Dr C.M. Singh: The Architect of Indian Veterinary Science & Doyen of Indian Veterinary Profession


Dr C.M. Singh: The Architect of Indian Veterinary Science & Doyen of Indian Veterinary Profession

Dr Chinta Mani Singh, “God Father or Doyen of Indian Veterinary Profession” breathed last, 15 years ago on 27th July 2005 at Sussex, UK. His memoirs are still fresh and live in heart of most of the senior veterinarians of this country, who listened, knew and worked with him. There is a strong need that young veterinarians of this country should know about his life, contributions and achievements for the advancement of the veterinary profession. Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly (cmset.org) works with this mission and welfare of for livestock man and veterinarians. Here is a very brief story:

1922: Born in Belaon village, Muftiganj Township at district Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh on 30th November 1922

1941: Passed High School examination from Inter College, Jaunpur, UP

1943: Passed Intermediate Science examination with biology from famous Udai Pratap College, Benaras, UP

1947: Obtained GBVC degree from Bihar Veterinary College, Patna with Gold Medal

1947-49: Served as Veterinary Assistant Surgeon and I/C Civil Veterinary Hospital, Allahabad, UP

1949-50: Served as I/C Regional Laboratory, Deputy Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Allahabad, UP

1950-52: Served as Demonstrator at Veterinary College, Mathura and Research Assistant at Livestock Research Station, Mathura, UP

1953-56: Did Graduate Assistantship in Veterinary Pathology from Department of Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lancing, MS, USA

1954: Obtained MS degree in Veterinary Pathology and Bacteriology from Department of Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lancing, MS, USA 1956: Obtained PhD degree in Veterinary Pathology from Department of Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lancing, MS, USA

READ MORE :  Dr C. M. Singh Birth Centenary Year Celebrations (30-11-2021 to 30-11-2022) cum National Webinar Series on Advances of Veterinary Sciences during 75 Years of Indian Independence

1956: Served as Post-Doctoral Fellow in Virology at Cornell University, Ithaca, USA

1957: Joined as Professor and Head, Department of Pathology and Bacteriology, UP Veterinary College, Mathura, UP

1964: Joined as Dean, Veterinary College, Hisar, under Punjab Agriculture University, Hisar, Punjab

1966: Joined as Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatagar, UP on 16th July

1982: Superannuated from the post of Director, IVRI, Izatnagar, UP

1982: Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur awarded him DSc degree (Honoris causa)

1990: Deemed University, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatagar, UP awarded him DSc degree (Honoris causa)

1997: G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, UP awarded him DSc degree (Honoris causa)

1993: Elected as the Founder President of the National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India), New Delhi

1999: West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Calcutta, West Bengal awarded him DSc degree (Honoris causa) in its first Convocation

1999: With his inspiration and blessings Dr C.M. Singh; Endowment Trust, Bareilly, UP was established

2000: Elected as the Founder President of Veterinary Council of India, New Delhi

2005: Last visit to IVRI on 10th January. Dr Singh addressed to Scientists of IVRI and CARI and talked about “Philosophy of Life „in accordance with the Holy Gita. A documentary film on him “Preranashroth” was released on him 2005: Dr Singh breathed last on 27th July 2005 at Sussex, UK.  He is survived

by wife Mrs Chandra Jyoti Singh, Dr (Mrs) Shyama Singh, Dr Krishna K.Singh,  Dr (Mrs) Annu Singh Cundy, Mrs Shashi Singh and Dr Satyendra Singh


2006: Book entitled “Dr C.M. Singh: Life, Scientific Contributions and Memoirs” (with illustrations) was published.

Advancement of Veterinary Sciences

  • Dr C.M. Singh was an eminent Veterinary Pathologist and Microbiologist and has made outstanding contributions in etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of animal diseases mainly listeriosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, bovine lymphosarcoma and slow viral respiratory diseases
  • Dr Singh was an excellent teacher and researcher. He guided several eminent veterinarians for their master’s and doctoral programmes in the disciplines of Pathology, Bacteriology and Virology

ï  Later, when he joined as Dean at Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar and as Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP he proved himself as an able administrator and distinguished veterinary educationist

ï His vision and thoughtful plans converted post-independent IVRI of 5 Divisions into 21 Divisions of National Institute of International fame

ï   Due to enormous extension of research infrastructure during Five Year Plans to meet the need of farmers and industry, IVRI Bangalore Campus was developed for Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine R&D

ï High-Security Animal Disease Laboratory at Bhopal (now NIHSAD) was an institution of his visionary planning, is presently engaged in diagnosis of infectious exotic diseases including bird flu

ï   From IVRI, two research Institutes namely Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar and Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura developed separately for poultry production and goat development

ï   His significant contribution in development of Department of Pathology and Bacteriology at Veterinary College, Mathura and IVRI as a whole is a true testimony to his dynamic stewardship

ï IVRI is known as Mecca for Veterinarians, owing to its uniqueness in integrating research, disease investigation, extension, technology development and teaching

  • He felt the need to reform the Veterinary Education in this country and was instrumental in the creation of the Veterinary Council of India and the National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India)
READ MORE :  डा. सी.एम. सिंह जन्म शताब्दी वर्ष समारोह (30.09.2021 से 30.11.2022) एवं स्वतंत्रता के अमृत महोत्सव काल के दौरान भारत में पशु-चिकित्सा विज्ञान में प्रगति पर राष्ट्रीय वेबीनार श्रृंखला

ï   Dr C.M. Singh had collaboration and interaction with numerous international agencies like- FAO, WHO, UNDP, SIDA, DANIDA, etc.

ï He attended a number of international seminars and symposia on epidemiology and zoonotic diseases in different parts of the world

ï   As a person, Dr Singh was simple, honest and hardworking with no time for personal comfort and family affairs

ï  He was a great visionary. His students, colleagues and admirers called him, “Doyen of Veterinary Profession“, while others considered him as “God Father” “Bhismpitamah” or “Purushottam” and “Preranashrot“.

ï  His dream to establish Indian Council of Veterinary Research (ICVR) is not yet fulfilled. This will be the best homage to him if we can achieve this objective for the betterment of the veterinary profession of India.

  • There is the move by a number of veterinarian of this country that 30th November his birthday should be celebrated as “Veterinary Doctors Day” in this country from this year and onwards. Let us support this move.


Compiled By: Prof. R. Somvanshi, ICAR-Emeritus Professor & Hony. Secretary, Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, UP (cmset.org) dr.rsomvanshi@gmail.com  09837658052



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