Phantom Cow Syndrome or false Pregnancy in Cross Breed Cows


Phantom Cow Syndrome or false Pregnancy in Cross Breed Cows

Phantom cow Syndrome is a disease condition in cow in which a cow has had one insemination and does not return within 35 days post insemination but is found to be not pregnant

by ultrasound scan or by rectal palpation.

Types of phantom cow syndrome: 1.long return-detected

Cows that returned to oestrus between 25 and 49 days after insemination and were exhibited the symptoms of oestrus. 2.long return-not detected

Cows that returned to oestrus between 25 and 49 days after insemination and were not exhibited the symptoms of oestrus.but appeared from milk sample analysis to ovulate and /or show oestrus. 3.Anoestrus/prolonged non luteal period:

Cows with an abnormal hormone profile where there was an extended period of non luteal progesterone concentration after first insemination indicating either an anoestrus state or a prolonged non luteal period. 4.lost pregnancy:

Cows which were observed as pregnant at early pregnancy diagnosis it found at the 13 week examination to be not pregnant.(Ref 2) When we think of Indian context at village level ultrasound and hormone level analysis in milk sample not yet possible.Only effective method available is Rectal palpation.Pregnancy verification carried out from 60 days to 90 days after first insemination.As a field vet I carried out so far 25000 pregnancy verification through rectal palpation in last 28 years.I observed all the above categories of Phantom cow syndrome in my field practices.In my place of veterinary practice 20 percent of farmers afraid of abortion after rectal palpation,mostly bring the cow for pregnancy diagnosis around 6 month of pregnancy.5 percent of farmers check pregnancy at 9 month.If these cows suffered from phantom cow Syndrome,it will be the big economic loss for farmers.

Farmer way of diagnose the pregnancy: 1.Thick sticky mucus discharge after 25 days of first insemination. colour change around the eye 3.Increased body weight and extended ventral abdomen. 4.decreased milk yield after 3 month of insemination. 5.changes in the size of external genitalia 6.External palpation at ventral abdomen,

Fetal movements after six month of pregnancy. Even though the traditional farmers expert in their observations in pregnancy diagnosis in native cattle, phantom cow Syndrome in cross breed cows confuse the farmers,end in great economic loss.

Hidden causes of phantom cow syndrome: 1.Early embryonic mortality 2.Endometritis 3.pyometra 4.mummified fetus 5.cystic ovary 6.milk production stress lead to hormonal

Imbalance. 7.vitmin deficiency and minerals deficiency due to fodder and feed scarcity. 8.lack of sufficient floor space, ventilation and lighting.

How to prevent Phantom cow syndrome? 1.Observation of cow inseminated and not come to heat after 25 days of insemination. 2.pregnancy diagnosis through rectal palpation after 70 days of insemination for mini dairy farms (3 to 10 cows farms). 3.cross verification of pregnancy at 6 to 7 month of pregnancy before allowing the cow for dry period. 4.Rectify the hidden causes of phantom cow Syndrome. 5.culling the cows with phantom cow Syndrome in subsequent lactations (may be heriditary).

Treatment: 1.synchronization of oestrus 2.changes in feed management 3.changes in cattle shed management 4.Utilization of ultrasound scan facility and hormone analysis in milk samples. 5.rectification of underlying disease condition and vit,mineral deficiency.

Dr MS Sarvanan

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References: On Request

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