Clean Milk Production: A Way to Healthier Milk Production


Clean Milk Production: A Way to Healthier Milk Production


1M.V.Sc. Veterinary Biochemistry DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2M.V.Sc. Animal Nutrition DGCN COVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur

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Clean milk is defined as raw milk which is drawn from the udder of normal healthy animals collected in dry utensils and is free from dirt, dust, flies, straw, hay, etc. When milk comes from udder of healthy animal it is sterile. Milk is highly nutritious and contains protein, lipid, lactose, minerals, etc. Milk serves as an ideal medium for rapid multiplication of harmful microorganisms due to its susceptibility to microbial spoilage. So, milk needs to be protected from all sources of potential contamination. By clean milk production there is production of good quality dairy products and by-products.

The following steps should be followed for ensuring clean milk production:

  • The animal should not be unhealthy.
  • Before milking urine and dung should be removed from the shed.
  • Clean bath should be provided to the animal before milking.
  • Sufficient amount of feed and water should be provided to the animal before milking.
  • The area where milking is done the floor there should not be slippery.
  • If the animal is under treatment for udder mastitis and udder tuberculosis the milk should be discarded during the withdrawal period of the treatment.
  • Shed should be cleaned with water before milking.
  • Before milking wash the udder and teats of the animal with lukewarm water and wipe with a dry clean cloth or towel to remove any dirt sticking to teats and udder.
  • For washing of teats and udder and for collection of milk separate vessels should be used.
  • Coughing and sneezing should be avoided during milking.
  • If calf is allowed to suckle milk wash the teats with water and make it dry with clean cloth after suckling.
  • The milk collection vessel should be cleaned with detergent and hot water after every use and kept inverted to dry before next milking.
  • Milker should wear dry clothes every day.
  • Milker should wash their hands with soap to remove dirt sticking on the hands.
  • During milking, chewing and spitting of pan, gutka, tobacco and smoking should be avoided.
  • Milker hands should not have any open cuts.
  • Milker should not be suffering from any contagious diseases such as tuberculosis.
  • The initial milk from four teats should be discarded as it may contain bacteria.
  • Care should be taken that any dirt, dust or flies should not enter in milk collection utensil.
  • After milking teats are rinsed with disinfectant solution to avoid post milking infection.
  • After milking animals are kept standing for at least half to one hour to avoid entry of any infection in the teats and udder and this is encouraged by providing feed to the animal which helps the animal to keep standing.
  • The milk is filtered before pouring in the vessel.
READ MORE :  Formulae for the Estimation of Solids-not-Fat  (SNF) and Total Solids Content in Cow and Buffalo Milk in India

The milk collected should be immediately covered by closing the lid of the milking utensil. It is ensured that clean and safe milk is supplied to the consumers as the keeping quality of the milk is easily deteriorated. Then the milk should be distributed as soon as possible to the consumers because bacteria in the milk proliferate faster after milking.

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