Dr.Surinder Khana,poultry Poultry consultant


Temperature is one of the important
environmental  factors,  affecting
poultry production. The proportion
of feed energy that is deposited or
converted  to  product  is  a  small
fraction  of  ingested  energy.  The
remaining  portion  used  for
maintenance and heat increment, is
released  as  heat  into  the environment. At high temperatures (above 32 C and relative humidity
50%),  the  heat  loss  through
evaporation  exceeds  the  sensible
heat loss (conduction, convection
and radiation). At heat stress index
of 170,  high  mortality  may  be

Heat stress has to be managed by a combination  of  management
methods  including         House  and Nutrition management.

Protein and amino acid nutrition in
heat  stress  is  not  clear.  Feed
formulation may be based on the
digestible  amino  acid  basis,
following ideal amino acid profile
(reducing  the  imbalances,
minimizing  the  excesses),
considering high energy and high
protein  ingredients  with  more
digestibility and the amino acids
available  commercially (lysine,
methionine  and  threonine).
Supplemental  fungistats  to  feed
ingredients and feeds to minimize
fungal  contamination  and  toxin
binders to bind the toxins present in
the feeds are important in heat stress.
Supplemental dietary ascorbic acid
(250-400 mg/kg), vitamin E (250
mg/kg),  folic  acid (1  mg/kg),
vitamin D3 (3500 IU/kg), vitamin A
(15000 IU/kg), organic zinc and
selenium   are beneficial in heat

Addition of various salts (potassium
chloride (0.2-0.5%),  ammonium
chloride (0.2%), sodium bicarbonate
(0.2%) and a combination of these

alters the bird’s osmotic balance, maintains  acid  base  balance  and increases  water  consumption
influencing water balance beneficially during heat stress.

On pelleted feed, less energy is required
for feed intake (about 67% reduction in
the energy required for taking feed).
The advantage of pellets would be lost
if  pellet quality is poor (Fines more
than 10%). Survivability of the birds
can be increased by reducing chances
of  heat  increment  in  hot  periods
(feeding the bird during cooler parts of
the day and withdrawing the feed from
about 4-6 hours before the initiation of
heat  stress).  Nicarbazin,  an
anticoccidial, may be avoided in hot

Antioxidants,  gut  acidifiers,
emulsifiers,  organic  trace  minerals,
liver  protectives,  enzymes,  pre  and
probiotics,  ammonia  binders,
nucleosides, phytobiotics and flavor
enhancers  may  reduce  microbial
contamination, improve the resistance
of the birds to infections, improves feed
intake and increases performance.

Drinking water may be treated with sanitizer and acidifiers to minimize microorganisms in the gut.




Heat  stress  has  to  be managed by a combination of management methods.———



  1. Housing Management
  2. Nutritional Management


  1. Drinking Water


  1. Energy and Protein in Feed
  2. Vitamins in Feed and Water


  1. Electrolytes in Feed  and
  2. Form of Feed
  3. Time of Feeding
  4. Feed Additives to improve
    Health and Immunity
  5. Anticoccidials



  1. Housing Management

Maintaining coolness in the poultry
house is an important management
option. It starts with the planning of
house  design  and  also  the
management of the house and the
birds after the house construction.
Only a mention is being made on the
methods to maintain the poultry
house cool. Broiler or layer houses,
in our country, are mostly open
sided houses.


  1. Nutritional Management


  1. DrinkingWater


  1. Availability of  cool drinking water:


Water is the important media for
heat loss. About 70-80% of the
bird’s  heat  production  during
heat  stress  is  dissipated  via
panting (evaporative cooling).
Adequate water provision is a
must as water restriction even
for a short period is disastrous
for  poultry  in  hot  weather.
Reduction of water temperature
and addition of salts are helpful in improving water intake.


