are capable of consuming all types of legumes, grains and also green fodder such as Agatha, Desmanthus, Lucerne, along with waste from kitchen including all types of vegetable waste.
Also, feeding them by sufficient amount is also beneficial in growing fast and also gaining more weight. So, for one kg of rabbit body weight, 40 gm of green food and 40 gm of concentrate food is enough for a day. Your food should have well nutritious content and also should have good quality.
Along with feeding concentrated food, it is also essential to provide clean and fresh water in sufficient amount, on the basis of their demand.

Breeding of Your Rabbits——–

As your business is also depended on the reproduction, you should be aware of what age do rabbits start breeding normally??? And also how to breed rabbits successfully? to enhance and increase your business from small scale to commercial scale.
Usually, At the age of 6 months, rabbits become ready for breeding. To obtain a good quality of young rabbits, it is good to use, a male rabbit which is one year older. Also, use only and only healthy rabbits which have proper body weight and age for the breeding.
Also, extra care of the healthy breeding male rabbit and the pregnant rabbits is to be taken.

Rabbit Care & Management Tips———–

Taking care and managing your rabbits can leads better production in your business. However, there are fewer diseases observed in the rabbit farming. Diseases in rabbits can cause less meat production, also the fur. And also, there are more chances of spreading an infection to all over your farm. So, necessary steps should be taken as soon as a disease observed in you rabbit farming business.

READ MORE :  How to Prevent Overgrown Teeth of the Rabbit

Rabbit Diseases-——-

Health coverage: Health coverage is one of the important aspects of profitable rabbit farming. Some of the important diseases of rabbit, their symptoms and preventive /control measures to be taken are mentioned below:-

1) Coccidiosis:

It is characterized by loss of appetite, pendulous and distended abdomen followed by progressive weakness, constipation and diarrhea, rough hair coat and lies in the cagewith sleepy eyes. For prevention of this disease, 30 ml of Sulmet is mixed in 4 lt of water and given for 2 days followed by 15 ml of medicine in 4 lt of water for 4 days once in a month. For curative purpose some medicine can be given @ 1.5 ml per kg body weight for 2 days followed by 0.75 ml per kg body weight for another 4 days.

Rabbit Calicivirus, Myxomatosis, Uterine Tumours, Hairballs (Trichobezoars), Snuffles (Pasteurellosis), Overgrown Teeth, Calicivirus (Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus) are some common disease, of which your rabbits can be infected. Learn symptoms and causes of all these mentioned. So, take care of your rabbits regularly and manage them as well.

Marketing Your Products
Hence, the final thing is to pay attention in this business farming. As we know that, rabbit meat is categorized as a white meat, there is a great demand for rabbit meat in the market. Eating rabbit meat is also beneficial to us because of low fatty acids content and high protein content present in it.
But the only problem is the market available to you. There are many organization; both, govt. as well also Non-govt., encouraging this business. First of all, try to your local market. But, you are unable to meet a good profit by selling your products in the local market, then is advised to go for exporting products in the international markets.

Benefits of Rabbit Farming Business:

The biggest benefit that you are here for is money. So if you are getting the desired profit from your business then you need not worry much. Yet here are some benefits you will definitely look for.
• It gives you good return in less investment. To raise a rabbit you don’t require much space and there is no special caring required apart from normal care
• The margin of profit is huge given that the rabbits breed quickly in a good numbers allowing you to sell them for meat and other purpose
• You will easily get 45% of your investment within the first year of investment in any normal situation
• Rabbits breed good and their meat is in huge demand therefore your efforts are not going to get wasted
• The does have very low mortality rate ensuring that most of the does survive after littering.
With these advantages the return on investment is quite high in comparison to other farm animals.
So if you are now more convinced to investment in this lucrative business then you need to have some plan of starting up this business. One should remember that a steady and detailed plan is always necessary if you are investing your money and expecting a good return.
A plan to raise rabbit for profit has to be flexible and it should cover all details. So let’s have a detailed view on the rabbit farming business plan. Here you go:-

