Dr. Surjit Singh Makker

Internationaly Acclaimed Veterinary Homeopathic Physician,

Consultant and Independent Researcher


Reproductive Disorders are classified under the following sub-heads
1. Anoestrum
2. Organic Disease and disorders
A. Ovarian diseases
B. Cystic Ovarian Disease
C. Persistent Corpus Luteum
D. Salphingitis
E. Endometritis
F. Pyometra
G. Mucometra
H. Physometra
I. Cervicitis
J. Vaginitis
K. Retention of foetal membranes
L. Prolapse of uterus and vagina
M. Abortion
N. Embryonic deaths
O. Disorders in Oestrous
P. Repeat Breeding
R. Parturition
Indicates lack of oestrous expression at an expected time. Anoestrum may be i) Pubertal, ii) Post service and iii) Post Partum.
With good nutritional management, cross-bred heifers attain their pubertal weight between 8 to 13 months. Failure of oestrous expression beyond this age is pubertal anoestrum.
Etiology :
1. Congenital condition like free martinism, white heifer disease, aplastic and hypoplastic gonads,
2. Low intra uterine index, lower birth weights and growth pattern associated with malnutrition and general health conditions
3. Any debilitating diseases : Foot and mouth, Bovine viral diarrhoea, Fasciolosis cause ovaritis and ovarian atrophy
4. Summer stress
Treatment :
1. Remove the cause.
2. Check the feed and feeding practices.
3. To improve the general and ovarian nutrition the following combination may be adopted.
Ferrum phos 6x
Lecithin 3x Made upto 100 ml with
Alfaalfa 6x vimerol 5 ml B.I.D
Five. phos 6x aa 3 ml 10 – 12 days
4. For inactive, smooth, rudimentary and infantile genitalia, try the following
a) Folliculum 1 M one dose on the 1st day
b) Lycopodium 1 M or Pulsatilla 1M may be given on the 2nd day to improve ovarian activity.
c) Iodum 30 : given on every alternate day orally, as a single dose and observe the ovarian activity and tone of uterus, rectally.
Among heifers and calved animals mainly due to
1. Persistant corpus luteum due to functional reasons
2. Persistant corpus luteum due to pathological conditions like pyometra
3. Foetal resorption, maceration, mummification.
4. Silent Heat and unobserved heat
5. Nutritional deficiencies.
Treatment :
1. Remove the cause
2. Improve the nutritional status with good feeding and management.
3. Improve the ovarian, uterine and general health with homeopathic combination described earlier.
4. For treatment of infertility, repeat breeding, uterine diseases to induce and regulate ovulatory estrous, adopt the following formula.
Alteris farinosa 30
Aurum muraticum 30
Calc. Phos 30 aa 3ml
Pulsatilla 30
Phosphorus 30
Sepia 30
Dose : Made upto 120ml vim 2-5 ml B.I.D / 25 days afterwords
repeat twice a week,till occurance of regular cycle
III) POST PARTUM ANOESTRUM : Period of aoestrum after parturition.
It is influenced mostly by 1) Physiological , 2) Pathological,
3) Nutritional factors.
1) Physiological Factors :
Ovarian cyclicity resumes as the uterus involutes, usually as early as 9 to 15 days post partum. Lactation, suckling and high production longer anoestrous. Scientists have demonstrated that maternal behavior of cows respond to even visual, auditory and olfactory signals, from their calves and even from other calves, in the premises which are sufficient, to prolong post partum ovarian activity.
2) Pathological Factors :
i) Organic Diseases : Primary uterine diseases, retention of placenta, metritis, twining, delayed uterine involution.
ii) Luteal cysts
iii) Secondary systemic diseases. Foot and mouth, theileriasis, diseases that displace the abomasum, hampering feed in take, and chronic stress. The disease, stress and less in take of feed will influence greatly the disease resistance and metabolic profile, leading to reproductive disorders and inordinate infertility.
low score leads to lower L.H. pulse frequency, affecting the gonadal
activity. Gynocologists reported that the preparturient nutritional status of the animal determines its post partum ovarian cyclicity. Animals following calving during 120 days, have a tendency to run in to negative energy balance, affecting restoration of positive feed back and lead to post partum anoestrous condition.
Treatment :
1. Weaning the calves to reduce the post partum anoestrous.
2. Good management and aseptic precautions at the time of calving,
prevents diseases and promotes early involution.