  1. R e d u c t i o n  o f  w a t e r  temperature:



Overhead  water  tanks  are exposed  to  constant  heat  in

summer  months.  Location  of
water tanks in shaded area or
provision of shade over water
tanks  keeps  water  cool.
Insulation of water tanks and
provision of sprinkling water on
to the water tanks with water
retaining  material (layers  of
Gunny etc) reduces the water
temperature further. Water pipes
must run under ground and any
exposed  pipes  have  to  be
covered to prevent heating of the

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pipes. When  the  water temperature is less than 28 C at bird  level,  an  improved performance  of  birds  is  observed.



  1. Water Treatment:


Water  may  contain  micro-organisms and hence may be treated with sanitiser and acidifiers  to minimize microorganisms in the gut.



  1. Energy and Protein in Feed


Stimulation of feed intake in heat stress
improves weight gain but mortality also
increases. Increasing the ME content of
feed also improves energy intake. The
increased  energy  intake  results  in
improved growth but also in increased
fat in the carcass and also the mortality

The research conducted on
protein and amino acid nutrition in
strategies to minimize the effects of
heat  stress  is  inconsistent  and  also
controversial. It appears that there is no
interaction  between  environmental
temperature  and  dietary  nutrient
concentration. Increased protein in diet
cannot increase protein deposition, and
proves harmful. The heat increment
with protein (amino acid) catabolism is
more than that of carbohydrates and fat.
Reduction in protein in diet to reduce

heat increment increases feed intake,

due to the deficiency of amino acids.

Less protein in diet also reduces water
intake, a disadvantage in strategies to
minimize the effects of heat stress. The
influence on the effect of heat stress on
absorption of amino acids is not clear
and so the ideal amino acid pattern
needs to be followed in practical diets.
In diets with a fixed ME:protein ratio,
higher  energy  diets  under  supply

Under  thermoneutral  zone  of
temperatures,  reducing  dietary
protein did not bring any beneficial
effects.  Under  heat  stress
conditions, feed formulation based
on the digestible amino acids and
not  by  protein  minimizes  the
catabolism  of  amino  acids  for
elimination  and  reduces  heat
production  associated  with  the
elimination of excess amino acids.
High  energy  and  high  protein
ingredients with more digestibility
and  the  commercially  available
amino acids (lysine, methionine and
threonine) may be considered in diet
formulation to meet the amino acid
requirements rather than the protein
requirements. This reduces protein
content of the diet from the values
practiced in other seasons by about
5-10%  of  the  original  value.
Supplemental fat (prohibitive cost
for layer) may also  be considered at
least for shorter periods as a high-
energy ingredient


  1. Vitamins in Feed and Water


Vitamin A, D, E, C and folic acid are
known to reduce the effects of heat
stress. It is well known that vitamin
C enhances antioxidant activity of
vitamin E.

Supplemental dietary ascorbic acid
(vitamin C) limits and alleviates the
metabolic  signs  of  stress  and
improves  the  performance,
immunological  competence  and
behavior  of  birds.  Optimum
responses in growth, feed efficiency
and/or livability in broilers under
heat  stress  seem  to  occur  with
supplements  of  about 250  mg
vitamin  C/kg  feed.  Laying  hens
have  also  shown  responses  to
supplemental  ascorbic  acid
(250-400 mg/kg)  in  terms  of
improvements  in  livability,  feed  intake,  egg  production  and  egg
quality with dietary ascorbic acid
(Whitehead  and  Keller, 2003).
Supplemental vitamin C influences
energy stores, that are used during

Vitamin E can be supplemented to
broiler  diets (250  mg/kg)  as  a
protective management practice to
reduce the negative effects of stress
and to result in optimal performance
(Sahin et al., 2002).

