Benefits of donkey urine


Benefits of donkey urine



    Urine Therapy

Urine Therapy is not something new, instead it is a time proven method of entirely drugless system of healing and curing host of Diseases which has been continuing from generation to generation. In every civilization people have known the nectar-like properties of Urine. There are numerous references of Urine as a bestowed of heavenly health and super normal powers in “Yogic and Tantric” books. Urine contains the chemical compounds which are very essential for the growth and maintenance of the health of human body. Indeed it is best natural tonic available in the world. There are some volatile salts in Urine, which are highly beneficial.

These salts powerfully absorbs acids and eradicates most of the diseases in human bodies and as result many troubles of the body are cured from their very roots.

Urine is the best remedy for every external and internal disease of the body. It destroys poison and worms of the intestines. It gives new life, purifies blood and clears skin problems. It destroys disease of the eyes, makes body strong, improves digestion and destroys cough and colds. Urine repairs and rebuilds all the vital organs including lungs, pancreas, liver, brain, heart etc. Urine is also effective in dental and other oral troubles. Urine is the best natural tonic, by drinking Urine, disease of kidneys, liver and bile, dropsy, stopping of sinuses, jaundice, plague and other poisonous fevers are cured. Outwardly applied it cleanses the skin and cures dandruff and is excellent against trembling, numbness and palsy. By applying Urine on body most complex diseases of skin are totally cured and the skin becomes clear and soft.

Urine therapy is the best remedy for all “A to Z” problems from common cold to cancer


 Ancient Reference:

Lord Shiva has himself narrated the “Benefits of Urine Therapy” to Mother Parvati which has been referred in the ancient book “Dammar Tantra” in Vedas. In Ancient Books and VEDAS Urine is referred as “Shivambu” (Auto Urine) meaning Water of Shiva.

Urine Therapy is the ancient method of treatment. The Powerful practice for healing “Self-Urine Therapy” has been referred in “Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi” part of 5000 years old document called Damar Tantra linking this practice to Vedas the sacred Hindu texts. Reference of Urine Therapy is also found in almost all the volume of Ayurveda and in one of the volumes Bhavprakasha .Urine is termed as “Vishaghna” killer of all poisons and “Rasayana” which can rejuvenate even old person and “Raktapamaharam” which purifies blood and cures all skin diseases.


In Tantrik Yoga culture this practice is termed as “Amroli.” Amroli comes from the root word “Amar.” They termed “Shivambu” as Holy Liquid. According to them Urine is more nutritious than even milk as you are not only physically benefited by the practice, but you become spiritually advanced because it is an Elixir for body, mind and spirit. God has given us this precious Gift (Urine) right from our very birth. [2]

 Ancient Quotations:

The proverb 5:15 have also been referred in the Holy Bible: – “Drink water out of thane own cistern.”

“The cosmic soul knows its need and takes to itself that which belongs to it.”

“Auto Urine is Divine Nectar” – Lord Shiva – (From the Dammar Tanta)


“Your medicine is in you, and you do not observe it.”

Your ailment is from yourself but you do not register it.


History of Urine Therapy

Urine therapy has been around for a very long time. The medicinal use of urine dates back to the earliest civilizations. It is often referred to as the world’s oldest medicine. It has been known by every generation but has somehow fallen into obscurity. Yet the use of urine, as a medicine, in one form or another can still be found in the medical traditions of tribes which are still in close contact with nature. In India, the yogi’s and the great spiritual masters are well aware of the miracles of this “sacred” fluid. So much so that it has an extremely lengthy and involved history in India dating back over 5,000 years.

READ MORE :  The Therapeutic , Nutraceutical and Health Benefits of Donkey Milk


Human urine has been considered a healing agent in many Asian cultures for centuries. It has played an important role in the holistic medical traditions of societies all over the world. It is an age-old tradition especially in sickness although many in good health practice it for preventive health maintenance. Ironically, it has been kept a secret by “medicine men” so they alone could have access to this “fountain of youth”.


The Water of Life Foundation in India and the Chinese Association of Urine Therapy has been promoting urine therapy for many years. It is still playing an important role in some medical treatments in Germany, Japan, and has been gaining popularity in the United States. In Germany, urine treatments have been used since medieval times against all kinds of diseases. In Japan, urine therapy has been known for seven hundred years and is commonly prescribed even today against asthma, diabetes, hypertension and on an experimental basis against AIDS and cancer.


