Anaesthetic Drugs for Veterinary Use in India



Anaesthetic Drugs for Veterinary Use in India

The word anesthesia comes from the Greek word meaning “lack of sensation.” Anesthesia is accomplished by administering drugs that depress nerve function. In general anesthesia, the patient is made unconscious for a short period of time. During this unconscious state, there is muscular relaxation and a complete loss of pain sensation.

Other types of anesthesia include local anesthesia, such as numbing a localized area of skin or a tooth, and spinal anesthesia. During general anesthesia, your dog is in an unconscious state, so she is unable to move and doesn’t feel any pain. Anesthesia can also be administered locally, to numb a specific area or part of the body—such as a tooth, area of the skin, or the spinal column.

How risky is anesthesia for your dog?
There are always risks when any anesthetic agent is administered to a patient, regardless of the length of time the patient is anesthetized. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 1 in 100,000 animals will have some sort of reaction to an anesthetic agent.* Reactions can range from mild to severe and include a wide variety of symptoms, such as swelling at the injection site to more serious outcomes such as anaphylactic shock or death. While these statistics seem alarming, your dog is just as much at risk getting into the car to go to the veterinary hospital for the anesthetic event. The good news is there are many things you can do to reduce your dog’s risk!

Fasting for several hours prior to anesthesia, as directed by your veterinarian, is important to reduce your dog’s risk. If your dog has not fasted prior to anesthesia, she could vomit and possibly aspirate food or fluid into her lungs, even with intubation (tube to keep the airway open). This could potentially result in a condition called aspiration pneumonia, which can be life-threatening.


Here are a list of some Anaesthetic Drugs for Veterinary Use in India.

Name of Drugs Dose T.N. WITH PRESANTATION Indications
Ketamine Dog: 5-10 mg/kg BW

Cat :11 -33 mg/kg BW

G: 22-44 mg/kg BW

H: 2.2 mg/kg BW  IM,IV

Monkey: 6.5-13mg/kg BW IV

Inj. KETMIN(50mg/ml)…2,10ml(themis)

Inj. ANEKET(10mg/ml)…10ml(neo labs)

Inj. ANEKET(50mg/ml)…2,10ml(neo labs)


immobilization for clinical examinations and surgical procedures

In major surgical procedures ketamin should be supplemented with general anesthesia.

Contra indicated in head injuries and status epileptics 


Triflupromazine C/B/H: 0.22 -0.33 mg/kg BW IM

D: 2-4 mg/kg BW PO I/M

1-2 mg/kg BW  I/V

CAT:2.2-4.4 mg/kg BW I/M

Inj. SEQUIL(20mg/ml)…5ml(zydus)

Inj. SICVEL VET(20mg/ml)…5ml(morvel)

Restrained for clinical or diagnostic procedures, excitement, pre-anesthetic medication

It potentiates the effects of other CNS depressants Administration Along with epinephrine is Contra- indicated.  




H: 0.5-1.1 mg/kg (IV)

1-2 mg/kg (IM)

C: 0.03-0.1 mg/kg BW IV

G: 0.01 – 0.5 mg/kg BW IV

0.05 – 0.5 mg/kg BW IM

D: 0.5 – 1 mg/kg (IV)

1-2 mg/kg (IM)

cat: 0.5 – 1 mg/kg IV

1-2 mg/kg IM

Inj. XYLAXIN…2,10,30ml(IIL)

Inj. XYLAZINE… 2,10,30ml(G loucatose)

Sedation, analgesia muscle relaxation, and immobilization of excited animals

Contra indicate in obstruction of esophagus, torsion of stomach, hernia in dog, &  cat and later stages of pregnancy, false sense of security may result in injury to the personnel as the animal, reacts to any stimulus. it cause ruminal  atony  bloat regurgitations with aspiration




Atropine sulphate




H: 0.5 mg/kg B.W

D : 0.2 mg/kg B.W

Cat : 0.3 mg/kg B.W

Inj. ATRA …10,30ml(Gee vet)


As pre anesthetic to reduce G.I. hyper Motility, hyper tonicity of uterus, urinary bladder, ureter bile duct & bronchioles.

Over dosage may cause atropine poisoning contra- indicated in glaucoma, chronic respiratory disease & pyloric stenosis 



D : 20 – 30 mg/kg BW

as 2.5% solution

maximum dose 1.25g

C/H:8-15mg/kg BW IV

S/G:20-25mg/kg BW IV

Inj. THIOSOL(500mg,1g)(Neon labs)

Inj. INTRAVAL SODIUM (500mg, 1g)…50amp


General anesthesia in minor & major surgical procedures, Euthanasia

General anesthetic dosage may produce moderate to severe respiratory depression & mild cardiovascular depression. Over dosage paralyzes central respiratory control mechanisms leading to death. Extravasations of drug during I/V administration may cause local tissue damage.




Antidote: flumagenil

D/CAT : 0.5 – 1 mg/kg B.W Inj. CALMPOSE(10mg)…2ml (Ranbaxy)

Tab. CALMPOSE(5mg)…10’S

Syrup. CALMPOSE(2mg/5ml)…60ml

Tab. VALIUM(2,5,10mg)…10’S(AHPL)


Pre anesthetic

Intratravenous over dosage may produce respiratory arrest. 





  Inj. JETLOX (2%)…30ml

Inj. MORCAIN …30ml (Morvel)


Inj. XYLOCAINE(2%)…100ml

Animals Infiltration anesthesia, surface anesthesia, nerve block, epidural anesthesia, regional anesthesia to facilitate clinical / surgical procedures



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