Vitamin C (250 mg/kg) and folic
acid (1mg/kg)  supplementation
arrests decline in performance and
antioxidant status caused by heat
stress. Supplemental dietary vitamin
C (200 mg) and vitamin E (250-500
mg)  offers  a  good  management
practice to reduce heat stress related
decreases  in  performance  of
Japanese quails (Sahin et al., 2002).
Higher levels of vitamin D 3 (3500
IU/kg) and vitamin C (200 or 400
mg/kg)  can  improve  eggshell
quality (Faria  et  al., 2001).
Supplemental vitamin C, vitamin E,
organic zinc and selenium improved
the performance of broilers due to
lower feed intake resulting in better-
feed conversion, independently on
the environment (Lagana et al., 2007).
Supplemental  vitamin  A (15000
IU/kg)  and  zinc (30  mg/kg)
improves  the  performance  and
carcass  traits  in  broilers,  and
decreases  abdominal  fat  pad.  A
combination of vitamin A (15000
IU/kg) and zinc (30mg/kg) offer a
potential  protective  management
practice in preventing heat-stress-
related depression in performance of
broiler chickens (Kucuk et al., 2003).
Elimination of vitamin fortification
from the diets of broilers from 22d
age exposed to heat stress results in
significant reductions in live bird
and carcass performance. The data
(Table 11) suggest that trace mineral
supplementation  may  be
responsible for a further reduction in
bird performance via oxidation of
the vitamins already present. Body
weight, F/G and survivability were
adversely affected by the absence of vitamin supplementation. Carcass fat, as estimated by specific gravity and fat pad were significantly increased by the lack of vitamin supplementation.

READ MORE :  Coccidiosis in Chicken



  1. Electrolytes in Feed and Water


Addition of various salts to water alters
the bird’s osmotic balance, resulting in
increased  water  consumption,
influencing water balance during heat
stress. No growth response has been
observed by adding salts to drinking
water  for  non-heat  stressed  birds.
Increased water consumption benefits
the bird by acting as a heat receptor as
well as increasing the amount of heat
dissipated  per  breath.  Such
thermobalance effects are principally
observed when water temperature falls
below 28°C. Birds in positive water
balance are better off in maintaining
normal  body  temperature.  This  has
special significance for the commercial
broiler as heat stress increases urine
production,  independent  of  water
intake, thus forcing birds to sustain
higher water consumption levels than
required to simply replace water loss
due  to  evaporative  cooling (See
Summers, 2006).

There  are  significant  interactions
between adding salt to drinking water
and  water  temperature.  If  the
temperature of the drinking water is
below that of the bird’s body, then only,
adding  potassium  chloride  will
increase consumption. Lowering the
temperature of the water, with no salt
addition, also improves water intake.
Indeed  water  temperature  and
potassium chloride effects appear to be
additive. Such responses are given in
Table 12 (See  Summers, 2006).
Potassium chloride even at 0.2% gives
beneficial results in increasing water
intake of laying hens (Table 13, Dai and
Bessei, 2007).  During  heat  stress
mineral excretion via the urine and
feces is increased. Whether specific
benefits with mineral supplementation

exist, independent of their effect on
water intake, is not known. It would
appear that potassium based salt
mixtures are superior to sodium
when added to drinking water.


Acid-Base Balance:


Electrolytes  maintain  ionic  and
water balance in the body. Broiler
growth is affected when blood pH is
below 7.2 and above 7.3. During
heat stress electrolytes are lost from
the body. The loss of electrolytes
can  be  prevented  by  intake  of
electrolytes  in  feed  and  water
Increased  respiration  rate  during
heat stress also results in carbon
dioxide  loss  and  acid-base
alterations (Bottje  and  Harrison,
1985;  Teeter  et  al., 1985).  The
various drinking water supplements
may act through increased water
intake of birds (Wiernusz, 1998).

Favorable broiler responses were
observed  through  the
supplementation of various salts to
the drinking water

Acid base balance is influenced by
the degree and duration of thermal
stress and acclimatization. During
panting (increased  number  of
respirations)  excessive  loss  of
carbon  dioxide (CO )  occurs, 2

resulting in reduced partial pressure
of carbon dioxide (CO ) in blood 2

plasma.  The  bicarbonate  buffer
system lowers the concentration of
hydrogen ion, increases plasma pH
and  plasma  bicarbonate  levels
(Table 15).  This  is  known  as
respiratory  alkalosis.  More

bicarbonate  is  excreted  through


kidney  while  retaining  H .  A consequence of respiratory alkalosis
is  reduced  feed  intake.  The respiratory alkalosis may start at 35 C and becomes severe with rise
in  temperature.  However,  these
effects of altered acid-base balance
are, at present, little understood