Urine therapy also has historical roots in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Aztec empire and since the Middle Ages in Europe. The history of drinking urine for therapeutic purposes dates back to the Holy Roman Empire when great urinal troths were erected in public squares of each city-state for residents to both contribute to, and benefit from. For hundreds of years, many European cultures including Russia have used urine to treat a wide variety of health problems. The ancient Indian text of Shivambu Kalpa Vidhi calls it the divine nectar that is capable of abolishing various types of diseases and ailments. In the Old Testament of the Bible, there is a symbolic reference, “Drink water from they own cistern” (Proverbs 5). For centuries, European Gypsies have known about the curative powers of urine. It has been reported that the Lamas of Tibet reach extended ages by drinking their own urine. For over 500 years ago, Native Indians in the Western Hemisphere had knowledge of this therapy. So much so that natives of Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Chile continue to consume it for illnesses and utilize it as an antiseptic to treat wounds.

The first soap was perhaps, urine. In England, France and probably elsewhere, the custom of washing one’s hands in urine for its softening and beautifying properties, still exists among the ladies. Urine has also been used as a tooth-wash, a clothes wash and in the preparation of cosmetics, creams and even prescription drugs.

The numbers of uses are impressive and so are the numbers of its followers. According to Xinhua news agency more than three million Chinese drink urine to stay healthy. From India, in the state of Gujarat, there are nearly 300,000 users of urine therapy and in the city of Bombay nearly 30,000 plus are active users. Germany, Korea and Japan have a sizeable number of citizens engaging in urine therapy. It is also growing in the West.

In 2009, the 5th World Congress on Urotherapy was held in Guadalajara, Mexico where advocates from around the world gathered to share their experiences.

Donkey Rearing:

👉The donkeys would grow to the maximum height of 91 cm to 140cms in general.

👉A donkey would yield approximately from 200 to 300 ml of milk per day.

👉The average weight of a donkey would be 100 to 130 kilograms and it would be able to carry a burden equivalent to half of its total body weight.

🐴The demand for Donkyes:

Donkeys are in demand for two main purposes.

  1. The donkey has a high demand for its meat and for its milk that has medicinal properties and the skin for the production of cosmetics .
  2. Donkeys are still used as carriers of burden for transport in hilly and rocky terrains.

🐴Scientific ways of rearing donkeys:

Traditional way of rearing donkeys is taking them for grazing of green pastures and quenching their thirst with water every day.

READ MORE :  Facts about Donkey and Donkey Milk

Apart from this green fodder could be stall fed to the donkeys in the stables themselves. Donkeys also could be fed on haystacks.

🐴Minerals and salts:

Just as cattle and goats are fed with food supplements such as minerals donkeys too should be fed with 30 to 40 grams of mineral salts diluted in water. Thus the health of donkeys can be maintained with the right balance of vital nutrients.

🐴Proper shelters Donkeys:

Shelters or sheds are very important requirement for donkeys to protect them from vagaries of harsh hot and cold weather conditions and preventing them from contracting diseases.

🐴Disease prevention:

Donkeys are susceptible to develop fits induced by bacterial  infections from the wounds and injuries. Hence to prevent the  same the animals should be vaccinated against tetanus.

Similarly donkeys would be highly exposed to the risk of dog  bites and resulting in infections. This can be prevented from anti  rabies vaccine.

De-worming too is important in rearing donkeys as tape work, hook worm etc would make the animals lose weight and become  weak and extremely exhausted.

🐴Donkey dung:

The dung of donkey is used as an excellent manure for plants. And the donkey dung is also roasted and tied around the head in a cloth as a remedy for fluid retention .

Benefits of donkey urine:

The urine of donkey is considered to be having therapeutic benefits to recover from addiction of alcohol. The practice of  drinking donkey urine for the purpose is reported in some European countries.

🐴Rearing methods:

The Male and female ratio must be 1 male (jack) per 10 female donkeys (jennies).

Keeping the males with the females always together would harm the females as the males would be always exhibiting aggressive sexual behavior. Hence 1 male donkey(Jack) per 10

female donkeys (jennies).Donkeys normally would graze for about 12 hours in a day and

would be able to carry a burden of 40 kilograms. The practice of Rearing the donkeys for milk has been on the rise.

🐴Increasing importance of Donkeys:

According to the article published by the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) on donkeys the milk of donkeys could be given as remedy for those having allergy for cow’s milk as it contain abundant nutrients just as human mother’s milk. The fat and protein contents of the donkey milk is also very balanced. Legend has it that the famous Egyptian empress Cleopatra used to bathe in the water mixed with the milk of donkey.

🐴China’s tryst with donkey:

In China alone around 5 million donkeys are killed for its meat and skin as these command attractive price in the market. Cosmetics and traditional medicine also are produced with the help of the meat and skin and the wastes of donkeys in China.

🐴Donkeys in India:

Though has a long tradition of rearing donkeys for various purposes, awareness on its value in the current scenario is very limited. And professional donkey rearing is also very minimal in India.But the level of awareness is high in the European countries and hence the sale of donkey milk and its byproducts such as cosmetics are in high demand as well.The soap and creams made of the milk of donkey are sold in a big way and the demand for the same is high. The companies making the donkey based products from Kerala are willing to purchase any quantity of donkey milk from AINDHINAI.