3. Correct the energy in balance and improve nutritional status.
4. Sepia 200 or 1M :
As a general uterine remedy for regulating the activity of the genital tract. This remedy can be tried when there is history of post portum prolapse of uterine and creamy or milky white discharge from vagina.
5. Pulsatilla 200 or 1M : It has good action on ovaries, and uterus. It
corrects the ovarian dysfunction and when the uterine discharge is bland and yellow or white in nature.
6. Iodum 30 or 200 : This is indicated when the ovaries are inactive.
Small and atrophied.
7. Homeopathic Combination :
Adopt the treatment as described under treatment 4 mentioned in post service anoestrum.
i) Hypoplasia of ovaries :
The ovary look like broken match stick, in total hypoplasia. When as in partial hypoplasia the external hole of the ovary may look normal round while the internal pole like flattened cone. It is due to hereditary cause.
ii) Dermoid Cyst :
The ovaries will be rock hard, very large and smooth, if dentergerous structures are involved. Or the ovaries may be smooth and moderately soft. It is unilateral or bilateral.
iii) Haemotoma of ovary :
Due to the rough handling of ovary by clinician when enucleating the C.L..
iv) Abcess of ovaries :
Infection through the blood circulation may cause abscess of the ovaries.
Treatment :
1. Sepia 200 : It has a tonic effect on the ovaries
Dose : one dose daily for 7 days
2. Pulsatilla 200 : It correct the ovarian and checks the abnormal vaginal discharge
Dose : 1 dose per day for 2 days per week till improvement.
3. Platina 30 : this remedy has a profound action on ovaries.
Dose :1 dose daily for a week
4. Arnica 200 : When hematoma is suspected after enuclation of CL
Dose : B.I.D. for 2 days
5. Apis mel 30 : this remedy dissolves the cysts on the right side.
Dose : 2 doses per day per week till dissolution
6. Murex Purpurea 30 : It regulats oestruts and control the nymphomania
Dose : 1 dose per day per week for 3 weeks
7. Colocynths 30 : Indicated in multiple cysts.
Dose : 1 dose BID / 1 week
8. Palladium 6 : It indicated if right ovary is affected.
9. Lachesis 200 : 1 dose daily per week till improvement. If accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge.
10 Iodium 30 : ovaries, small, hard and shrivel
Dose : One dose daily for week
Is due to presence of persistent ( more than 7 days ) large fluid filled
structures (more than 2.5 cm in diameter ) on one or both ovaries , at more than 40 days post partum , accompanied by abnormal oestrus behavior (Irregular oestrus Intervals, anoestrus , nymphomania – Intense and/or frequent sexual desire ) In chronic cases. Pelvic ligament relaxation (i.e. prominent tail head ) masculine features like crested neck and voice change.
Cystic Ovaries are of 3 types they are
1. Follicular cyst or cystic follicle, may be single or multiple
2. Luteal cyst may be 1 to 3 with or with out corpus luteum
3. Lutenised cyst or cystic corpus luteum.
Etiology :
1. Heriditory origin, 2) Nutritional Factors – B.Carotene Deficiency and phytoestrogen 3) stress – the incidence of cystic ovarian disease is maximal in high yielding cattle – 5 to 6 years old and 30 -45 days post partun. 4) Post Partun Problems like retention of placenta, milk fever, endometritis, 5) Endotoxins, 6) Iodine deficient soils and in plasma.
No. Character Follicular Cyst Luteal cyst Cystic CL
1. Oedema of Vulval
lips Mostly notices Normal Normal
2. Sacro Sciatic
ligments relaxation
(by rectal exan) Highly relaxed Relaxed or normal Relaxed or
3. Shape of cyst Smooth Smooth CL with
elevated crown,
sometimes CL
4. Thickness of cyst
wall Thin, more flexible Thick, less flexible Thicker, not
flexible easily
5. Yielding to
pressure Yields Usually dose not
yield Does not yield
to pressure
6. Size (a) Cattle (b)
Buffaloes a) Above 1.5 cm
b) Above 0.5 cm 1) Above 1.5 cm
2) Above 0.5 cm 1) Above 1.5 cm
2) Above 0.5 cm
7. Number 1 to many One, some times 2-
3 in both ovaries Mostly one
8. Buller symptoms Seen Absent Absent
9. Conversion of cyst Early lactation –
spontaneous recovery, follicular to luteal Early lactation
spontaneous recovery Spontaeous
recovery may be associated with embryonic death
Treatment :
1. Thyroidum 30 + Aurum iodide 200 single dose on 1st day orally.
2. Apocynum 30 + Nat. sulph 200 + Murex pur 30
Dose :BID for 1 week from 2nd day on words
3. On 8th day, alternated with Aur. Iodinum 200, Thyroidinum 30
4. Homeopathic Combination :
a) If the cystic ovary is on the right side, on 1st day Folliculum 1M
orally on 2nd day Apis mel 200 1 dose orally. Observe, the size
consistency, shape of the cysts rectally.