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Supplemental broiler grower diet (4-

6 weeks age) with 1.0% KCl or 1.0%

NaHCO  or 0.5% NH Cl + 0.5%

3                                        4

KCl + 0.5% NaHCO  had beneficial


effects on the growth performance
under  high  environmental
temperature during summer season
in  uncontrolled  broiler  houses
(30.19-32.90°C and 48.08-51.03%
RH) (Osman, 2000). Supplemental
nonchloride sodium salts (sodium
bicarbonate, sodium carbonate and

sodium sulphate) to broiler diets in

heat stress conditions (29.3 to 38 C)
inceased  water  intake,  reduced
mortality,  improved  body  weight
and  yield  of  carcass  and  parts.
Sodium bicarbonate was better than
the other sodium salts (Ahmad et al.,
2006).Dietary electrolyte balance (DEB), under  practical  considerations,  is considered  with  sodium  (Na ), potassium (K  ) and chloride (Cl )



Weight gain has been enhanced with water carbonation or supplementation with  acids  such  as  NH cl  or  Hcl, 4

suggesting that acid-base balance is
critical for maximizing weight gain.
While a number of additives have been
used to try and alter acid/base balance
all seem to act by increasing water
intake. Thus, while water intake is an
important consideration there is also an

acid-base balance effect, which must be considered. High DEB had a direct relationship on water intake, which in turn on survivability.

Commercial electrolyte mixtures are
available  and  used  with  many
encouraging results by poultry farmers
to reduce heat stress and to increase
water intake. Some of the commercial
preparations contain vitamins, citrates
and phosphates in addition to chlorides,
bicarbonates and other salts. The effect
of electrolytes may be based on blood
pH, water intake, respiratory rate and
productive parameters.


  1. Form of Feed———–


  1. Crumbles and Pellets


Most  feed  used  in  commercial
broiler production is in the form of
crumbles  or  pellets.  Some
integrators use mash feed in starter
and or finisher period to reduce the
feed cost. On pelleted feed, less
energy is required for feed intake
(Table 17;  Jensen  et  al., 1962)
(about 67% reduction in the energy
required for taking feed; See Gous and Morris., 2005). Pelleting has no
effect on ME content of feed. The
energy sparing effect of pellets, due
to reduced activity for feeding is

about 6% (McKinney and Teeter,
2003). The advantage of pellets
would be lost when pellet quality is
poor (Fines more than 10%) (Jensen,



  1. Wet Mash

Wet  mash  feeding  results  in
increased feed intake and improved
performance,  mediated  by  more
water  intake.  However,
applicability  for  commercial practices  on  large  scale  is  not
feasible.  If  the  feeders  are  not cleaned  properly,  fungal infestation and toxin production are the major problems


  1. Time of Feeding


Heat increment is associated from the time of feeding up to about 4-6 hours after feeding. Survivability of the bird  will increase by feeding the birds during night and withdrawing the feed from about 4-6 hours before the initiation of heat stress.


  1. Feed Additives  to  Improve Heath and Immunity


Poultry  feeds  are  supplemented
with trace minerals, vitamins and
coccidiostats.  In  heat  stress,  the
resistance of the bird to infections is
reduced. Several feed additives are
available to improve the resistance
of the birds to infections. Besides
vitamin E and vitamin C mentioned
earlier, the following feed additives
may  be  considered  to  improve
immunity and resist the infections
(Table 18).

At  high  environmental
temperatures fungal infestations are
common, particularly when relative
humidity is high. Storage of feed
ingredients  to  reduce  fungal
infestation, supplemental fungistats
to feed ingredients and feeds to
minimize fungal contamination and
toxin binders to bind the toxins
present in the feeds are important in
heat stress


  1. Anticoccidials-


The  toxicity  of  Nicarbazin  (an effective  anticoccidial),  in  hot weather, appears to be related to increased heat production Wiernusz and Teeter, 1995). It may be avoided in hot weather, even in combination  with  other


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