20th Livestock Census – 2019: Key Highlights


20th Livestock Census – 2019: Key Highlights

India’s livestock population increased to 535.78 million, with the number of cows rising 18 per cent to 145.12 million as compared to 2012, according to latest census.


Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying has released the 20th Livestock Census report today.The Census will prove beneficial not just for policy makers but also for agriculturists, traders, entrepreneurs, dairying industry and masses in general. This release provides some key results reflecting the aggregate counts of various species as well as its comparison with previous census.

The following are the key results of the 20th Livestock Census:

  1. The total Livestock population is 535.78 million in the country showing an increase of 4.6% over Livestock Census-2012
  1. Total Bovine population (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun and Yak) is 302.79 Million in 2019 which shows an increase of about 1% over the previous census.
  1. The total number of cattle in the country in 2019 is 192.49 million showing an increase of 0.8 % over previous Census.
  1. The Female Cattle (Cows population) is 145.12 million, increased by 18.0% over the previous census (2012).
  1. The Exotic/Crossbred and Indigenous/Non-descript Cattle population in the country is 50.42 million and 142.11 million respectively.
  1. The Indigenous/Non-descript female cattle population has increased by 10% in 2019 as compared to previous census.
  1. The population of the total Exotic/Crossbred Cattle has increased by 26.9 % in 2019 as compared to previous census.
  1. There is a decline of 6 % in the total Indigenous/ Non-descript cattle population over the previous census. However, the pace of decline of Indigenous/ Non-descript cattle population during 2012-2019 is much lesser than as compared to the 2007-12 which was about 9%.
  1. The total buffaloes in the country is 109.85 million showing an increase of about 1.0% over previous Census.
  1. The total milch animals (in-milk and dry) in cows and buffaloes is 125.34 million, an increase of 6.0 % over the previous census.
  1. The total sheep in the country is 74.26 million in 2019, increased by 14.1% over previous Census.
  1. The Goat population in the country in 2019 is 148.88 million showing an increase of 10.1% over the previous census.
  1. The total Pigs in the country is 9.06 Million in the current Census, declined by 12.03% over the previous Census.
  1. The other livestock including mithun, yak, horses, ponies, mule, donkeys, camel together contribute around 0.23% of the total livestock and their total count is               1.24 million.
  1. The total poultry in the country is 851.81 million in 2019, registered an increase of 16.8% in the total poultry.
  1. The total birds in the backyard poultry in the country is 317.07 million. The backyard poultry has increased by around 46% as compared to previous Census.
  1. The total Commercial Poultry in the country is 534.74 million in 2019, increased by 4.5% over previous Census.

(N.B: For Delhi, 19th livestock census figures are used)

The Livestock Census has been conducted in the country periodically since 1919-20. The Livestock Census covers all domesticated animals and its headcounts. So far 19 such censuses have been conducted in participation with State Governments and UT Administrations. The 20th Livestock Census was conducted in participation with all States and Union Territories. The enumeration was done both in rural and urban areas. Various species of animals (Cattle, Buffalo, Mithun, Yak, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Horse, Pony, Mule, Donkey Camel, Dog, Rabbit and Elephant)/poultry birds (Fowl, Duck, Emu, Turkeys, Quail and other poultry birds) possessed by the households, household enterprises/non-household enterprises and institutions have been counted at their site.


The major thrust given to 20th Livestock Census is the collection of data through tablets computers. The 20th livestock census is indeed a unique attempt as for the first time such a major initiative has been take to digitise household level data through online transmission from the field.  National Informatics Centre (NIC) has developed a mobile Application software and was used for data collection as well as online transmission of data from the field to the NIC server. Since India is a vast country endowed with huge wealth of livestock, it is really a challenge to collect data in an online platform especially with breed-wise and age–structure composition. Crossing these challenges, data of more than 27 Crores of households and non-households have been collected in the 20th Livestock Census to assess and arrive at the livestock and poultry count in the country.