b) If the cyst is on the left side, on the 1st day Folliculum 1M one dose orally, followed by Lachesis 1M, on the 2nd day 1dose orally, observe On the 3rd day for ovarain changes.
c) If the cyst are bilateral, on 1st day Folliculum 1M one dose orally, on 2nd day Lycopodium 1M one dose orally and on 3rd day Lachesis 1M one dose orally. Observe rectally for ovarian changes
Treatment for Luteal cyst:
1. Aur iodium 200
Thyrodinum 30
Dose : T.I.D. for one week, followed with
2. Aur mur N.N. 30
Dose : T.I.D. for 3 days, followed by
3. Aur Iodium 200
Thyroidum 30
Dose : T.I.D for one week, observe rectally for regression of luteal cyst.
This is a condition, in which, functioning corpus luteum is persistent in the absence of pregnancy. It is usually associated with uterine changes, either pyometritis or endometric or hyperplasia.
Treatment :
1. Folliculinum 6 : The follicular hormone potentised, has been found useful in bringing about resolution.
Dose : One dose daily for five days, once in a week for three weeks.
2. Pulsatilla 30 : Its action is on ovarian tissues, thus it help to restore normal ovary function.
Dose : One dose daily for five days.
2. Sepia 200 : It regularises the activity of genital tract and aids other remedies to act.
Dose : Single dose.
4. Thuja 6: It has main action on the left ovary, hence should be used when there is an evidence of abdominal pain along the left flank.
Dose : One dose twice daily for one week.
It is the inflammation of fallopian tube. The infection generally enters the fallopian tube from uterus. Pyogenic salphingitis may lead to sterility.
Treatment :
1. Hepar sulph 30 : When there is offensive vaginal discharge.
Dose : B.I.D for a week
2. Apis mel 30 : Edema and inflammation of genital tract and fallopian tube.
Dose : B.I.D for 3 to 4 days
3. Merc cor 200 : When inflammation of fallopian tube with bloody
discharge from vagina
Dose : B.I.D for 2 to 3 days
4. Collinasia 30 : Inflammation and iteching of genitalie
Dose : B.I.D for a week
5. Thuja 10 M : vagina very sensitive greenish vaginal discharge. With warts  on vagina. Inflammation of left ovary.
Dose : One dose per day for 2 days
6. Bryonia 200 : Inflammation of right ovary, salphinx very sensitive to touch animal disinclines to move
Dose : Q.I.D. for 4 days
when there is a block of fallopian tube on 1st day oophorinum
200 or Folliculinum 200 or Thyroidinum 200 one dose orally is given.
Dose: On 2nd day Thuja 10 M or 50 M, 1 dose orally.
The above line of treatment has to be repeated 2 to 3 oestrous cycles continuously and inseminate.
It is the inflammation of uterus. It may result from infections from vagina or from urinary tract. And may also be due to systemic diseases like Brucella, Vibriosis, Anthrax, Hamorrhagic Septicaemia, Trichomoniasis etc. Endometritis may result from a) Retained Placenta, b) Vit – A and Selenium deficiencies, c) Delayed involution, d) Genital tract trauma due to dystokia and removal of placenta, e) Abortion.
The endometritis may be further studied under 2 heads. They are 1) Acute Endometritis and 2) Subacute or Chronic endometritis,
Endometritis occurring less than 14 days after parturition, with a large quantum of foetid, reddish brown, Watery, Uterine exudate and a thin uterine wall or a limited quantum of Purulent uterine exudate and a thick uterine wall. If the condition is accompanied by systemic illness, the condition can be termed as toxic endometritis .
Treatment :
1. Ferrum Phos 6 x : When the discharge is blood with foul smell.
Dose : 5 pills every 4 hrs for one week .
