2,700 dairy farms to get notice for pollution


Closure notice issued to 31 farms

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) has sent closure directions to 31 dairy farms in the city for causing water pollution following an NGT order on July 8, officials said. Also, the DPCC has initiated the process of sending show cause notices to around 2,700 dairy farms in the city for not treating the waste generated and causing water pollution.

Inspections conducted

“The closure directions were issued after we conducted inspections in May-June. The 31 dairy farms were also issued fines ranging from ₹2-4 lakh depending on the number of buffaloes it had,” a DPCC official said.

All the 31 farms had over 50 buffaloes and orders have been issued to cut the power and water supply to these dairies. “The SDM concerned will have to seal the farms now. They can open only after paying the fine and making arrangements for waste treatment,” the official added.

Of the 31 farms, ones with 50-75 cattle were issued ₹2 lakh fine, farms with 75-100 cattle issued ₹3 lakh fine and the ones with over 100 cattle were fined ₹4 lakh.

“The owners should have biogas plants individually or jointly to treat the dung at the farms or come up with some other method to treat it,” the official said.

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