Therapeutic Management  of  Ketosis  in Cross Breed Cow


Therapeutic Management  of  Ketosis  in Cross Breed Cow

                                               Chitra  Jaidiya 1 and  Kavita  Jaidiya2

Author 1 – Chitra  Jaidiya, Department  of  Veterinary Public Health  and Epidemiology, CVAS, Bikaner

Author2 – Kavita Jaidiya , Department  of Veterinary Medicine, CVAS, Bikaner


A post parturient  cross breed  cow  was  presented   at CVAS, Bikaner, with history   of disease  appetite  and  drop  in milk  yield. Cow  scruned  for  ketosis  by  examination of   urine

( Rothera ’s test). Urine examination  revealed  positive  for  ketosis.Cow  was  treated  with  25%  to 50  %  Dextrose solution @ 500-1000 ml  by   intravenous  route  repeatedly, Vetalog  injection @ 3 ml  i/m, this stimulates gluconeogenesis  but  utilisation  of  glucose  for  milk production is  suppressed  and  there  is  complete  suppression  of  milk  production, Xenz  liquid @ 100  ml twice  a day  and  Ketonex  bolus  2 boli  orally twice a day  and Injection  Liver  Extract  with  B-complex. Advised  feeding  of crushed  maize 2 kg and 250 gram  of molasses per day  a  readily available  source  of  carbohydrates


Key wordsKetosis, Cross breed cow, Carbohydrate


One  of the most important disorders  in veterinary  science  and particularly  dailry  cattle  in higher producing   herds is production  or  metabolic  diseases.  Ketosis  is  a phenomenon associated  with  negative  energy  balance ( NEB), is  classififed  into three types: type 1 ( spontaneous or  underfeeding  ketosis), type ll ( fatty  liver) and  butyric  acid  silage  ketosis. Type ll  ketosis  occurs  in  the postpartum  transition  period.  All dairy cows  experience  NEB, since  in  early  lactation  there is a higher  engery  requirement   for  milk  production  than  the energy  intake  by  feed. Ketosis  cause  economic and animal welfare  consums  in the dairy  farm  industry. (Seungin Ha and  Seogjin  kang ., 2022). After  15 days  of  treatment  improvement  was  observed  in  cow.

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Material  and Method

A post parturient  cross breed  cow  was  presented   at CVAS, Bikaner, with history   of disease  appetite  and  drop  in milk  yield. Cow  scruned  for  ketosis  by  examination of   urine

( Rothera ’s test). Urine examination  revealed  positive  for  ketosis.

Cow  was  treated  with  25%  to 50  %  Dextrose solution @ 500-1000 ml  by   intravenous  route  repeatedly, Vetalog  injection @ 3 ml  i/m, this stimulates gluconeogenesis  but  utilisation  of  glucose  for  milk production is  suppressed  and  there  is  complete  suppression  of  milk  production, Xenz  liquid @ 100  ml twice  a day  and  Ketonex  bolus  2 boli  orally twice a day  and Injection  Liver  Extract  with  B-complex. Advised  feeding  of crushed  maize 2 kg and 250 gram  of molasses per day  a  readily available  source  of  carbohydrates.


Result and Discussion

After  15 days  of  treatment  improvement  was  observed  in  cow . Cow  was  started  to feed.  Rothra ’s test  revealed  negative  for  ketosis  after  few  days  of  treatment.

Primary  ketosis  occurs  usually  within  6-8 weeks after  parturition commonly  during  peak yield. This  is  due  to  impaired  carbohydrate  metabolism. Blood  glucose  level  falls down  considerably  with simultaneous  rise  in blood  ketones. Synthesis  of  glucose  is  less  as  compared   drain  in milk. Sometimes  occurs  concurrently  with  hypocalcemia.  Sudden drop  in milk  yield. Signs  of  nervous  excitement and mania, no  recumbency. Temperature , pulse, respiration  within normal  range.  Rapid  wasting  and loss of  subcutaneous  fat (Gluconeogenesis). Sweet  smell  to breath  and urine. Selective  appetite ( feeding  on hay but  refusal  of conc. mixture). Confirmation  by examination  of urine  by  Rothra’ test. Also by estimation  of blood  glucose.



Senguimin Ha, Seogjin kang ( 2022), predicting ketosis  during  the  transition  period  in Holstein Friesian  cows  using  hematological  and  serum  biochemical  parameters  on  the calving date,  SCI Res 12,853.

Ambica  G, D.S Rao Tirumala. Banothu A.K , Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects  of  subclinical  ketosis in cross  bred  cows  of  periurban  areas of Hyderabad, Indian  journal  of veterinary  Medicine ISSN: 0970-051X, Vol. 37.

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