Q.1 :

Whether ramp is required during loading and unloading of animals from the truck?

A :

Yes. To avoid fracture of bones, injuries etc it is mandatory to use ramp during loading and unloading of animals from truck.

Q.2 :

Whether ante-mortem inspection is required when animals are in the farm?

A :

Yes. Ante-mortem inspection requires when animals are in the farms, during and after transportation, in the lairage and just before slaughter.

Q.3 :

Is it necessary to keep fasting of the animals before slaughter?

A :

Yes. Animals/birds should be kept on fasting from afternoon prior to slaughter next day morning. But they should provide plenty of fresh water during fasting.

Q.4 :

Why fasting should be done to meat animals?

A :

Fasting empties the gastro-intestinal tracts induces better bleeding, reduces microbial load, helps in good quality of meat.

Q.5 :

Can use of gourds for forward movement affect meat quality?

A :

Yes. Use of gourds or any electrical device for forwarding the animals during slaughter can affect meat quality.

Q.6 :

Whether animal can be slaughtered in front of other animals?

A :

No, other animals may be excited and feared affecting meat quality.

Q.7 :

Why stunning should be done during slaughtering the animals?

A :

This induces unconsciousness of the animal so that unnecessary struggling is avoided.

Q.8 :

How stunning helps to improve meat quality?

A :

Stunning induces better bleeding, reduces microbial load, helps in tenderization of meat.

Q.9 :

What precaution should be taken while removing the skin of the animal?

A :

The trained flayer is required to obtain better quality skin by following scientific methods of flaying.


Q.10 :

Can skins be thrown on the slaughter floor?

A :

No, skin should be collected in chute/wheel barrow immediately to the hide and skin section of the slaughterhouse.

Q.11 :

How skins and hides can be preserved?

A :

The fresh skins and hides are trimmed off meat and fat tissues from the flesh side and either dry curing or wet curing is followed for preservation.

Q.12 :

How blood, inedible viscera, condemned parts and carcasses can be used?

A :

Blood and inedible viscera can be profitably used by preparation of blood meal, carcass meal, meat meal, meat-cum-bone meal and be recycled as livestock feed.

Q.13 :

Whether viscera and skin can be kept in the same room along with meat?

A :

No, viscera and skin should be kept in separate room and maintain temperature at 7°C.

Q.14 :

After bleeding whether carcass needs hanging for removal of skin and viscera?

A :

Yes. When carcass is hanging that make easier to remove skin and viscera and microbial quality of meat will also improve.

Q.15 :

Whether washing is necessary after removal of skin and viscera?

A :

Yes. Washing with potable water should be given after removal of skin and viscera

Q.16 :

Which type of floor is required for slaughtering of animals?

A :

Non-slippery, non-absorbable concrete floor is required for slaughtering of animals.

Q.17 :

Whether wooden structure can be used for cutting of meat?

A :

No. Because wooden structure cannot be cleaned and dried properly after cutting and also there is a chance to come wooden piece along with meat.

Q.18 :

Which type of cutting board is required for cutting meat in to pieces?


A :

Thick cutting board made up of PVC available in the market should be used for meat cutting.

Q.19 :

Whether black or any coloured packaging films can be used for packaging of meat and meat products?

A :

No. Always use colouless polyethylene (LDPE/HDPE) bags for packaging of meat and meat products

Q.20 :

How many days raw meat can be kept in refrigeration (4°C) cabinet

A :

Raw meat can be kept maximum up to 7 days in refrigeration (4°C) cabinet (except pork) before preparation.


Reference-On Request

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