Heart Attack( Heart Failure) in Dogs

Heart Attack( Heart Failure) in Dogs
Heart Attack( Heart Failure) in Dogs

Heart Attack( Heart Failure) in Dogs

Compiled & Edited by-Dr Amit Bhardwaj,Vet. Surgeon,Goa/Pune

A heart attack, or “myocardial infarction,” happens when blood is blocked from reaching the heart muscle (myocardium). Deprived of oxygen and nutrients, the heart muscle dies and the affected heart chamber can no longer effectively pump blood through the body. Canine heart attacks have been seen in all breeds and are very rare. Increased risk for heart attack can be seen accompanying heart disease, congenital heart abnormalities, and genetic predisposition. Heart attacks require emergency medical attention and can result in sudden death. Canine heart attacks have been seen in all breeds and are very rare.

Heart disease in dogs is almost as common as it is in humans, but unlike people, smoking and a fatty diet are not risk factors. The most common form of heart disease in dogs is valvular disease, which primarily affects small breed dogs over 5 years of age and makes up 70-75% of heart disease in dogs. Heartworm disease causes 13% of heart disease even though it is entirely preventable. Myocardial disease, such as dilated cardiomyopathy, makes up 8% of heart disease and primarily affects large breed dogs of all ages.

Types of Heart Disease in Dogs

Heart disease in dogs can either be congenital or acquired, although the majority of cases 95% are considered to be acquired.

Congenital Conditions

Congenital conditions are present from birth. These can be the result of a breed’s predisposition or a condition that gets passed down from the parents. The following are examples of the more common types of congenital heart disease in canines.

  • Congestive Heart Failure occurs when your dog’s heart has trouble pumping the proper amount of blood throughout the body. Congestive heart failure can also cause an increase in fluid and pressure within the heart, which can leak into the lungs and negatively impact your dog’s breathing. This condition can affect both sides of the heart and may take years to become noticeable.
  • Canine Dilated Cardiomyopathy is a disease that affects the cardiac muscles and reduces the heart’s ability to produce enough pressure to pump blood throughout the vascular system. Studies suggest that this condition can be genetic, but it can also be caused by factors related to nutrition and infections. Breeds like Boxers, Cocker Spaniels, and Great Danes can be predisposed to canine dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • Pulmonic Stenosis is a heart defect that obstructs blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery. It can also interfere with blood flow between the heart and the lungs. The defect is frequently seen in breeds like Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Jack Russell Terriers, Samoyeds, Newfoundlands, and Labrador Retrievers.
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Acquired Conditions

Most often seen in middle-aged and older dogs, acquired conditions typically develop over time and are the result of normal wear, tear, and aging. Below are some of the more common types of acquired conditions.

  • Canine Valvular disease occurs when the heart valves weaken and begin to leak
  • Arrhythmias occur when an issue develops within the dog’s electrical system and interferes with how it’s telling the heart to beat
  • Pericardial disease develops when the sac that surrounds the heart fills with fluid and affects the dog’s heartbeat
  • https://www.pashudhanpraharee.com/degenerative-valve-disease-in-english-bulldog/

·         What causes heart disease?

  • Although there is no single cause, nutritional problems can play a major role in heart conditions. Aging is the most common reason dogs develop heart conditions, but other factors like heartworm can also lead to heart disease. Other factors that can contribute include:

Causes of Heart Disease in Dogs

Heart disease can either be something a dog is born with or have develop during its life. Heart disease that develops during the life of a dog is a result of one or several of the following causes:

  • Heartworm infection from mosquitoes
  • Genetics
  • Various bacterial, viral and protozoal infections
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
  • Toxins
  • Various medications
  • Tumors
  • Unknown

Dogs that have congenital heart disease can develop it in utero from one or several of the following causes:

  • Genetics
  • Medications taken by the pregnant mother
  • Environmental factors
  • Infection
  • Poisoning
  • Poor nutrition
  • Unknown
  • Body condition:Overweight dogs are more likely to develop heart disease.
  • Age:Heart conditions in dogs occur more frequently with increasing age.
  • Breed:In dogs, chronic valvular disease is more common in small breeds such as miniature poodles, cocker spanielsPomeranians and schnauzers. Myocardial disease is more common in large and giant breeds like Great Danes and Irish wolfhounds.


7 Signs of Heart Disease in Dogs

The clinical signs of heart disease depend on the type of disease and severity. It is important to note that early on there may be no symptoms at all. As heart disease progresses to congestive heart failure, which occurs when the heart is unable to meet the body’s demands, a dog may develop more obvious symptoms such as fatigue, reduced willingness to walk or exercise, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, weight loss, a distended abdomen, trouble sleeping or coughing. If you see any of these symptoms,consult your vet.

Heart disease in dogs is like many progressive diseases where it can take a long time for symptoms to develop. If your pup displays any of the following symptoms or behaviors, schedule an appointment with your vet to have them checked out:

  1. Dry cough that follows physical activity or intensifies at night
  2. Shortness of breath or elevated breathing
  3. Restlessness when sleeping
  4. Rapid weight loss (over just a few weeks)
  5. Fainting – which can look like a seizure
  6. Potbelly caused by fluid build up
  7. Rapid tiring or fatigue

Diagnosing Heart Disease in Dogs

Since early heart disease is asymptomatic, it is best to take your dog to the veterinarian every year to screen for heart disease. Your veterinarian will listen to your pet’s heart for abnormal sounds like murmurs or irregular rhythms and will look for other subtle signs of heart disease. If your veterinarian suspects heart disease, they may measure blood pressure or suggest additional tests like x-rays, cardiac ultrasounds, or ECGs to confirm the diagnosis and determine the cause so that treatment can be started.

Treatment for Heart Disease in Dogs

Since heart disease is an umbrella term for any number of conditions that interfere with heart functions, treatments are wide-ranging and broad. Heart disease can be treated or managed through prescription medicines and supplements, dietary adjustments, and even surgical intervention depending on the condition and level of severity. As always, your first step should be to schedule a visit to your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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With many acquired heart diseases, your vet is likely to recommend an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, otherwise known as an ACE inhibitor, to help reduce the amount of stress on the heart. ACE inhibitors work to reduce pressure and blood volume. Additional drugs may also be prescribed to help manage heart disease.

Beta blockers, nitroglycerine, and digitalis can help reduce symptoms and improve your dog’s quality of life. A diuretic may also be prescribed to manage any fluid accumulation around the lungs.

Preventing Dog Heart Disease

There is no surefire way to prevent heart disease in dogs, especially since several common types are congenital. But you can take steps to help your dog live a healthy life.

It’s always important to feed your pooch a healthy diet that includes Taurine (amino acid) and Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fish oil). Exercise is also a key part of having a healthy dog. While every dog requires exercise, if your pal has been diagnosed with heart disease, make sure to limit strenuous activity and carefully monitor your pooch afterward.

If you have a breed that’s prone to heart disease, be vigilant and aware of the symptoms that accompany heart disease in dogs. The sooner you catch a potential symptom, the better the prognosis is for treatment.


How Dogs Can Help Prevent Heart Disease in People

The companionship of our puppy pals can put us at ease with all the tail-wagging comfort they bring. Whether it’s a few wet kisses, a cold nose, or warm snuggles, most pet parents can agree that the loyalty and companionship of a dog is good medicine for the heart. And now the medical field agrees!

In general, healthier people are just more likely to own pets. But according to the American Heart Association, pet ownership can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Here are a couple of reasons behind this belief:

  • Puppy parents tend to be more active and get more exercise because of their dogs
  • Pets provide social support to their pet parents, which helps them maintain healthy habits, like engaging in physical activities

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