Challenges in Layer & Breeder after 80 week : Nutritional solution


Challenges in Layer & Breeder after 80 week : Nutritional solution

  1. Biggest challenge is maintains of egg shell size by reducing linoleic acid normally corn contains quite good amount of linoleic acid by inclusion of Broken Rice or millet it can be reduce .
  2. Egg shell strength is second biggest challenge normally common mistake is we start top dressing calcite or grit , which not only imbalance calcium & phosphorus ratio but also impact feed intake , vitamin D & zinc supplement is better advisable high calcium affect gut also .

3.High feed intake issue normally as the birds start ageing common mistake is reduce nutrient in feed as perception is production % is less so all gut additive , minerals remove from feed but

a.if we start giving extra Zinc feed intake start reducing 5 gram because bald birds require extra energy to maintain body temp . Zinc help in feathering ( after moulting & old age birds ).

b.Feed energy maintains along with lysine , if this ratio is imbalance either you face fatty liver or liver rapture issue , this ratio totally related with ageing & weather concern to your vet nutritionist .

c.Balancing ration by inclusion of protease , xylanase if using broken rice or high starch contains ingredients then amylase normally perception is protease only help in reducing protein but if your supplier is good he have own research he will give you exact amount of amino acid you can reduce then again question about raw materials variation in that case also protease help in indigestible materials to digestible or if you are using maize soya diet which is understand that most digestible in that case you can directly reduce synthetics amino acid , remember that enzyme addition give space to maintain DEB (electrolyte in feed) which normally imbalance when aged birds formulation ppl do because of high demand of energy in feed . If your diet have balance DEB your birds have good gut health which help in to maintain feed intake

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4.Forth challenges is uncertain mortality which can be control by

Maintains of DEB in feed with the help of potassium chloride or di formate , Enzymes , sodium sulphate or formate for DEB feed evaluation your vet nutritionist will guide you it varies with weather & ageing

Here probiotics lactobacillus Bacillus coagulans in feed or in farm enterococcus faecium is more advisable compare to prebiotics or essential oil or any metabolite because of dysbiosis (Imbalance gut) probiotics support in Calcium absorption & other micro or macro nutrients which help in increase metabolic rate which normally reduce with ageing  reduce mortality  .

Normally common mistake is reducing phosphorus label & increasing calcium label in ageing birds diet without knowing ratio , remember phosphorus is energy correlated to ATP which is energy currency of cell , some layer farmer reduce total feed energy also but increase protein label which also affect birds not only gut but also other metabolic issue which increase un certain mortality .

Increase B complex in diet which help in basal metabolic rate maintains .

5.Fatty liver or liver rapture issue co related to rate of digestion of carbohydrates

so balancing carbohydrates by soluble or insoluble fibre balance is very much essential & lysine energy ratio .

Please note breeder standard manual is only guidelines for proper feed formulation concern with your vet nutritionist because It varies with

Egg size & wt

Birds body wt

Some times you might observed that even old age birds perform well if proper nutrition given because genetically birds laying capacity is  pre define how many egg it lays if birds due to outbreak or other issue if birds not perform in early age it will perform in old age if proper nutrition can be given so observing in farm egg size & body wt is very much essential & it must be co relate with weather & birds breed specific while doing formulation

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Best Regards

Dr Bhaskar Choudhary

 (Animal Nutritionist)

Area Manager Indian Sub continent & west Africa -Biochem Germany

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