Today is the world journalism day, so being a farm journalist I thought to write a post based on the journalism related to livestock and agriculture. In the era of information technology the role of farm journalist has become very important.all the new livestock intrepreneurs are using smart phones , get themselves updated from googles and other social media tools. So inorder to provide them accurate and scientific information ,news related to livestock around the globe and livestock related vital information like govt schemes and announcement ,the role of farm journalist become very important.
In the era of knowledge, intensive Livestock farmers need timely and local specific information about their farm practices. Farm journalism can play very crucial role in collection, processing and dissemination of information according to need of the farmers. The farm journalism should be based on scientific research and should be timely, local specific and according to needs of farmers.

Concept and Principles of Journalism with special reference to Farm Journalism

“Journalism is a service oriented profession because it is not just about providing raw information. It is telling them how to use it to improve their lives and inspiring them to want to” –Swanson
Journalism is defined as: A systematic and reliable gathering dissemination of information for public consumption.• Written form of journalism i.e. Printed matters, photojournalism and broadcast journalism• are some of the types of journalism.
Agricultural journalism is otherwise known as Farm journalism. Farm journalism is playing a great role in communication with farm people, homemakers, etc. Newspaper stories, magazine article, leaflets, pamphlets, bulletins, circular letters, wall newspapers and radio scripts are increasingly being written by the extension staff and read or listened to. The written work is helping to make advisory work with farm people more interesting.
Mass Media in Agriculture——
• Information on agriculture, both crop and livestock was communicated among farmers from ancient times.
• However, with the development in agricultural research, need arises to transfer new information and technologies to the users i.e. farmers.
• To fulfil this need, mass media like newspapers, magazines radio, TV film and internet play a vital role. • What we know about the new information on technologies, public figures and public affairs is largely dependent upon what the mass media told us about it.

Major objectives———

• The major objective of mass media in Agriculture development is – to communicate the feasible farm technologies in such a manner to attract the attention of farmers, – help them to understand and remember the message and – ultimately facilitate them to take appropriate decision.


Print media in Livestock & Agricultural Development

• Among the several mass media, newspaper and farm magazine are commonly used. • cheap & affordable; read as per convenience. • permanent medium, permanently imprinted message with high storage value making them suitable for reference and research also. • high rate of literacy in the country offers new promises & prospects for utilising print medium as a means of mass communication.
• plays a vital role in the communication of Agricultural information among the literate farmers on improved agricultural practices and also to inform the public in general • Agricultural journalism is of recent origin in India. • It came into existence just 5 decades ago. It is now gaining importance, particularly after the establishment of AUs./VUs
• Technical information needs to be provided to the farmers at the right time and in the right way, so that the productivity can be increased. • India has farm magazines in every state, published mostly in local languages. • Agricultural department also encourages the publishing of such farm magazines particularly through farmers association.
• Among the various types of mass media sources, newspapers can support extension by publishing news of various extension activities, guidance and recommendations, achievements, market news, research findings, successful achievements and problem faced by farming community etc. • The green revolution and white revolution could not have been come about so quickly without the use of media like print media and radio.