2. Pyroginum 200 or Anthracinum 200 : When the discharge is foetid, bloody and pyrexia
Dose : B.I.D 2 to 3 days
3. Hydrastis 200 : With pyroginum 200 or Anthracinum 200. When the purulent discharge with febrile condition.
Dose :B.I.D for 2 to 5 days
4. Kreosotum 200 : When the discharge is purulent and acrid, edema of vulva
Dose : B.I.D till improvement.
Endometritis occurring more than 14 days of Post partun with Muco Purulent discharge.
Treatment : Adopt as in the case of acute endometritis depending upon the symptoms
Endometritis with a large amount of purulent fluid in the uterus and a persistent corpus luteum, occurring from 3 to 4 weeks after parturition.
Treatment :
1. Folliculinum 1M on the 1st day orally.
2. If the cyst is on right side Apis. mel 200 or 1M orally on 2nd day. If the CL is on Left Side Lachesis 200 or 1 M on 2nd day.
3. On 3rd day, observe for ovarian changes for size, consistency, regression of P.C.L.
4. Adopt the treatment of endometritis till the uterus is free from infection based on symptoms.
Uterus filled with mucus and with luteal cyst with or without presence of corpus leutium
Treatment : As in Pyometra
Is the emission of flatus or gas from vagina. During the insemination the insemenator may observe rectally the vagina as gas filled balloon and when palpated and pressed, there may be emission of flatus from vagina. Unless this gas is deflated, it is not possible to hold the vagina and conduct insemination. This condition may cause repeat breeding.
Treatment : Bromine 200 + Lycopodium 200, One dose every week for 4 to 7 weeks.
By vaginal examination with a speculum, the cervical annual folds or ridges will be protruding out of the external os, depending on the degree of cervicitis. First degree of cervicitis is difficult to identify rectally, needs speculum examination, second and third degree cervicitis can be identified rectally.
Treatment : 1. Calendula Ointment is applied through the speculum over the cervix.
2. Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 200 + Iodium 200
1 dose BID per week for 2 to 7 weeks till improvement.
In heifers vaginitis is quite common following natural service. In adult cows vaginitis may occur due to infection from the environment. There are two types of Vaginitis 1) Vesicular Vaginitis, 2) Granular Vaginitis,
i) Vesicular Vaginitis :
Is a conditopn in which vesicles are formed on the mucus membrane of the vulva and the vagina. The infection is spread by Coitus. The causative organism is demonstrated as virus.
Symptoms : 1. Staring
2. Frequent Micturition
3. Stamping of Feet
4. Switching of the tail
5. Soiling of the tail and vulval region with whitish vaginal discharge.
6. Vesicles on the vagina
Treatment :
1. Arsenic Alb 30: When there is straining, burning micturition and
reddening of vulval mucosa.
Dose : B.I.D for 7 days
2. Sulphur 200 : As intercurrent remedy, burning micturition, reddening of vulval mucosa and if Arsenic fails.
Dose :B.I.D for 2 days
3. Acid Nitricum 30 : Vaginal mucus membrane with ulcers , animal is weak
Dose :B.I.D 2- 4 days
4. Cantharis 30 : Frequent urination with straining and reddened mucus membrane
Dose :B.I.D for 2 to 3 days
5. Merc Cor 200 : When there is bloody discharge and ulcers on vaginal mucus membrane.
Externally the vagina is cleaned with calendula lotion and applied calendula + Echinacea ointment.
ii) Granular Vaginitis :
When there is lymphoid nodules are present on the vagina and vulva. It is common in heifers than in cows and mucus membrane is inflammed.
Treatment :
1. Calc Flour 6x : It softens nodules and helps in resolution.
Dose : 5 to 10 pills B.I.D for 7- 10 days
2. Thuja Occidentalis 30 : it is indicated when nodules and warts are on the vulva. and vagina and when there is greenish
3. Ant Crude 30 : When the discharge is watery, tenderness in ovarian region
Dose : B.I.D for 2 to 4 days
Externally calendula ointment is applied on the nodules and granules
In cattle, the foetal membranes physiologically expelled within 12 to 24 hrs after parturition. Retention of full or a part of placenta for longer periods may be primarily (Uterine atomy) following abnormal deliveries, Bruceliosis (20 to 50 %) abortion or secondary to infections, metabolic diseases, mastitis, allergies, nutritional deficiencies (Carotine, Vit- E, Selenium, Calcium,
Phosphorus ) feeding by-products (Citrus pulp, Whey and cotton seed ) Toxins (Urea Feeding More than 290 G daily ) hormonal imbalances ( more than 17 B oestriodiol and progesterone concentrations) hereditory and immunological factors.
