Q.1 :
How can we keep the milk for longer period?
A :
The milk should be stored at 4°C within 2 hr of milking to keep it for longer period.
Q.2 :
Can any chemicals are used to extend the shelf life of milk?
A :
Legally no chemicals are allowed as preservative in milk.
Q.3 :
What is the use of lactometer?
A :
It is used to measure specific gravity of milk. It can also give an idea regarding adulteration of milk with water.
Q.4 :
Is dairy processing is profitable business?
A :
Yes, it can be more revenue churner on the production of value added milk products.
Q.5 :
Which dairy products are considered as more profitable?
A :
Curd, lassi, flavoured milk, ice cream etc.
Q.6 :
Can we utilize paneer whey in some useful manner?
A :
Yes, whey can be used for the preparation of whey drink even at cottage level.
Q.7 :
Is there any agency which provide loan for setting up of dairy plant?
A :
Yes, nationalized banks as well as other financial institutions provide loans for it.
Q.8 :
Is there any subsidy is also provided on the setting up of dairy plant?
A :
Yes, the amount of subsidy varies with the conditions.
Q.9 :
What are the income tax benefits on income from dairy plant?
A :
Presently, Govt. is providing tax holidays on dairy plant business.
Q.10 :
What is the standard of cow milk in Punjab?
A :
Minimum 4.0% milk fat and 8.5% solids not fat (SNF)
Q.11 :
What is the synthetic milk?
A :
It is the mixture of various ingredients such as urea, detergent etc. which looks like milk but no other property matches with milk.
Q.12 :
Can synthetic milk be identified at home level also?
A :
Yes, synthetic milk when rubbed between fingers give soapy feeling and on boiling smells like soap.
Q.13 :
What are the common adulterants in milk?
A :
Carbonates & bicarbonates to decrease acidity of milk, formalin, boric acid & hydrogen peroxide as preservative in milk, salt, sugar and starch to increase SNF and viscosity of milk
Q.14 :
Can you identify adulteration of milk at home also?
A :
Yes, NDDB through Punjab Dairy Development Board is marketing a kit which can check 50 samples worth appx. Rs100/-. This kit is handy and can be used easily at home level.
Q.15 :
Whether paneer and cheese are same or different?
A :
NO, both of them are totally different. Paneer is prepared with the use of acid such as citric acid, tartaric acid etc whereas cheese is prepared with enzyme rennet.
Q.16 :
What is mozzarella cheese? Can it be prepared at home level also?
A :
Mozzarella cheese is fresh cheese also called as pizza cheese. Yes, it can be easily prepared at home level also.
Q.17 :
Whether milk is an ideal food?
A :
It is almost ideal food however, it is deficient in Vitamin C, Iron etc.
Q.18 :
Can milk be digested by all easily?
A :
Yes, only those have lactose intolerance can not digest.
Q.19 :
Can we drink pasteurized milk directly without boiling?
A :
Yes, if the pasteurized milk packet is not leaky and from authenticated source can be taken directly without boiling.
Q.20 :
Is it necessary to keep the pasteurized milk packets in refrigeration?
A :
Yes, it should be kept at temperature below 4oC till it is consumed.
Q.21 :
What is the pasteurization temperature of milk?
A :
It is 63oC for 30 min known as LTLT method and 72oC for 15 sec in HTST method.
Q.22 :
Can we keep UHT milk packaged in tetra pack without refrigeration?
A :
Yes, we can keep this milk packet at room temperature till seal is not broken, after seal is broken keep it in refrigerator and consume with in 24 hr
Q.23 :
Is cream available on small dairies or halwai shop are safe for direct servings?
A :
No, always consume pasteurized cream for direct consumption as well as for any dish preparation, however it can be used for ghee preparations.
Q.24 :
What is toned milk?
A :
Toned milk should have minimum 3.0% milk fat and 8.5% SNF
Q.25 :
What do you mean by standardized milk?
A :
It is market milk having a 4.5% milk fat and 8.5% SNF content.
Q.26 :
Is 1lt of milk weighs 1 kg?
A :
No, One lt of cow milk weighs around 1.028-1.030 kg and buffalo milk weighs around 1.030-1.032 kg
Q.27 :
Is paneer consumption is good for health?
A :
Paneer is good for health. It is rich in proteins. It is also safe for the diabetic patient because it does not contain sugar.
Q.28 :
What is the common packaging material for packaging of butter?
A :
Parchment paper is used for packaging of butter.
Q.29 :
What is the shelf life of ghee?
A :
Ghee can be safely stored at cool place away from sunlight for six months.
Reference-On request
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