Goat Meat: Nutrition and Health Benefits.


Goat Meat: Nutrition and Health Benefits.


Meat often makes a regular appearance in the diet of humans .It is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Meat can be sourced from various animals, the most popular including cow, lamb, and chicken.Considered to be one of the healthiest red meats,  goat meat is lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher in iron than other red or white meat.Goat meat does not have cultural or religious taboos that some other meats may have, making it suitable for most cultures.

This article explores more about goat meat nutrition, health benefits and downsides, and ways to cook and enjoy goat meat as part of a balanced diet.

Goat meat basics

Goat meat is typically classified in terms of the age of the goat when the meat is processed. Kid meat or capretto refers to the meat of an animal aged 4 months or less, and adult meat or chevon comes from an animal up to 14 months old. Kid goat meat is the leaner of the two and is quite tender. Its higher water content makes it suitable for several cooking methods. Adult goat meat is a little tougher and works best with slow, moist heat cooking methods to help bring out the flavour.

Breeds of goat

There are numerous breeds of goat native to India, each serving a different purpose. Some are better used to produce milk, while others are more suitable for meat consumption. Common breeds of goat meat include the Black bengal, Boer etc.

Where is consumed?

Goat meat is an acceptable source of animal proteinwithin many cultures and religions.It is commonly used in Asian, African, and Middle Eastern recipe. It’s less common to cook with goat meat in western countries, such as America, Canada, and Australia

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Goat meat is a great source of nutrients, including proteins, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, and potassium. It’s also low in total fat and saturated fat compared with other forms of red meat.

A 85-gramportion of cooked goat meat provides

  • Calories: 122
  • Protein: 23 grams
  • Fat: 2.6 grams
  • Saturated fat: 0.8 grams
  • Carbs: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Riboflavin: 30% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Iron: 18% of the DV
  • Vitamin B12: 17% of the DV
  • Zinc: 30% of the DV
  • Potassium: 10% of the DV

Goat meat is also a great source of protein, which is essential for the growth and repair of tissues and muscles .

Health benefits of goat meat

Goat meat is low in fat and saturated fat.Eating saturated fat is linked with an increase in “bad” cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), in the blood.High levels of LDL may lead to the build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels that can continue to grow and potentially break off, blocking the flow of blood and causing a heart attack or stroke.

High in iron:

Goat meat contains approximately 3.2 mg of iron per 85 grams.This is almost double the amount of iron found in lean beef (1.8 mg), and chicken breast (0.42 mg).Iron is an important mineral consumed in the food we eat. Without enough iron, the body cannot make hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen around the body.

Vitamin B12

Goat meat is a great source of vitamin B12 (also known as cobalamin) which is an essential nutrient that plays many roles in the body, including production of energy in cells, DNA synthesis, nerve cell function and red blood cell formation

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Goat meat is high in potassium .It is a nutrient and electrolyte that helps regulate blood pressure and maintain cell functions, particularly the nerve and muscle cells.

Downsides of goat meat

The nutritional composition of goat meat appears to be superior to some other. Varieties, eating too much red meat has been suspected to increase cancer risk, but not yet be proved scientifically.


Goat meat has a strong gamey flavour. Some people consider this a downside. Also, because it’s quite a lean meat, if it’s not cooked well it can be quite tough and undesirable to eat. Cooking it at low temperatures for longer time periods helps bring out the flavour and tenderness of goat meat.

How to cook goat meat?

Goat meat can be prepared in different ways. The most common method is slow cooking in stews and curries. However, it does not need to be completely ruled out for other cooking methods. For a healthier choice, goat meat can be used as a protein source in most recipes. Grilling ,roasting, stewing, and pan-frying are only some of the cooking methods that can be used to prepare goat meat. Rib chops, loin chops, and tenderloin are more suitable to cook fast. The remaining cuts work well if cooked slowly, because it helps to break down the tough connective tissues, making the meat more tender and flavourful. Here are some recipes to get you started:

  • Biriyani. In India, this flavour-packed rice dish is very favourite to most of the people.
  • Slow roasted shoulder.  Switch your lamb roast to goat roast and literally spice things up with some Indian flavours.
  • Goat Ragu. Try this recipe if you desire a hearty Italian-style meat stew.
READ MORE :  Indian Goat Breeds with their Peculiar Characteristics


Overall, goat meat offers a variety of nutrients that can benefit your health. It’s nutritionally superior in some ways to other varieties of red meats and can be included as part of a balanced diet.For variety, substitute your usual mutton with goat meat in different recipes and cultural cuisines.

Finally, to bring out the best from goat meat, it’s best cooked slow and steady.


Third year BVSc & AH








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