Odisha is one of the eastern states of India having tremendous agriculture and allied opportunity. Odisha has total land area of 1, 55, 820 square km with thirty districts having population of 4.19 crores. Odisha Economy has remained mainly agrarian, dominated by agriculture and allied subsectors contributed more than 70 percent of gross state domestic product (GSDP) in 1950s. This contribution is reducing slowly. The share of agriculture & animal husbandry sector to GSDP of Odisha remained 15.1 percent (2012-13), 13.1 percent (2013-14) and 12.3 percent in 2014-15 respectively. Animal husbandry along with the agriculture sector plays the pivotal role in the livelihood, income and employment generation and availability of animal protein in rural areas of the State in particular.  

According to 19th livestock census, 2012, it has revealed that the total livestock population of Odisha is 20.7 million, out of which cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and pig accounts 11.62 million, 0.72 million, 1.58 million, 6.51 million and 0.28 million respectively. Poultry accounts 0.52 million in number. According to 2014-15 information, Odisha contributed 1.3 percent of total milk production in India. The production of milk has increased from 1861 TMT in 2013-14 to 1903 TMT in 2014-15. Regarding utilization, the dairy farmers in the state retain only 25 per cent of the milk at household level, sell about 57 per cent as fluid milk and convert only 18 per cent of the milk into value added dairy products. So, effective production and efficient utilization of milk and milk products can help in alleviation of poverty and malnutrition in Odisha.

In view of this, an attempt has been made here to present a brief account of current state of developments in dairy production and processing in Odisha, major constraints and challenges along with future thrust for improving the dairy industry in Odisha.

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Major challenges with dairy farming in Odisha

  • Purchasing Of animal: Purchasing a better variety of milking crossbreed cow by a farmer is totally a risk activity. In odisha, this animal purchase is totally based on trust. There is no organized way of animal business.
  • Hygienic condition of animal: The farmers cannot provide better housing condition for themselves, so it is far to expect the better concrete animal shed. So, improper hygienic condition leads to development of various diseases in animals as well as reduces the productivity of the animal.
  • Green fodder cultivation: For better growth of the cattle, green fodder is very essential. Farmers are not willing to cultivate this grass due to lack of irrigation facility.
  • Medication expenses: Medication expenses are more in case of hybrid cattle like Cross bred cows. The hybrid variety is more prone to diseases. So medication expenses for treating the animal diseases is very cost effective. So the farmer has to take care of adequate measures to prevent any disease. Vaccination and other antibiotics should be given periodically by professional veterinary doctors.
  • Marketing of milk and milk products: Marketing is a very crucial step for sustainability of any business. For operation of any kind of business activity mainly two things are highly concerned.
  • Financial sustainability
  • Operational sustainability.
  • Financial sustainability is defined as stable economic activity or continuous inflow and outflow of money & the operational sustainability are the operation at low cost. Hence for the dairy farming these two types of sustainable activities make profitable result.

Steps for augmenting  Dairy production in Odisha

  • By increasing the number of cross bred populations in the state for higher productivity and increasing the popularization of genetically improved varieties of animals.
  • Increasing growth potential through adequate nutrition.
  • Management practices for minimizing calf mortality.
  • Skill up gradation training programmes to the farmers to enhance their knowledge regarding management of animals and technologies for development of different value added livestock products.
  • Creating an efficient marketing channel that will help in providing remunerative prices to the producers. Market yards with feeding and watering facilities for better marketing.
  • Development of infrastructure facilities such as cold storage facilities, facilities during transportation etc.
  • Consumer awareness programmes for different value added processed milk products to increase the consumers demand for milk products.
  • Awareness programmes for clean milk production.
  • Production of variety of products to cover a larger number of consumers to increase demand.
  • Popularization of establishment of small scale entrepreneurship based on development of some value added milk products.

Role of value added dairy products:

Sustained dairy production to provide livelihood and ensure food and nutritional security to large population is dependent on efficient utilization of livestock products.

A broad definition of value addition is to economically add value to a product by changing or transferring a product from its original state to a more valuable state preferred in the market place. A simple definition would be economically adding value to the milk by processing it into a product desired by the consumers. Value added products are further processed with increasing convenience to the consumer by reducing preparation time and steps making it convenient, ready to eat and appealing. More ever demand and marketability of livestock products can be increased. Further processing will also promote entrepreneurship venture and employment. Processed milk products include dahi, lassi, cheese, yoghurt, chhana, paneer, khoa, ice cream, ghee, butter etc. Regarding milk utilization, only 18% is being utilized for processing of milk products in Odisha. So, there is great scope for utilization of milk for production of various processed milk products which will definitely double the income of the farmer.

Production of dairy products of consumer choice with contemporary processing techniques and adequate quality control may find their entry into national and global markets to fetch higher returns. There is a challenge for the processing industry to choose appropriate ingredients having lower cost or no detrimental effect on health, quality and shelf life. Dairy product technologies and scientists are uniquely positioned to help the dairy sector to prosper. It is expected that cost-effective, healthier dairy products have greater demand. The future success of dairy processing sector depends on the meaningful partnership and alliance among industry. Partners and R & D Institutions as well as Govt. Agencies converting scientific knowledge into value added systems by improving linkages, infrastructure , adjusting taxation and food laws as well as drawing clear plans which benefits producers, processors and consumers.


Odisha is a potential area for livestock farmers having tremendous potential for processing and value addition. However, a major concern is that though the share of the livestock sector has been declining, the proportion of people dependent on livestock farming has not been declining in the same proportion and rate. More than 60 percent population still depends on the agriculture and allied sectors for their sustenance. There is, therefore, an urgent need to take appropriate measures to raise productivity of the agriculture and allied sectors substantially so that the incomes and employment opportunities of those who depend upon these sectors are enhanced in a sustained manner. Greater focus on promoting of development of different value added livestock products along with dairying should form an integral part of this strategy.


Bidyut Prava Mishra1*, Jyotiprabha Mishra2 and Prasana Kumar Rath3

1Assistant Professor, Department of LPT, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, 2Scientist (Animal Science), KVK, Sambalpur, Chipillima, Odisha, 3Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science & animal Husbandry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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