India has a very large and diverse genetic resource of goats. Goat plays a significant role in economic upliftment of rural poor of our country. Consumption of goat meat (chevon) is increasing rapidly due to its social acceptability. This sector has tremendous potential in employment generation & poverty reduction.Before starting a Goat farm the entrepreneurs/ farmers are advised to under go   training on goat farming. They can contact Local Animal Husbandry Department staffs/Veterinary College/agriculture University etc. for the purpose. They should also visit progressive Goat farmers and government/ agricultural university goat farm in the locality. They must check the following points before starting a dairy farm.

1.   Availability of good quality Parent stock in the locality

2.   Marketing facility for goat & goat meat

3.   Nearness of farm to veterinary hospital/Livestock Aid center

4.    Availability of concentrates ,fodder & medicine in that locality.

This project report is based on following assumption:-

1-   Adult healthy  Does & bucks of black Bengal breed within 2 years of age will be purchased

2-   Manure produced in the farm will be utilized for fodder cultivation

3-   In case of death of adult goats new animal will be purchased from insurance claim money

4-   The above project will be economically viable under proper care & attention of the entrepreneur.

Techno-economic parameters

1. Breed of Goat Black Bengal
2. System of rearing Semi intensive
3. No. of Bucks 4
4. No. of Does 100
5. Age at Maturity (Months) 10-12
6. Kidding/ interval (Months) 8
7. No of kidding/year 1.5
8. Kidding percentage 80
9. Average litter size  (average of single, twinning, Triplet, quadruplet) 2
10. Sex ratio 1:1
11. Mortality(%) Kids 20
12. Saleable age of kids (months) 11
13. Expenditure norms  
14. Space requirement sq ft.per head for Buck 15 ,
15. Space requirement sq ft.per head for doe 10
16. Space requirement sq ft.per head/kid 4
17. Cost of construction (Rs.per sft)     Doe, Bucks ,Kids 100
18. Cost of equipment (Rs.per adult animal) 20
19.  Cost of green fodder cultivation (Rs./acre/season) 5000
20. Concentrate feed : Adult does

(one month before breeding and one month after kidding i.e. per kidding)

6.75 kg per montth
21. Concentrate feed for Bucks (two months per breeding season) 7.5 kg per month
22. Concentrate feed for Kids (for 30 days) 3.75 kg per kid
23. Cost of conc. feed (Rs./kg) 11
24. Labour (No.) 1
25. Labour wages (Rs.per month) 3000
26. Insurance (as percentage of the cost of breeding stock) 4
27. Veterinary aid (Rs./adult/year) 20
28. Income norms :  
29. Sale price of Buck/(11month) 1400
30. Sale price of Doe/(11month) 1200
31. Income from manure is not assumed as it is used on the own farm for fodder cultivation.  
32. Sale of Gunnyu bags (Rs./bag) 10
33. Repayment norms:  
34. Repayment period (years) 6
35. Grace Period (years) 1
36. Interest rate(%) 12


Flock projection chat for  Black Bengal Breed Goat
Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
No. of does purchased 100          
No. of bucks purchased 4          
No. of kidding/year 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
No. of kids born male 150 150 150 150 150 150
No. of kids born female 150 150 150 150 150 150
No of kids died male 20% 30 30 30 30 30 30
No of kids died female 20% 30 30 30 30 30 30
No. of male kids available for sale Kids produced in first year will be sold in second year & so on 120 120 120 120 120
No. of female kids available for sale   120 120 120 120 120




Sl.no A-Capital cost


(Amount in Rs.)
a Construction low cost  Shed for 100does  @ 10sq.ft/adult Doe(Rs.100/sq.ft 100000
b  Construction of Shed for 4 bucks@15sq.ft/buck(Rs.100 sq.ft buck shed ) 6000
c Construction of Shed for240 kids @4 sq.ft./ kids (1000sq.ft)@(Rs.100/sqft 96000
e Equipments feeding trough buckets etc 2000
f Cost of 100 does@ 1500/doe 150000
g Cost of 3 bucks@2500/buck 10000
h TOTAL CAPITAL COST                                                                  364000


  Working Capital  
a Wages for one  labour @100/day for 1 year 36000
b Cost of insurance 4% of animal cost 7000
c Cost of concentrate feed for 100 does @6.75kg/month/doe  for two months i.e  kg@11/kg 7425
d Cost of concentrate feed for 4 bucks @7.5kg/adult animal for two months @ 11/kg  330
e Cost of concentrate feed for 240 kids@3.75 kg/kid /month i.e  900kg for  one month @11/kg 9900
f Fodder cultivation in 4 acres of land@5000/acre/season 20000
g Misc, expenditure i.e.  vaccine medicine and veterinary aid and electricity 2000
  Contingency 3000
h Total Working Capital                                                                          85655
  TOTAL PROJECT COST                                449655
I Margin money  @15% of project cost 67449
ii Bank loan@85% of project cost





  CASH FLOW Project period (year)

Amount in Rs.

    i ii iii iv v vi
a Wages for  labour @100/day for 1 year 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000
b Cost of insurance 4% of animal cost 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000
c Cost of concentrate feed for buck does and kids 17655 17655 17655 17655 17655 17655
d Fodder cultivation  of land@5000/acre/crop for two crops 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000
e Misc, expenditure i.e.  vaccine medicine and veterinary aid 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
  Total expenditure 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655
1 Sale price of male goats @1400/buck 168000 168000 168000 168000 168000
2 Sale price of female goats @1200/doe 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000
3 Sale price of gunny bag 300 300 500 300 300 500
4 Value of closing stock 100 doe, 4buck, @ average 1200/adult

& 240 kids @ 500/kid

5 Value of shed

(10% depreciation/year

6 Value of equipment  15000

(20% depreciation /year)

7 Total 300 312300 312500 312300 312300 538100
89 Gross profit -102355 209645 209845 209645 209645 435445


Calculation of BCR and IRR
  1 2 3 4 5 6
Capital Costs 364000          
Recurring Cost 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655
Total Costs 466655 102655 102655 102655 102655 102655
Benefit 300 312300 312500 312300 312300 538100
Net Benefit -466355 209645 209845 209645 209645 435445


PW Costs @ 15% 705017.81
PW Benefits @ 15% 910589.60
NPW 205571.79
B.C. Ratio 1.29:1
I.R.R. (%) 29.24


Repayment schedule
Year Loan Outstanding Gross Surplus Interest Principal Total Repayment Surplus
1 382200 300 45864   300
2 428064 209645 51367 58864 110231 99414
3 370000 209645 44400 70000 114400 95245
4 300000 209645 36000 80000 116000 93645
5 220000 209645 26400 100000 126400 83245
6 120000 435445 14400 120000 134400 301045
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READ MORE :  Project Report for (500 + 25 ) Goats Breeder unit under Entreprenuership Development Program of NLM