(Sister Concern of the Pashudhan praharee & LITD)
Regd. No. : JHAHIN/2012/46453, Mobile-7004042177, 0657-2343642,
Address: 112,A, Yuvraj Enclave, 2nd Floor, Dimna Road, Mango, Jamshedpur-12, Jharkhand,India


Organizational Profile:


LIVESTOCK BUSINESS CONSULTANCY SERVICES is a 07-year-old development consulting sister organization of Pashudhan Praharee. This organization is powered & backed by LIVESTOCK INSTITUTE OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT (LITD) , A registered organization having more than 100 veterinary professionals Pan India.The organization helps to conduct studies and implement development projects linked to animal health care, animal welfare, livestock development, food safety, and public health. We are trying to address the development management related challenges in the field of veterinary service delivery and livestock development through multi-disciplinary team building. Our research and development activities related to veterinary service and livestock sector development acknowledge transdisciplinarity as an approach and aims at aptly integrating veterinary science with social science for sustainable development. The network, experiences, and goodwill of our organization have helped us position ourselves as a credible and emerging resource point for outsourcing animal health, welfare, livestock development, and public health-related action research and development activities. With immense domain expertise, we are offering our patrons Livestock Consultancy services. The services provided by us are planned and implemented under the surveillance of our dexterous team of professionals. They are very well aware of market demand and accordingly provide these services to our prestigious clients.

We take pride in offering independent, expert advice on all areas of animal
health,livestock management and ruminant nutrition. Whether you have a problem that needs fixing or simply wish to improve your productivity and profitability of livestock enterprise, we can help. Our goal is to help you grow your business, improve operations and increase returns by providing up-to-date, informed independent advice based on a deep understanding of farm operations.

READ MORE :  Consultancy Services in Animal Science in India

Our Services

We are certified service provider engaged in rendering top-notch quality services. The livestock farm consultancy services are executed on time under the superlative vision of professionals. It is flexibility, effectiveness and prompts delivery of our range that has increased its demand in national  markets.

Services offered by Livestock Business Consultancy Services:


• Management of Veterinary Service Delivery

• Animal Disease Risk Management and Food Safety

• Livestock Value Chain Analysis
• Enterprise, Cluster, and Skill development:
• Knowledge Management
• Monitoring and Evaluation of projects

• Enterprise appraisal
• Group facilitation
• Talks, lectures and presentations
• Articles, booklets and reports

•Techno-economic feasibility studies and potential surveys
•Detailed project formulation
• Techno-economic appraisal of projects for bank financing, Debt restructuring
•Micro-developmental planning, Investment surveys
•Turn around strategy for banks and restructuring of developmental institutions
•Conceptualization, design and implementation of developmental programmes / projects
•Monitoring and Evaluation of the developmental projects and investments
•Innovative livestock farmer’s Exposure Visits
•Capacity building and human resource development in Livestock sector
•Conduct Sectoral studies and identification of potentials and perspective plans.
•Legislative drafting, model laws, documentation of agreements / contracts in development banking and service matters etc.

• Techno-financial appraisal of livestock farming projects
• Techno-financial appraisal of livestock product processing projects
• Concurrent evaluation of Govt. Programms
• Impact evaluation studies of livestock development projects
• Formulation of livestock farm projects
• Formulation of livestock product processing projects
• Formulation of Innovative Projects in livestock sector, like production of SPF eggs, Animal Health Products, Animal Vaccine Units, Feed Plants, Slaughter Houses,


• Integrated Poultry & Piggery Projects, etc.

•Infrastructural projects like veterinary institutions, Vaccine production center

•Capacity building to the Technical & sales team of the corporate engaged in Livestock business

•Skill development of the sales & marketing team of corporate

•Product promotion & Product  Launch of Livestock based corporate

•Products trial ,efficacy report, market survey of Livestock based pharmaceutical as per standard norms & protocols

•Livestock based NGO’s  consultancy ,preparation of bylaws, registration of NGOs, Documentation of NGOs. FASSAI’s documentation related to livestock products.

•Preparation of success story / Documentary for company’s profile

• Need based economical feed formulation for Dairy, Poultry ( Broiler & Layers), Goatery,Piggery etc

•Preparation of company’s product literature, Folder, Website , web portal creation

•Event management for corporate sales & marketing meetings, exhibition

•Brand promotion, copy right, company’s legal documentation

•CSR based activity coordination & execution

•Phyto sanitary documentation, Export documentation for livestock based products

•Documentations, Liaison  for livestock Insurance, Transit documentation for export & Import.

•Arrangement of meeting with livestock farmers, companies, vets, Para vets, livestock stakeholder pan India

•Publication of company’s  field trial report in the reputed magazine, journal, web portal.

•Third party manufacturing of livestock based feed supplement, medicine, Branding, Trade mark registration documentation

•Execution & Implementation of company’s HR & CSR activities including Award, Scholarship etc

•Over all need based technical consultancy to livestock based enterprises Pan India.

Quality Assurance

We are quality driven organization, hence committed in rendering top notch quality services like Consultancy Service to start livestock farm and Husbandry, Breeding, Feeding. The services are executed under the vigilant eye of quality inspectors. They monitor the entire stage of planning and implementation of the services. Their untiring efforts have won us the confidence and regular orders of the client. The parameters on which our services are tested are mentioned below:


• Timely execution
• Flexibility
• Effectiveness

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