Humans & Cattle: Co-enhancer for each other’s livelihood  


Humans & Cattle: Co-enhancer for each other’s livelihood  

 Pooja Mahala1&Dr. Komal Chandrakar2
  • 3rd year B.V.Sc .& A.H
  • Part time teacher, Department of Vety&A.H Extension Education
College of vety. Science &A.H ,Anjora, Durg


India has vast livestock population of 535.78 million which is nearly 4.6 % of the world. India holds 1st rank in milk production with 188MT milk production .Per capita availability of milk has increased to 394 gm\day .Inspite of so much milk production we are lacking in export of milk .It may be due to lack of good quality of  milk .Similarly  we are ranked 2nd in human population .Instead of seeing this large number  of human population as problem we can see it as window of opportunity and utilize human resources to provide better health and care to animal .At present in spiteof this large amount of resources we are lacking in animal health sector.

Following are the different drawbacks of animal health sector:


  1. We don’t have proper Disease Surveillance and Monitoring System for different Endemic and Zoonotic infections in animals like FMD, HS, Brucella, Black Quarter, Enterotoxicimia, and PPR in Sheep & Goat and Swine Fever in Pigs.
  2. Some of the communities are still using Phuka or Dhoomdev in cattle for letting down milk. This activity not only causes stress to the animal but also increases the chances of infection.
  3. Some of the tribal people still do not believe in medicine and use their traditional practices, which can cause abortion, still birth, Weak young ones and death of the animal.
  4. Most of the farmers in India use mixed farming and they still stick to their traditional practices and do not want any change in their Rearing System and they do not use Pasture for Grazing purpose properly. This increases Wormload in case of young ones and sometimes in adults also.
  5. Despite of India’s independence still some parts of the country don’t have any veterinary Hospitals.
  6. A large number of farmers in India are still not aware with Scientific Ration Formulation. As we all know, diet with proper Minerals and Vitamins is very essential to increase the production, because lack of nutritious diet leads animals to suffer from Metabolic Disorders like Ruminal Acidosis, Milk Fever, Phosphorus Deficiency, Ketosis, Fatty Liver, Downer Cow and Hypothyroidism etc.
  7. Proper immunization against different seasonal infections are not there.


Probable steps taken which could enhance the health conditions of cattle:

  1. In this technological Era, our first mandate is to connect farmers with different Social Media Channels, News Channels and Disease Control Applications Example IVRI Disease Control Application.
  2. There are some ongoing Central Government Schemes of Animal Husbandry which is helping livestock farmers
  3. A) NADCP (National Animal Disease Control Program).
  4. B) NAIP (Nationwide Artificial Insemination Program)
  5. C) Disease Control Program / FMD, BQ.
  6. D) INAPH (Information Network on Animal Productivity and Health


By these India has eradicated diseases like Rinderpest, CBPP, ASF, BSE & Guinea Worm also.

  1. There should be proper use of different conventional feeds which are economical as well as easily available like Subabul Leaves, Jack Fruit & different plant Material.
  2. Train farmers to record body weight of animals just after their birth and follow proper vaccination and feeding schedule.
  3. Proper Sanitation, faeces & Urine removal and Periodic Spray to control Arthropods.
  4. India has established different research stations from where we can get Disease Resistant and Improved Breed of Cattle and Buffaloes:
  5. A) CIRC (Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut, UP).
  6. B) CIRB (Central Institute for Research on Buffalo, Hissar, Haryana).

How To Increase The Income Of Livestock Farmer In India


Training and Educating the farmers against different diseases and infections can enhance their livelihood and economy of their families along with animal health. It also supports One Health Approach. If animals are disease free then people will get Safe & Sustainable animal products like Meat & Milk etc. It decreases the chances of Food Born  infections and benefits Human Health. Undoubtedly, all of these changes can increase production and employment; and will also contribute in enhancing the GDP of the country.

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