Important Points to Consider in While Starting Rabbit Farming Business
• Investment:- The first step in rabbit farm is to see how much investment it will need. Basically a rabbit farm doesn’t consume much investment.
• ROI Calculation:- The second step should be to calculate return of investment. Now this is an important part to look because this is all that matters most is what you will get after you give.
• Time:- The third step should be to know how time will it consume? How many hours per week should one has to devote?
• Equipment:- What utilities are required to raise bunnies? and how much it will cost
• Requirement of farm land
• Proper diet plan and medication
These are the questions that need an answer and only then you need to draw out the plan.
The Investment Required:——–

Raising rabbit does costs but it costs quite less than many other animal farming. When you need to calculate what money you need to invest then you need to come up with what exactly are you going to do and what exactly you require? Here are few of the answers:-

The Land Required:

READ MORE :  Tips of Rabbit Breeding

Bunnies are small creatures and they do not require much land area to live. If you are raising around 5 pairs of bunnies with their does in extra that may be total to 40-50 then a 100 square feet land or room is enough. Floor size requirement for one rabbit is 4 sq ft. You need to provide 32 sq ft for exercising which is important. You can divide the room in many parts so that each pair gets a separate area. In the room you can put a cage there to keep the does in check. A room smaller than this will also work but giving enough space is good in order to avoid any kind of mess or disease.

Proper Equipment:————

If you want then you can put a cage that is made up of woods and matrix wires in order to pass oxygen. Boxes made of wooden planks that are used to contain fruits can also be used. But if you are into this business then you should be more professional and have equipment that are of standard quality and comfortable to the bunnies.
You can keep the does in the container or even the bunnies in them if you don’t have a closed space. Many people raise bunnies in a farm house or an open space like gardens. Keeping them open is risky as they are vulnerable to snakes and cats. It would be better to keep them in the cage. Putting them at one place also decrease litter that rabbits will obviously create.

Dietary, medication and caring:—————–

Rabbits don’t require any special food to eat. They are okay with normal food like carrot, broccoli, tomato, basil, and many more. There is no special food that you should necessarily give them but there are packed food that especially come for them. If you want you can feed them or you can continue with the regular food that will cost less. Rabbits don’t have any special love for specific foods and therefore you can give them vegetables, fruits and seeds.
You can vaccinate your bunnies in order to ensure their health. Vaccinating the mating rabbits would be recommended so that their does are health enough. Caring is always the best initiative that humans can do for animals. Cleaning their places, cleaning the rabbits and does will keep them healthy.
Adding these much requirements it is an investment of at least $500 an year in general. If you have purchased a pair of bunny then it will cost around $100 maximum. So an investment of around $600-800 should be in your mind.

Investment of Time:——–

There are two types of time investment. The first one is daily time investment on caring and the second one is time investment on return. We will talk about both.
Daily Time Investment: An hour a day or 20-20 minutes three times a day is enough to look after them. Food, cleaning and pampering is all that is required.
Time Investment on Return: A pair of rabbits take 31 days to reproduce. It is would be advisable for you to sell the does after 6 month. So you will probably get your return after a 6 months.

Return of Investment in rabbit farming:————–

Rabbit farm is a good source of profit and offers good returns. A pair of rabbit will reproduce after 30-35 days so you can have 10-12 rabbits including the parents after a 40 days. These bunnies will probably reproduce after six months and it takes around 6 months for them to fully mature. Rabbits conceive babies only after few days of giving birth so one can expect another delivery after 40 days. If you go on calculating then in 12 months, a pair of rabbit will have around 80-90 does.
Mating few pairs of them can make you get at least 30-40 does every month after a years’ time.


Scientific_Management_Practices_Broiler_Rabbit_Production India

Reference:On request.
Praveen Srivastava,CEO,LBCS.

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