Source-Aindhinai Farmers Producers Company Ltd. Trichirapalli.

Uses Of Animal Urine As Per Ayurveda

Ayurveda states that any substance can be used as medicine provided the doctor knows its usage and the utility of the substance matches with the patient’s disease.

Animal urines are grouped in Ayurveda as Mutra varga. It is a common thing to discard urine as a waste product of the body. It is to be understood that even urine can be therapeutically used to treat various diseases in proper dose, used along with other medicines or as an adjuvant. Various ayurvedic texts have advocated the use of urine of various animals for therapeutic use and for the purpose of shodhana (purification) based upon its quality and property.

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8 types of urine

Acharya Charaka was the first scholar to mention about 8 types of urine which can be used properly in the 1st chapter of the book ‘Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana’. These 8 types of urine are obtained from the following animals-

  1. Gomutra – cow urine
  2. Avimutra – Sheep urine
  3. Ajamutra – goat urine
  4. Mahisha mutra – buffalo urine
  5. Hasti mutra – Elephant urine
  6. Oshtra Mutra – camel urine
  7. Haya Mutra – horse urine
  8. Khara Mutra – donkey urine

Acharya Sushruta was the first scholar to include Nara mutra (human urine) under ‘Mutra varga’ apart from Acharya Charaka’s classification and other Acharyas have followed Sushruta.

Synonyms, Properties

Gruhya Nishyanda, Prasraava, Sravana, Srava, Mehana, Mutra, Prasrava, Sracha

Properties of various Mutra:

The various ayurvedic classics have mentioned about the qualities and properties of different types of mutra.

Cow urine

Go Mutra – Cow urine
Taste – Pungent, Bitter
Qualities – Light
Potency – Hot
Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – Katu – pungent
Effect on Tridosha – Reduce kapha and vata, Increase pitta dosha

Sheep urine

Aja Mutra – sheep urine
Taste – Pungent, Bitter
Qualities – Strong,
Effect on Tridosha – Increase vata dosha

Goat urine

Avika Mutra – goat urine
Taste – Pungent, Bitter
Qualities – hot
Effect on Tridosha – decreases Vata.

Elephant urine

Gaja Mutra – elephant urine
Taste – Bitter,
Qualities – Strong
Effect on Tridosha- Decrease vata dosha

Horse urine

AshvaMutra – horse urine
Taste – Pungent, Bitter
Qualities – Strong, piercing
Effect on Tridosha- Decrease kapha dosha

Donkey urine

Khara Mutra – donkey urine
Taste – Bitter, Pungent
Qualities – Strong

Camel urine

Ushtra Mutra – Camel urine
Quality – dry
Effect on Tridosha – balances Kapha Dosha.

Human urine

Nara Mutra – human urine
Taste – pungent, sweet
Quality – light
Effect on Tridosha- Decrease kapha dosha

Buffalo urine

Mahishi Mutra – buffalo urine
Effect on Tridosha – Decrease vata dosha, Increases pitta dosha
The above given list gives an idea about the qualities of the various types of Mutra.

Out of the different types of urine mentioned in Ayurveda, Cow’s urine is considered as the best for therapeutic use and is used in the preparation of ayurvedic formulations like Panchagavya ghrita. It is also used in the shodhana (purification) of minerals in the field of rasashastra. The distillate of cow’s urine called as Gomutra arka is available in the market and is used extensively for therapeutic and agricultural benefit.

Chemical constituents

Chemical constituents of Cow’s urine:
Cow’s urine contains nearly 50 components, mainly being Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphates, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Carbolic acid, Iron, Calcium, Minerals, Chlorine, Magnesium, Vit. A,B, C,D and E.

Therapeutic uses

Therapeutic use of Mutra:

  • ‘Panchagavya’ consisting of cow urine, cow dung, ghee, butter and cow milk is used as medicine to treat condition of epilepsy and pysco-somatic conditions.
  • To treat the disease of gulma and shotha (anasarca) condition, cow urine is given as part of therapy in a dose of 25-30 ml.
  • To treat wound, the bark of saptaparna tree, nimba, karanja tree is made into paste by rubbing with cow urine and applied over the wound.
  • Intake of ‘Rasanjana’ prepared the decoction of Daruharidra along with cow urine is useful to treat skin disease.
  • To treat condition of ascites, yava kshara (alkali) with cow urine is given as part of treatment.


Contraindication of Mutra in therapeutic use:
Person having hyperacidity and peptic ulcer can refrain from taking formulation containing Mutra as it may worsen the condition.

Source-Dr.B.K.Prashanth M.D (Ayu), Ph.D

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