1). Is swine pox contagious to humans?

Swinepox virus (SwPV), a member of the family Poxviridae, is the cause of a highly contagious, self- limiting, cutaneous disease characterized by generalized pustular lesions in swine. SwPV is not a zoonotic virus and does not pose a threat to human populations.

2). How is swine pox transmitted?

Persistent virus within desquamated scabs can be transmitted to other pigs when introduced into skin abrasions. The virus can also spread horizontally from nasal and oral secretions from infected pigs. … Once introduced, infected swine or virus-carrying biting insects can initiate outbreaks in susceptible herds.

3). What are the symptoms of swine pox?

Red 1 cm papules (spots) appear on the ventral abdomen and rapidly form circular red brown scabs, which soon blacken. In young piglets the bursting of the vesicular (blister) stage on the face may lead to wetting, scab formation and conjunctivitis. Slight inappetence may accompany the development of the lesions.

4). What is the Treatment and prevention for swine pox?

Treatment or control are rarely attempted because of the mildness of the disease,
Treat the animals symptomatically
Injectable antibiotics for 5 days
Topical skin soothing lotions
Antipyretics if animals have high temperature
Liver tonic etc

but the use of insecticide to eliminate lice and flies which transmit the disease on a farm and the thorough cleaning and disinfection of pens in which outbreaks of the disease have occurred help to reduce the incidence.

Cleaning and disinfection is necessary because the virus may persist in a farm for years between outbreaks in dust and dried secretions in unused pens and fittings. The residual virus infects progeny of newly purchased pigs and weaned pigs from non-immune farms when mixed with carriers or placed in infected pens.

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By- Dr. Parvinder Kaur Lubana, Livestock advisor,


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