In this whole Census operations, The State/UT Governments engaged more than 80000 field personnel who are mostly veterinarians and para-veterinarians for the smooth conduct of 20th Livestock Census. Training was an important component of the Census as for the first time the field staff were required to operate tablet computers for such massive Census Operation. Training was conducted at various levels starting from “All India Training Workshop for Trainers” at Delhi, followed by State, District level training.  Apart   from training, Training Manual, Tutorial video, online e-learning classes etc. have been arranged.



  • The Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying released the results of the latest livestock census, which provides headcount data of domesticated animals in the country.

Livestock Census

  • Under the livestock census, various species of animals possessed by households, household enterprises or non-household enterprises and institutions are counted at site — both in rural and urban areas.
  • In other words, it covers all domesticated animals in a given period of time.
  • India has been conducting livestock censuses periodically since 1919-20. The last livestock census was conducted in 2012.
  • This is the 20th one, started in October 2018. For the first time data has been collected online through tablet computers.

Which animals and birds are counted in this census?

  • The census tracks the population of various species of domesticated animals such as cattle, buffalo, mithun, yak, sheep, goat, pig, horse, pony, mule, donkey camel, dog, rabbit and elephant and poultry birds (fowl, duck, emu, turkeys, quail and other poultry birds).

What are the population trends for different kinds of cattle?

  • While the overall cattle population has increased by 0.8 per cent between 2012-19, the population of indigenous cattle has come down by 6 per cent — from 151 million to 142.11 million.
  • However, this pace of decline is much slower than the 9 per cent decline between 2007 and 2012.
  • In contrast, the population of the total exotic/crossbred cattle has increased by almost 27 per cent to 50.42 million in 2019.
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How do the data show an eastward shift of cattle, as mentioned earlier?

  • West Bengal has emerged as the state with the largest number of cattle in 2019 followed by Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • In 2012, Uttar Pradesh had the largest number of cattle but this population has come down by almost 4 per cent since.
  • The cattle population is also down in Madhya Pradesh (4.42%), Maharashtra (10.07%) and Odisha (15.01%).
  • States that registered the maximum increases between 2012 and 2019 were West Bengal (15.18%), Bihar (25.18%) and Jharkhand (28.16%).

What are the implications of the decline in the numbers of indigenous cattle?

  • Due to continuous fall in productivity, indigenous breeds of cattle have become liabilities for farmers, forcing them to desert the unproductive cows.
  • Farmers find other animals such as buffaloes, goats and sheep much more productive.
  • Unlike cows, if these animals become unproductive, they can be sold and slaughtered for further processing.
  • Experts believe this could have long term health and environmental impacts because the milk of indigenous breed has higher nutritional value than that of crossbreeds.
  • Moreover, there is a danger of losing these indigenous breeds, which have been developed and sustained by generations from time immemorial.


About the census

  • First livestock census in India was conducted as Dairy Cattle Census in 1919.
  • First Livestock Census released by newly created Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying.
  • The 20th Livestock Census was launched during the month of October, 2018.
  • 80,000 field staff including para-veterinarians and veterinarians were deployed for smooth conduct of 20th Livestock Census.
  • The 20th Livestock Census was carried out in about 6 lakh villages and 89 thousand urban wards across the country covering more than 27 crores of households and non-Households.

What’s new compared to previous censuses?

  • 20th Livestock Census was designed to capture breed-wise number of animals and poultry birds.
  • For the first time, livestock data were collected online in 20th Livestock Census using digital means.
  • Advanced technology was adopted to collect data through tablet computers. A special android app (named ‘20th Livestock Census’) was developed for the purpose with two step validation process, one by the enumerator and other by the supervisor.
  • Training was conducted at various levels for operating tablet computers and mobile apps starting from “All India Training Workshop for Trainers” at Delhi, followed by State, District level trainings.


