Do you know you can rear chicken with zero outbreak of worm infestation without using synthetic dewormers?

Chicken is the largest source of animal protein. Protein is very important in human diet; this has developed an unsaturated market for poultry production. Chicken is unarguably a good source of protein but the quality of this protein, indirectly, lies on the manner or mode of their production. The quality of the protein content of a chicken is higher under organic production compared to the conventional ones. This is why chicken raised under household care are more nutritious and safe to consume than the ones raised commercially. They undergo organic practices which include the use of organic chicken dewormers.

Poultry chicken is susceptible to many threats; these threats have huge effects on the productivity of poultry chicken. Parts of these threats are intestinal parasitic worms. Worms are intestinal parasites that disrupt the digestibility of feeds in poultry chickens. Synthetic dewormers are often administered to control worms; synthetic dewormers are popular but there are organic dewormers that can be used to prevent and control the effects of these parasitic worms in chicken. What these intestinal parasitic worms do is to reduce feed utilization in chicken through their destructive actions. Some reside in the gut of the chicken, thereby reducing feed intake; some reside in the intestine of the chicken. Examples are Tapeworm, Gapeworm, Roundworm etc.


Several practices are involves in raising a chicken from a day old to table size or a marketable size. Deworming is one of these practices; it is the act of getting rid of parasitic intestinal worms that tend to reduce the productivity of the chicken. Synthetic dewormers like: Fenbendazale, Flubenvet etc.; are commonly used in the controlling of parasitic intestinal worms. This has several disadvantages; they do have withdrawal periods. During withdrawal period, all the products from the chicken, egg and meat, are unsafe for human consumption, hence, they have to be disposed. This is quite unproductive.

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Unlike synthetic dewormers, organic dewormers are natural materials used in the control of intestinal parasitic worms in chicken. These natural materials are safe for use, they have no withdraw period and are safe for human consumption as they do not have residual effects on chicken and humans upon consumption. They also make the chicken more sumptuous and give it a nice taste. Organic poultry farming is the solution to sustainable poultry production.


Organic dewormers are added to chicken feed as feed additives. They may be in liquid or in solid form. Using organic dewormers is a preventive measure of controlling worms in chicken. Although, they also serve as a curative measure; however, prevention is better than cure and most times the preventive measures are readily available and cheaper as compared to curative measures. These organic dewormers are added to the chicken’s feed or drinking water; they make the chicken’s digestive system uncomfortable for the worms to reside.

They are:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Add 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to each Gallon of water for the chicken. It helps maintain an acidic environment in the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken, thus, creating an unfavorable environment for worms, hence, keeping the worms off your chicken.

2. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth with chicken feed:

These fossil remnants make worm uncomfortable and fight against all types of worms. Mix about 2% in the chicken feed and serve your chicken.

3. Plain yogurt with live and active cultures:

Giving the birds yogurt helps to maintain good health and adds to the normal bacteria living in the guts; this makes the guts an unfavorable environment for the worms. It also improves the gastrointestinal health and also a great source of calcium and protein.


4. Raw pumpkin seeds:

Ground raw hulled pumpkin seeds have a coating on the seeds that paralyzes the worm; this coating has a chemical called cucurbitacin. It controls only tapeworm and round worm.

5. Vitamins and electrolytes with probiotics:

Add in water about once a week in the summer and daily in winter. Coconut water is an example of electrolytes; it is also good during heat stress

6. Garlic:

This is a potent spice that caters for the health of the gastrointestinal tract and boosts immunity. Grind some cloves of garlic to fine particles and add to the feed.

These are organic materials that can be locally sourced. Any of these organic dewormers can be used to control worms in poultry chicken. They are nontoxic and can be used without limitation. Aside from their deworming property, they are also rich sources of minerals and vitamins for poultry chicken. Cost-wise, they are cheap; hence, reducing the cost of production and greatly improving the health status of the chicken.


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