Symptoms :
1. Hygiene at Calving
2. Adequate Nutrition
3. Control and prevention of disease
4. Manual removal of Placenta : can cause uterine trauma and can delay return to normal reproductive status. In retention of foetal membranes , complicated by septic metritis ( manifested by anorexia, Depression and fever) manual removal is not advised, since the uterus is friable, there is every possibility of trauma, bleeding, shock and death and the obstetrician may get contact dermatitis or infection, if he does not handle the cow with
proper protection to the hands, so it appears very wise to allow the placenta to drop of its own accord and remove gently from the uterus 7 to 10 days after parturition so as to prevent endometritis
Treatment :
In one research study, made at, Tiruvanathapuram Milk Union, it was observed that Pyroginum 200 was given for 15 days to shed retained membranes with out manual removal, no casuality or illness or bad effects were noticed, If the membranes are partially or fully retained, pyroginum 200 + Pulsatilla 200 Q.I.D for 2 -3 days would be sufficient to expel, the membranes
Aconite 30 : Soon after calving Aconite 30 at intervals of 15 mts, 4 times will generally expel the placenta in normal parturition.
Arnica 200 : One dose, after administration of 3 doses of Aconite 30, in cases of suspected retention of placenta, and give Pulsatilla 200,
Dose : 2 doses at interval of 30 mts.
Secale Cor 30 : If Pulsatilla dose not give any help, if the discharges are foetied and bloody, give Secale cor 30, at interval of 10 mts, till
membranes are expelled.
Sepia 1M : If parturition, occurred in winter and the cow had stairy coat, Dose : give one dose of Sepia. 1M
Homeopathic Combination :
Sepia 200
Sebina 200
Secale car 200
Cantharis 200
Caulophylum 200
Pyroginum 200
Dose : 10 pills every hr for 5 hrs along with gossypium Q, after 5th dose repeat every 3 hrs, till placenta falls .Externally clean vulva and vagina with calendula lotion and apply Calendula + Echinacea ointment.
There are two types i) Prepartum and ii) post partum displacement.
i) Prepartum Prolapse:
This is common gynecological problem occurring, in certain pluriparous cows and buffaloes with high milk yield. The pre-partum prolapse in gravid uterns may be due to
1. Excessive secretion of oestron, causing relaxation of sacro-sciatic
ligament and increased tonocity of uterus, 2) increased intra-abdominal pressure. Pregnant cattle when standing the prolapsed parts disappear and when recumbent reappear. 3) Heredity, 4) Infection of genitalia and consequent irritation 5) feed and management- feeding excess green leaves containing
estrogens. 6) Low calcium level in feed, 7) Afla toxins and 8) irritation of vagina due to sun , wind and dung.
Treatment : 1. Correct the feeding Practices
2. Provide oral calcium.
3. Avoid fungus infested feeds.
4. Resting the pregnant animals in elevated plane of land such that front portion is 6 inches sloper than rear portion, so that the prolapsed part is reduced by gravitation.
5. Sepia 12 or 30 : B.I.D for one week, till the symptoms subside.
6. Sepia 200 : one dose orally and follow Calc. phos 6x + Calc. flor 6x+ Calc. carb 30. 5 pills of above combination B.I.D daily, till
prolapse disappears
ii) Post Partum Prolapse :
Etiology : 1. Dystokia and consequent endometritis and irritation.
2. Feeding phytoestrogen rich green grass – Sesbania leaves and
3. Calcium deficiency
4. Coliky pains
Treatment :
1. If the animal is brought immediately, soon after the appearance of prolapsed mass, clean the part with calendula lotion, and push it gently in side the vagina. If necessary apply retention sutures.
2. Podophylum 200 + Sepia 200 : Either alone or in combination 3 times a day, till relief.
3. Helonias Q : 5 drops, in a cup of water, every 30 mts, till relief either alone are along with treatment 2
Is the expulsion before full term of a conceptus which is incapable of independent life. In other words foetus discharged from day 42 till about 260 is generally called abortion.
