Gut-Brain Axis Effect of Diet on Animals Performance


Gut-Brain Axis Effect of Diet on Animals Performance

Archita singh, Neha rajawat, Mamta mishra, Narayni yadav and Likhita BN

Ph.D Scholar, IVRI; M.V.Sc Scholar, IVRI; Ph.D Scholar, IVRI; Ph.D Scholar, IVRI; M.V.Sc Scholar,IVRI



Each healthy man and animal is provided with unique set of microorganisms in there gut, called gut micro-biota. Richness and diversity of gut micro-biota shaped in early life characterize a healthy gut micro-biota composition .The optimal healthy gut micro-biota is different for each individual. Gut micro-biota represents a changing ecosystem which includes several species of microorganisms including bacteria, yeast and virus. Bacteria are classified according to phylum, classes, order, families, genera, and species. Only few phylum represents for more than 160 species. The dominant gut microbial phyla are, firmicutes, bacteroidetes, actinobacteria, proteobacteria, fusobacteria and verrucomicrobia. Fermicutes and bacteroidetes combindly represents 90% of total microbial population. Firmicutes phylum is composed of more than 200 different genera such as Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterococcus, Ruminococcus. Clostridium genera represents 95% of Firmicutes phyla. Bacteroidetes consist of predominant genera Bacteroides and Prevotella.


Dysbiosis is an alteration of gut microbial population due to several factors , which leads to different disorder .The important factors which leads to change of gut micro-biota are exercise, change of diet, use of antibiotic and stress.

Change of gut micro-biota in response of changing diet:

Though micro-biome of healthy individual is relatively stable but it can be influenced by life style and dietary choice. The diet having less lipid and protein(fruits and vegetable) but rich in fibers and vitamins are called African or Mediterranean diet but the diet rich in protein and fat (meat and dairy product ) and deficient in fibers and vitamin are called European diet .Gut micro-biota showing dominancy of Fermicutes over Bacteroidetes are called  healthy ecosystem and responsible for good health. Mediterranean diet fed to individual reported to shift microbial population toward Fermicutes and therefore Mediterranean diet are evaluated as good for health.

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Effect of exercise on gut microbial diversity:-

Daily exercise increases gut microbial diversity with Fermicutes enrichment like Clostridia, Roseburia , Lachnospiraceae and Erysipelotrichaceae by producing more short chain fatty acid (SCFAs) which may increases tight junction protein in colon epithelia to highten the resistance of the intestinal barrier, thereby reduces mucosal permeability and inhibit inflammatory cytokines. Therefore exercise supposed to improve health condition by improving Fermicutes population.

Effect of stress on microbial diversity:-

Stress induces change in intestinal mobility and mucin secretion which reported to change microbial population toward Bacteroidetes, Stress also reported to decrease Lactobacillus population , thereby stress have negative impact on health .

Antibiotic and gut-microbial population:-

As we know that antibiotic is one which kills the microorganism so use of antibiotic decreases the overall population of bacterial population required for fermentation food inside gut and thereby decreases the digestion potential


Each healthy human and animal is provided with unique gut microbial population .Healthy host-microorganism balance is necessary to prevent disease development .The important factor found to be associated with manipulation of microbial population are diet , stress , exercise and antibiotic


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