Key Highlights

Livestock Population

Category Population (In million) 2012 Population (In million) 2019 Percent growth
Cattle 190.90 192.49 0.83
Buffalo 108.70 109.85 1.06
Sheep 65.07 74.26 14.13
Goat 135.17 148.88 10.14
Pig 10.29 9.06 -12.03
Mithun 0.30 0.38 26.66
Yak 0.08 0.06 -25.00
Horses & Ponies 0.63 0.34 -45.58
Mule 0.20 0.08 -57.09
Donkey 0.32 0.12 -61.23
Camel 0.40 0.25 -37.05
Total Livestock 512.06 535.78 4.63
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The table highlights that the population of pigs, yak, horses and ponies, mules, donkeys and camels have declined as compared to previous census.

Poultry Population

Category Population (In million) 2012 Population (In million) 2019 Percent growth
Backyard poultry 217.49 317.07 45.78
Commercial Poultry 511.72 534.74 4.50
Total Poultry 729.21 851.81 16.81

As far as poultry is concerned, a phenomenal growth rate of 45.78 percent is noticed for backyard poultry.

Outlook on gross figures

Category Population (in million) Percent growth (compared to 2012 census)
Total livestock population 535.78 4.60
Total poultry population 851.81 16.81
Total bovine (cattle, buffalo, mithun and yak) population 302.79 1.00
Total cattle population 192.49 0.80
Total female cattle (cows) 145.12 18.00
Exotic/cross-bred cattle population 50.42 26.90
Indigenous/non-descript cattle 142.11 -6.00
Total buffalo population 109.85 1.00
Total milch animals (in-milk and dry) 125.34 6.00
Total sheep population 74.26 14.10
Total goat population 148.88 10.10
Total pig population 9.06 -12.03
Total mithun population 0.39 26.66
Total yak population 0.06 -25.00
Total horses and ponies population 0.34 -45.58
Total mules population 0.08 -57.09
Total donkey population 0.12 -61.23
Total camel population 0.25 -37.05
Total backyard poultry 317.07 45.80
Total commercial poultry 534.74 4.50

Percentage Distribution of Total Livestock

Species Percentage (%)
Cattle 35.94
Buffalo 20.45
Sheep 13.87
Goat 27.80
Pigs 1.69
Others 0.23

As compared to previous census (2012), the percentage share of sheep and goat population has increased whereas the percentage share of cattle, buffalo and pig population has marginally declined.

Leading States in India for Livestock Population

Feature Population (in million) State
Largest livestock population 67.8 Uttar Pradesh
Second largest livestock population 56.8 Rajasthan
Largest poultry population 120.8 Tamil Nadu
Second largest poultry population 107.9 Andhra Pradesh
Largest cattle population 19.0 West Bengal
Second largest cattle population 18.8 Uttar Pradesh
Largest buffalo population 33.0 Uttar Pradesh
Second largest buffalo population 13.7 Rajasthan
Largest sheep population 19.1 Telangana
Second largest sheep population 17.6 Andhra Pradesh
Largest goat population 20.84 Rajasthan
Second largest goat population 16.28 West Bengal
Largest pig population 2.10 Assam
Second largest pig population 1.28 Jharkhand
Largest camel population 0.21 Rajasthan
Second largest camel population 0.02 Gujarat
Largest horse and pony population 0.07 Uttar Pradesh
Second largest horse and pony population 0.06 Jammu & Kashmir
Largest mule population 0.026 Uttarakhand
Second largest mule population 0.020 Himachal Pradesh
Largest donkey population 0.023 Rajasthan
Second largest donkey population 0.018 Maharashtra
Largest mithun population 0.35 Arunachal Pradesh
Second largest mithun population 0.03 Nagaland
Largest yak population 0.026 Jammu & Kashmir
Second largest yak population 0.024 Arunachal Pradesh


Provisional Key Results 20th Livestock Census. 2019. Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal y & Dairying, Government of India. Accessed October 17, 2019 from website

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