Etiology :
1. Genetic Chromosomal abnormality, 2) Nutritional – deficiency of
Iodine, Carotene, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Protein, 3) High Environmental Temperature ( rises foetal temperature ) ,4 ) Toxins : urea more than 290 grm daily, Nitrates, Sodium Iodide, when given I/V more than 50 grm lead toxicity,
5) Plants pinus, oxytrophis , Astragallus, Phytoestrogens, 6) Infections -Brucella, Salmonella, Leptospira, 7) Trauma – Beating, butting by fellow cattle ,
8) Multiple pregnancies, 9) Vaccinations, 10) Inadvertent insemination by in experienced inseminators. 11) Cortico Steroid Therapy, 12) Allergy, 13) Dehydration, 14) Violent exercise – Carting, Ploughing etc.
Treatment : 1. Remove the cause.
2. Avoid heavy exercise, beating, putting the pregnant animal for
ploughing and carting.
3. Good feed and management
A) For habitual abortion
1. Viburnum Opulus : Early abortions with pains
Dose :10 drops Q, B.I.D till relief
2. Helonias Q : Sensation of weakness, prostration, mal position of foetus.
Tendency to prolapse,
Dose :5 to 10 drops Q, in 30ml of water till straining relieved.
3. Mag phos 6x: When pregnant cattle exhibits colicky symptoms,
Dose : 5 to 10 pills in a cup of water till relief.
4. Caulophylum Q or 30 : Paucity of uterine tone, muscular weakness and pains in the joints
Dose :B.I.D till improvement.
5. Sabina 200 : Abortions occurring 3rd month
Dose : One dose every week till relief.
6. Homeopathic Combination :
Calc Phos 30
Alteris farinose 30
Aurum mur 30 aa 2 ml
Sepia 30
Pulsatilla 30
Phosphorus 30
Platina 30
Dose : Made upto 60 ml vimerol 2 -5 ml BID for 15 days for threatened and habitual abortions
B) For threatened Abortion :
1. Aconite 30 : When it is exposed to fright and cold,
Dose :one dose at 30 mts Interval
2. Opium 200 : When animal exposed to shock and fever.
Dose :BID 1 to 3 days
3. Arnica 200 : when abortion threatened by trauma and violence.
Dose : One dose every 4 hrs.
Death occurring from Day of conception to day 42 of gestation which coincide with the end of differentiation. Embryo loss ( 25% major between 8 and 19) in cow, has to be distinguished from fertilization failure. Nearly 85 to 95 % ova are fertilized in normal cows. In repeat breeders, fertilization rate vary from 56 to 72 % embryos lost during the period may be absorbed or aborted, Early embryonic death may be due to .
1. Mal Nutrition.
2. Cytogenic abnormalities (chromosomal oberrations)
3. Immunology ( the dam exposed to sperm and embryonic antigen. There is increased conception rate after heterospermic insemination in cattle)
4. Hormone concentration to singnal luteotrophic effect.
Treatment :
1. Viburnum opulus 30 : one dose weekly for 3 weeks
2. Caullophylum 30 : to improve the uterine tone and muscular tone
One dose for a week for 8 weeks
3. Sepia 200 : one dose per week for 7 weeks
4. Homeopathic Combination :
a) Sepia 30
Sabina 200 Three times a day from the day of
Caulophylum 200 oestrum for 7 days
Secale cor 30
Pyrogium 200
b) Aurum Iodum 200 After 14th day,
Thyrodium 30 give T.I.D for 10 days
c) Vibrnum Opulus 200 3 times a day for 7 days and repeat
every month
Dose : 3 days BID upto 90 days of pregnancy.
i) Metestrual Bleeding :
Mucus discharge with blood or clots of blood are observed in the next day to 5 days after the day of insemination or natural service. It is seen in well fed heifers and cows but not in buffaloes. About 30 % of cows do conceive in the heat in which they had shown metoestrus bleeding provided, they have been inseminated at right time.
a) Hamamelis Q or 200 + Millefolium Q :
5 to 10 drops of mother tincture, in a cup of water, every hour, till the bleeding stops.
b) Ferrum Phosphoricum 6x :
10 pills in a cup of water, every 2 hrs, till the bleeding stops.
ii) Silent heat :
Is non visible oestrus, more common in buffaloes, in heavy milkers and in the first post partum heat. Silent heat is genetic.
