
BV-300 (White)




Layer stock performance specifications

  1. Livability at growing period – 97 – 98%
  2. Livability at laying period- 94 – 96%
  3. Peak egg production – 97% +
  4. No of weeks above 90% egg production – 40 +
  5. Per hen housed (up to 72 weeks of age) – 330 +
  6. Average egg weight up to 72 weeks of age – 58g
  7. Feed efficiency – 124g
  8. Body size at 20 weeks – 1.3 – 1.36 kg
  9. Body size at 72 weeks – 1.6 kg

Parent stock performance specifications

  1. Female livability from 0 to 20 weeks – 95%
  2. Female livability from 21 to 72 weeks – 92%
  3. Male livability from 0 to 20 weeks – 90%
  4. Male livability from 21 to 72 weeks – 92%
  5. Age at start of Hatching Egg – 25 weeks
  6. Number of hen housed eggs at 21 to 72 weeks – 287
  7. Number of settable hen housed eggs at 25 to 72 Weeks – 260
  8. Average % of hatching eggs – 90.5
  9. Average % of hatching eggs (On set eggs) – 90.5

BV 380 (Brown)




Parent stock performance specifications

  1. Female livability from 0 to 20 weeks – 97%
  2. Female livability from 21 to 72 weeks – 92%
  3. Male livability from 0 to 20 weeks – 95%>
  4. Male livability from 21 to 72 weeks – 96%
  5. Age at start of Hatching Egg – 25 weeks
  6. Number of hen housed eggs at 19 to 72 weeks – 289+
  7. Number of settable hen housed eggs at 25 to 72 weeks – 240+
  8. Average % of hatching eggs – 83.3
  9. Average % of hatching eggs (On set eggs) – 84.0
  10. Female Body weight at 21 week – 1.5 kg
  11. Female Body weight at 72 week – 1.85 kg
  12. Feed Consumption /Female Housed at 0 to 20 weeks – 7.5 kg
  13. Feed Consumption /Female Housed at 21 to 72 weeks – 43 kg
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Hyline W-36






Growing period (upto 17 weeks)

  1. Livability — 97%
  2. Feed consumed — 5.21 kg
  3. Body weight at 17 weeks – 1.24 kg
  4. Laying period (upto 110 weeks)
  5. Livability to 60 weeks – 96%
  6. Livability to 80 weeks – 94%
  7. Percent peak – 93-94%
  8. Days to 50% production (from hatch) – 146
  9. Total egg mass per hen-day (18-80 weeks) – 20.8 kg
  10. Total egg mass per hen- housed (18-80 weeks) – 20.2 kg
  11. Body weight at 32 weeks – 1.52 kg
  12. Body weight at 70 weeks – 1.54 kg
  13. Feed conversion rate (21-60 weeks) – 1.82
  14. Feed conversion rate (21- 80 weeks) – 1.86
  15. Feed per dozen eggs (21-60 weeks) – 1.29 kg
  16. Feed per dozen eggs( 21-80 weeks) – 1.35 kg
  17. Egg weight at 38 weeks – 60.1 g
  18. Egg weight at 84 weeks – 63.5 g

Hyline Brown

  1. Growing period (upto 17 weeks)
  2. Livability — 97%
  3. Feed consumed — 5.62 kg
  4. Body weight at 17 weeks – 1.40 kg
  5. Laying period (upto 110 weeks)
  6. Livability to 60 weeks – 97%
  7. Livability to 80 weeks – 94%
  8. Percent peak – 94-96%
  9. Days to 50% production (from hatch) – 140
  10. Total egg mass per hen- housed (18-80 weeks) – 22 kg
  11. Body weight at 32 weeks – 1.52 kg
  12. Body weight at 70 weeks – 1.54 kg
  13. Feed conversion rate (21-60 weeks) – 1.99
  14. Feed conversion rate (21- 80 weeks) – 2.04
  15. Feed per dozen eggs (21-60 weeks) – 1.47 kg
  16. Feed per dozen eggs( 21-80 weeks) – 1.53 kg
  17. Egg weight at 32 weeks – 61.6 g
  18. Egg weight at 70 weeks – 64.1 g
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Bovans White





Growing period (0- 17 weeks)

  1. Livability – 97%
  2. Body Weight (17 Weeks of Age) – 1175 g
  3. Body Weight (18 Weeks of Age) – 1250 g
  4. Feed Consumption (17 Weeks of Age)- 5.12 kg
  5. Feed Consumption (18 Weeks of Age)- 5.60 kg
  6. Laying period (18- 72 weeks)
  7. Livability – 94%
  8. Age at 50% Production (Days) – 144
  9. Percent Peak – 95%
  10. Average Egg Weight – 60.5 g
  11. Hen Housed Eggs – 330
  12. Hen Housed Egg Mass – 20.0 kg
  13. Average Feed Consumption per Day – 106 g
  14. Kg Feed / Kg Eggs – 2.10
  15. Body Weight (76 Weeks of Age) – 1700 g







Its livability during growing is 97-98% and during laying period is 94-96%.

  1. Its feed conversion ratio (FCR) is 2.1 – 2.2.
  2. Its body weight at 20 weeks is1.6 – 1.7 kg and at end of production is 1.9 – 2.1 kg.
  3. Its hen housed egg production in 12 months is 295-305 eggs and in 14 months is 335 – 345 eggs.
  4. Its peak production is 92-94%.
  5. Its age at 50% production is 140-150 days.
  6. Its egg shell color is attractive brown.


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