How to distinguish between two Feed for poultry Broiler & layer feed 


How to distinguish between two Feed for poultry Broiler & layer feed 

FCR= feed consumed (g) / weight gain (g) .

EEF = (Livability (%) x live weight (kg)) / (age (days) x FCR) x 100

FCR -Feed Conversation Ratio

EEF -Economic efficiency of Feed

Please note FCR some time due to weather or some clinical conditions may be same but EEF give clear picture of your feed because it includes mortality & no of days it took to achieve that FCR , if you are Broiler feed manufacturers or Farmer EEF factor good tool to know about your feed .


1.In layer  feed quality judge by  The ratio between the feed consumed and the number of eggs produced.

A value of 1.5 or less is advantageous to the farm

FCR (per kg egg mass)

=Kg of feed consumed/

Kg of egg produced .

2.Egg: Feed price ratio (EFPR)

EFPR     =Total value of egg produced/Total value of feed consumed

An EFPR ratio of 1.4 and above is desirable .

3.Net Feed Efficiency Index (NFEI)

This is based on egg production, egg weight, feed intake and body weight gain.


=(EM + BW) x 100/FC s


EM = Mean egg mass in g during a specific period

BW = Mean body weight gain or loss in g during a particular period

FC  = Mean Feed consumption/hen in g during a particular period

NFEI value of 45 and above is desirable.


Best Regards

Dr Bhaskar Choudhary (Animal Nutritionist) Area Manager Indian subcontinent and West Africa -Biochem Germany

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