Treatment :
1. Feeding ¼ to ¾ Kg extra concentrate per day for animal for one month is advised.
2. Feeding daily 1 kg of germinated, grind and boiled horsegram, for 20 to 30 days.
3. Calc. Carb 200 + Nat. Mur 200 + Agnus Castus 200. BID for 2 days in a week for 2 to 3 weeks.
iii) Anovulatory heat :
for anovulatory and delayed ovulatiation, the following treatment may be given, soon after oestrum, T.I.D for 2 to 3 days
Aurum Iodium 200 + Thyroidinum 200 + Agnus castus 200.
P) REPEAT BREEDING : Repeat breeder is one with regular estrous interval.
Etiology :
1. Biological – Time of Insemination : Optimum conception rates, after inseminating cows from midestrus upto 6 hours following standing estrous.
The fertile life span of cow ovum is 6 h and for spermatozoa is 18 to 24h. with aged ova or sperm, the zygote dies prematurely. So inseminating at wrong time and adopting poor artificial insemination techniques with aged and poor quality of semen and hygiene, about 20% of the ova are not fertilized.
2. Iatrogenic factors : irritant drugs Benzimidazoles, Imidazo-thiazoles, chlorinated- hydrocarbons, organo-phosphorus insecticides, chronic urea feeding, environmental pollutants, phytoestrogens, feeding mulberry leaves during estruses and metestrus cause fertilization failures,.
3. Hormonal imbalance – anovulatory heat, delayed ovulation, failure of nidation metestrus bleeding.
4. Urovagina and pneumovagina.
5. Deficency in nutrition and energy. As bad managemental practice.
6. Climatic conditions : Drought and summer stress, high humidity.
7. Uterine Pathology : Early embryonic death, endometritis, salphingitis, abortions etc.
Treatment :
1. Adopt good management and good hygiene at the time of A-I using good
A-I technics with good quality of semen, at right time of oestrus.
2. Feed 1 Kg of geminated, grind and boiled horse gram for 20 to 30 days.
3. To over come endometritis, infections causing retention of fetal membranes, abortion, salphingitis, ovaritis, cervicitis and to induce and regulate anovularory heat, the following formula, is adopted.
Alteris farinose 30
Aurum muriaticm Natronatum 30
Calcarea phos 30
Pulsatilla 30
Phosphorus 30 aa 3 ml
Made upto 120 ml with vimeral liquid.
Dose : 2-5 ml BID for 25 days
is the process of birth. Generally pluriparous cattle, calve normally but in case of primiparous animals, dystokia or delayed parturition may be encountered.
Delay in parturition, may be due to uterine inertia or due to improper dilation of os cervix.
Treatment :
Pulsatilla 1M : One dose before or during the onset of labour pains, to correct the mal-presentation and to intiate uterine contrations and one dose after parturation to expel the foetal membranes.
Caulophyum 200 : Two doses at interval of 15 mts to increase the contractions of uterus.
Sanicula Aquva 30: Two doses at interval of 30 mts to increase the dilatation of os cervix.
Lobella inflata 200 : If there is no response from sanicula, give Lobella 200 at 30 mts interval, for two doses.
Chammomilla 200 : If the animal is nervous, give two doses, at interval of 1 hr.
Gelsemium Q: To dilate the os. Give 5 to 10 drops in a cup of water
every 30 mts, until, calving occurs.
Homeopathic Formula :
1. To dilate the os cervix and to increase the tonacity of uterus.
2. To expel the foetal membranes easily with out any effort or
3. To hasten involution.
4. To normalize the flow of lochia.
The following homeopathic combition may be adopted
Actea racemosa 30
Alteris farinose 30
Arnica Montana 30
Caulophylum 30 aa 3ml
Made up to 120 ml with vimeral liquid
Dosage Schedule :
1. One week before the expected date of parturation, administred 5 ml/ day daily upto the start of the labour pains.
2. During the process of labour 5 ml at 15 mts interval, 4 times, after wards repeat at 30 mts interval, till delivery.
3. After parturation 5 ml, three times a day, till the expulsion of foetal membranes.
Dr. Surjit Singh Makker
Veterinarian, Ex.Joint Director (AH),
Internationally Acclaimed Veterinary Homeopathic Physician,
Consultant and Independent Researcher, BVSc & AH, MSc (IT), MCA, M.F.Hom. (Member Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia) DTS (Direct Trainer Skills).

Application of Homeopathic Remedies in Different Diseases of Cattle and Buffalo

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