Compiled & Edited by –DR RAJESH KR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542


Mandal et al described nicely while giving a definition to backyard poultry production system. According to them it is a low input or no input business and is characterized by indigenous night shelter system, scavenging system , with little supplementary feeding, natural hatching of chicks , poor productivity of birds, local marketing and no health care practice .
Rural poultry farming in India contributes to about 40% of the national egg production. The state sector has been taking care of backyard poultry units and the capital requirement of its co-operatives. Backyard farming has over the years contributed to a great extent to the agrarian economy of India. In the same way, rural backyard poultry production plays a vital role in the rapidly growing economy. It provides livelihood security to the family in addition to securing the availability of food. Unemployed youth and women can also earn an income through poultry farming.
The livestock sector has become one of the fastest growing segment in Indian agriculture, and within livestock sector, the poultry husbandry has occupied a pivotal position both in providing employment as well as in contributing a substantial proportion to the national GDP. In a developing country like India, growth in the livestock sector can definitely contribute to poverty reduction, as the largest share of the rural poor depends on livestock for their daily livelihoods. It has also been observed that the demand for the animal protein source is increasing rapidly in developing countries .The quantum leap in these production parameters can be attributed to adoption of a scientific commercial production system. Though major share of the poultry products come from commercially reared improved breed birds, indigenous source of poultry eggs and meat are always appreciated for their taste and texture, in both rural and organised developed markets. Market studies show prices per kg live weight for these birds can be 50 –100 % higher than that of industrially produced birds . Though rural backyard poultry is the most potent source for subsidiary incomes for landless poor farmers, it has always been neglected. This is in spite of the fact that their products carry a much higher price than that from commercial poultry. There are plenty of evidence to demonstrate the role of rural backyard poultry husbandry in elevating the food and nutrition security of the poorest households and reducing the livelihood insecurity. Backyard poultry is a potent tool for upliftment of poor because it requires hardly any infrastructure set-up. Besides income generation and poverty reduction, Rural backyard poultry can provide nutrition supplementation in the form of valuable animal protein. India’s modern commercial poultry production is barely 50 years old, although backyard poultry farming dates back to prehistoric period. Backyard poultry production is an old practices in rural India.
Mostly in hilly and tribal dominated states like Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Odissa and NE states, backyard farming is usually practiced which usually comprises of rearing indigenous birds with low production performances. Usually the potentiality of indigenous bird in terms of egg production is only 90-120 per year and meat production is very less.
At present more than half the total population in the regions depends on agriculture. The geographical features of the regions which is of mainly forest,low hills surrounding the valleys makes it appropriate for its system of rearing birds. With the growing population the need for the supplements other than agricultural products also arises.
Backyard poultry is advantageous as it provide supplementary income in shortest possible time with little minimum capital investment, simple in operation and ensure availability of eggs and meat even in remote areas. It is a type of organic farming with no harmful residue in eggs and meat. It is eco-friendly approach.

Conventional and improved varieties of backyard poultry birds

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In rural poultry farming, birds are raised under a traditional extensive unscientific scavenging system without special management practices of feeding or housing and the flock size ranges from 5 to 50 birds. In rural areas, chicken reared in backyard are generally Desi type which are low producing with respect to egg and meat. The desi chicken breeds adopted in free- range backyard conditions for centuries contribute about 11% of total egg production in India. Their contribution to the total egg output was stagnant for the last few decades due to their low productivity i.e. annual egg production: 50-60 nos. Usually non-descript desi birds are reared but in some areas, local breeds and crossbreds derived from them are also reared. Specific improved varieties of birds are now available for rearing for meat or eggs and few varieties for both (dual purpose). Rural poultry farming should involve rearing of improved chicken varieties under free range, semi intensive or intensive conditions . Understanding the importance of backyard rural poultry farming in India, several research organizations have developed different backyard chicken varieties which have successfully been reared by farmers from many parts of the country. These improved varieties include Gramapriya, CARI-nirbhic, CARI-Shyama, Vanaraja, Gramalaxmi and Nicobari. Out of these the first four are of dual purpose whereas rest are egg type .

Why to go for backyard poultry farming?