The success of agricultural & livestock development programmes in developing countries largely depends on the nature and extent of use of mass media in mobilization of people for development. The planners in developing countries realize that the development of agriculture could be hastened with the effective use of mass media. Radio, Television have been acclaimed to be the most effective media for diffusing the scientific knowledge to the masses. In a country like India, where literacy level is low, the choice of communication media is of vital importance. In this regard the television and radio are significant, as they transfer modern agricultural technology to literate and illiterate farmers alike even in interior areas, within short time. In India farm and home broadcast with agricultural thrust were introduced in 1966, to enlighten farmers on the use of various technologies to boost agricultural development. At present, there are about 50 such radio units all over the country. With the main stream of Indian population engaged actively in agriculture, television could serve as a suitable medium of dissemination of farm information and latest technical know – how. The farmers can easily understand the operations, technology and instruction through television. Among the several mass media, newspaper and farm magazine are commonly used. They have a vital role to play in the communication of agricultural information among the literate farmers. Increasing rate of literacy in the country offers new promises and prospects for utilizing print medium as a means of mass communication. The print media widened the scope of communication. It is cheap and people can afford to buy and read them at their convenience. It is a permanent medium in that the message are imprinted permanently with high storage value which makes them suitable for reference and research. Agricultural & Livestock journalism is of recent origin in India. It came into existence just five decades ago. It is now gaining importance,
particularly after the establishment of agricultural university in India, technical information needs to be provided to the farmers at the right time and in the right way, so that the productivity can be increased. In the view of increase in literacy level to 52.11 percent during 1991, print media has acquired a greater role in dissemination of information on improved agricultural practices to the farming community and also to inform the public in general. India has farm magazines in every state, published mostly in local languages. Agricultural & Animal husbandry department also encourages the publishing of such farm magazines particularly through farmers association. The coverage of different subject matter by radio, television, newspaper and farm magazine are almost similar with regard to agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, agricultural marketing, agricultural engineering and cooperatives.
Agriculture is back on the development agenda and radio is still seen as one of the most effective ways of reaching rural populations. The conventional role of the media – rather like that of research – has tended to be one directional – disseminating information to the audience rather than interacting with them. Although this is now beginning to change.

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Multi‐media is important ‐ receiving information from a number of different channels.

Journalism is:
Providing information that the public needs to know• Giving fair and truthful account of news• Emphasizing the importance of free speech• Spurring people to action• Having courage•

Principles of Journalism: ———

  1. Responsibility: the right of a journalist is to write and attract the readers to the issues of public welfare
  2. 2. Sincerity, truthfulness and accuracy: Good faith of the readers can be obtained through sincerity, truthfulness and accuracy which is the foundation of journalism
  3. 3. Objectivity/impartiality: maintaining impartiality in reporting is the basic lesson for a journalist, otherwise reaction of the readers to the report will be lopsided
  4. 4. Fairplay : right practice of journalism is to treat the public equally
  5. 5. Independence: Journalism is free from all obligations except issues of public interest
  6. 6. Freedom of press: Foremost duty of journalism is to guard its freedom
  7. 7. Decency: Journalism tries to shape public conduct for a given situation

Types of Journalism:

  1. Advocacy journalism
  2. Interpretative journalism
  3. Development journalism in agriculture
  4. Convergence journalism
  5. Ambush journalism

The training of agriculture journalists is similar to traditional journalists, except that they bring with them an understanding of agricultural systems. Thus, agricultural journalism is an applied theoretical field which is slowly emerging as a rewarding career option.

A course in Agriculture Journalism opens a plethora of career options such as becoming an agricultural client for advertising firms or a public relations practitioner for agricultural commodity organizations and businesses. Many end up becoming journalists and editors of agricultural/rural magazines and newspapers. Being a land-grant university communication specialist is also considered another very respectable post in this stream. There are very few universities which offer Agricultural Journalism in India.


Farm or Agriculture Journalist

Agriculture journalists report and write features that are relevant to those involved in agriculture, but stories may also be seen by non-agriculture readers. Agriculture journalists plan and produce web and print articles that report current trends in agriculture, and research and verify the data and sources in the story. Topics agriculture journalists may cover include: agriculture / livestock news; agriculture market; disease or foodborne pathogen outbreaks; fairs and expos; new technologies in seed, equipment, chemistry or farming practices; weather; labor; governmental regulations; training; and further education opportunities. They may also use social media to push stories, build traffic on social channels and distribute content.


• Plan and produce web and print articles that report current trends in agriculture
• Develop new business sources for articles
• Create special reports as needed
• Assist in shaping the editorial calendar for the publication
• Research and verify data and sources for stories
• Use social media to push stories, build traffic on social channels and distribute content
• Proofread material for accuracy, which may involve working with experts for accuracy and appropriateness
• Photograph events or story subjects
• Assist in designing the layout of publications
• Copyedit
• Write headlines and photo captions


Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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