A lot of advantages are there for which rural poultry farming should always be backed up by Government and non government oraganisations. Some are decribed here:
i. Gives employment to the rural small scale and marginal farmers. ii. Provides additional income to the rural households. iii. Aids in enhancing the soil fertility in backyards (15 chickens produce 1- 1.2 kg of manure/ day). iv. Products from rural poultry farming fetches high price compared to those from intensive poultry Farming. v. Provides egg and meat with almost no or very less investment through backyard poultry farming in free range system. vi. Birds reared under free range conditions give eggs and meat of low cholesterol concentration compared to those produced under intensive poultry farming. vii. Lessens protein malnutrition in susceptible groups like pregnant women, feeding mothers and children
viii. Backyard poultry farming acts as an ‘ATM’, because as per family need the birds and eggs can be sold at anytime anywhere with cash in hand
ix. Boost up in family income for better utilization of family laboures who are not able to perform other agricultural works like old family member or children.

Improved strain of poultry birds for backyard farming
Desi or indigenous birds are generally poor performers in egg and meat production. To obtain maximum profit from backyard poultry farming there is a urgent need in the country to improve the status of backyard poultry farming with improved strain of poultry birds, who performs an excellent result when raised in backyard with low inputs. Improved chicken that can be introduced in backyard poultry farming should have following characters-
• Adaptability in village condition
• Self propagation
• Good brooding capacity
• Mothering ability
• Well body conformation
• Hardy in nature
• Good scavengers
• Attractive and coloured plumage
• Escaping capacity from predators
• Disease resistance
Considering the above characteristics the verities that can be recommended for backyard poultry farming are- Gramapriya, Vanaraja, Giriraja, Girirani, Krishna – etc. The annual egg production capacity of Gramapriya and Vanaraja birds are 200 to 220 and 200 to 230 egg/ bird/ year, respectively. First egg lays at 200 to 230 days depending on plane of nutrition and other managemental parameters. Egg weight varies from 55 to 60 gram. Mature body weight 2.5 to 3.5 kg.
Housing management for backyard poultry farming
No elaborate housing is required for backyard poultry farming but, it should protect the birds from sun, rain and predators. If free range system is practiced the birds are let loose in day time for foraging and at night sheltered in shed. For better production performances certain criteria that can be considered are –

  1. The poultry house should be in east-west orientation to protect from summer wind and cold stress and also for direct sunlight in winter months.
  2. During summer direct sun light should be avoided to reduce the summer stress in birds.
  3. Low cost housing material like wood, bamboo, grass, thatch etc can be utilized.
  4. The poultry house should be free from water seepage or moisture.
  5. Floor should be in elevated land or above ground level (minimum 2ft) and free from water crack, easily cleaned, rat proof and durable.
  6. There should be free air movement in upper part of the shed to reduce gas formation inside the shed.
  7. Height of the side wall in poultry house is generally 7 ft to 8 ft. The centre height is 9 ft to 12 ft with slope in either side.
  8. Roofing material like thatch, tiles, asbestos etc can be used.
  9. Brooder house should have easy ventilation and wire netting which is used for open air ventilation.
  10. Provision of bulb fitted above the ground as hoover may be utilized to keep the chicks worm.
    Brooding of Chicks
    There are two types of brooding viz. Natural brooding and Artificial brooding that can be adopted for backyard poultry farming.
    Natural brooding
    If natural brooding is practiced the local broody hen is used as the indigenous hens are very good sitters. Improved variety of fertile eggs is put into incubation. The hen is provided with nesting materials. Food and water supply is given throughout the incubation period. A broody hen can easily take care for brooding and hatching of 12 to 15 chicks. After hatching the chicks are let loose along with mother for scavenging. There should be provision for separate place inside the shed for young chicks and mother at night.
    Artificial brooding
    In artificial brooding provision of artificial heat is necessary. Artificial heat can be provided with electricity, gas, kerosene, wood, sawdust etc. ‘Bukharies’ also can be used as a source of artificial heat. Wood, charcoal or sawdust is used in ‘Bhukaries’ and it is an ideal source of artificial heating when there is acute shortage of electricity, gas and kerosene. The optimum temperature is 95⁰ F in first week and it can be reduced 5⁰F per week up to 6 week till 70⁰F. Two watt/ chick heat is required up to 6 week in brooder house. The necessity of light in brooder house is to increase feed consumption for maximum growth in a short period and also to prevent stampeding or piling if scared. Initially (up to 6 weeks) there should be provision for at least continuous light up to 48 hours in brooder house and in growing stage (8 to 18 weeks) light hour is 10 to 12. But in laying period light should be for 15 to 16 hours. The provision for extra light may be in the morning or evening or may be morning and evening both. To prevent direct contact with heat a chick guard made up of card board or metallic guard can be used in brooder house. The height of chick guard is 15 to 18” is placed in circular shape at a distance of 3’ away from the hover.
    Feeding management
    The feed cost alone is 70% of total expenditure in poultry production. In backyard poultry farming the feed cost is considered to be minimum. Hence, the birds are let loose for scavenging in the open yard and collect the required protein, energy, minerals and vitamins etc from insects, snail, termites, seeds of grasses and weeds, leftover grains, crop residues and household wastes. Feed ingredients like broken rice, ground nut straw, wheat or job’s tear grain, rice bean etc also can be given to the birds. During rainy season poultry feed should not be stored more than 1.5 months to avoid fungus growth (Aflatoxicosis). In backyard poultry farming generally two times feeding is practiced; once at morning and another at evening. The space requirement for feeder is 2 to 7 cm at brooding period, 7 to 10 cm during growing stage and 12 to 15 cm / bird at laying stage. The water space should be 0.5 to 1.5 cm during brooding, 1.5 to 2.5 during growing and 2.5 cm during laying period. The birds may be supplied with extra concentrate ration @ 30 to 60 gm/ day/ bird for better performance. The balanced ration may be formulated with appropriate percentage of maize, rice polish, wheat bran, ground nut cake, fish meal, shell grit or lime stone along with salt, minerals and vitamins or may be with locally available ingredients. The poultry feed should contain at least 20% protein in starter level, 16% in grower and 18% in laying stage with energy level (ME) 2800 kcal/kg feed in starter, 2600 kcal/kg at grower and 2650 kcal/kg in layer ration.
    Health care management
    For better health care in backyard poultry farming the birds should be vaccinated against virus diseases in time. The diseases that mostly effect the birds are Ranikhet disease, Marek’s Disease, Fowl pox, Gumbroo disease etc. Regular vaccination schedule may be followed in a poultry farm (Table 1). Deworming for internal and external parasites also should be done to maintain a healthy flock. Other diseases that may affect the poultry birds are Coccidiosis, infectious coryza, Salmonellosis etc.
    Table 1. Vaccination schedule for poultry birds
    Sl. No. Age of birds Name of Vaccine Name of Disease Doses Route of Vaccination
    1 Day old Chicks HVT MD Vaccine Marek’s Disease 0.2 ml S/c or I/m
    2 4 to 7 days F-1/ Lasota Ranikhet Disease One drop Eye or nostril
    3 14 to 18 days Intermediate plus Gumboro disease – Drinking water
    4 35 days F-1/ Lasota Ranikhet Disease One drop Eye and nostril
    5 6 to 7 weeks Chicken embryo adopted Fowl Pox 0.5 ml Wing stab method
    6 8 to 10 weeks Strain killed vaccine Ranikhet Disease 0.5 ml S/c or I/m
READ MORE :  CLUSTER FARMING CONCEPT FOR BACKYARD POULTRY FARMING (BYPF) IN INDIA : Backyard Poultry as a Resilient Technology for Augmenting Farm Income

Finger tips suggestion for backyard poultry farming

  1. Disease free, improved strain, dual purpose poultry birds may be procured for back yard poultry farming.
  2. Periodical vaccination should be done on regular basis.
  3. Clean drinking water and fungus free feed should be supplied to the birds.
  4. The poultry shed should be regularly cleaned and free from moisture and humid condition.
  5. Overcrowding should be avoided.
  6. If possible there should be separate space for different age group of birds.
  7. Sick bird should be immediately separated/ culled from healthy flock.
  8. Poultry equipments particularly waterer and feeder should be regularly cleaned and disinfected.
  9. There should be restriction for outsider into the poultry shed or farm.
  10. The birds should be free from predators and should not be scared by other animals.
  11. Before procuring new flocks the shed should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  12. There should be provision for footbath in front of poultry shed.
    1. During summer and winter months the shed should be protected from hot or cold wind by hanging curtain around the side of the wall or shed. In summer months water sprinkling also can be done.
      After all, In India, the value chain including marketing system of the farmers produce particularly Deshi poultry product has not been developed till now. There is need of poultry co operatives at village level just like AMUL PATTER system then only our poor farmers can get the maximum return of their produce.

Reference-On Request

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