Hamsters are small rodents with a short life span of two to three years. They are easy to look after and pretty much live on their own, making them a perfect fit for new pet parents and households with small children. They are also great for pet lovers who want a companion pet but whose lifestyle does not allow a lot of time or commitment.

Before getting any pet home, it’s best to know all about their needs and be prepared, or it’s a hassle later on. It can put both you and your new pet in a tight spot, which you can prevent from happening by following these basics on how to care for your little companion.These small pets usually vary in size with the dwarf hamster growing to a maximum size of 2 to 4 inches, while the most common pet of the species (Syrian hamster) usually grows to about 6 inches. Syrian hamsters are never good in pairs, whereas dwarf & Chinese hamsters do well in pairs of mother & child or littermates.Naturally excitable, hamsters are not good at handling stress. These small rodents don’t shed a lot and have shown very few cases of causing allergies to humans. Hamsters require less attention when compared to other pets. Other than being cute, these small pets are omnivores who also keep clean. They have a spot reserved for eliminating and keep the rest of their habitat clean by themselves.Irrespective of the species, hamsters typically have a lifespan of two to three years.With an exercise wheel to entertain and keep them busy, hamsters make a no-fuss pet. But like any other pet, these rodents have cons too.A stressed or disturbed hamster can bite, causing great pain. They have also proven to cause chaos when in pairs.

First discovered in Syria, Hamsters are nocturnal animals.There are largely five species of hamsters of which Syrian hamsters are the largest type.

The other hamster species being:

  • Dwarf Campbell hamsters
  • Winter White hamster
  • Chinese hamster
  • Roborovski’s hamster

Hamsters are simple beings with very few needs, and it’s better to have their home set up before they arrive. A few essential supplies that you will need to have are as follows:

  1. A well-ventilated, spacious cage (depending on the size of hamster you will be getting).
  2. Water bottle
  3. Food dish
  4. Food
  5. Exercise wheel
  6. Hiding or resting spot in the cage
  7. Bedding material for the cage

When you get your new hamster home, it is advisable to give them three to five days to adapt to the new setting, without much handling and disturbance, after which you may begin to handle them with care and caution for a little while daily. To associate handling with a positive experience and get them comfortable with it, you may reward them with food during handling.

It is essential to approach hamsters with ease. Make sure you do not scare or startle them. Eventually, you may also let them out of their cage for some time if you are comfortable doing so. Hamsters enjoy exploring and sniffing around. Only let them out under your supervision, as their small size makes them good escape artists and prone to dangers.It’s unnecessary to let them out if you provide them with enough mental and physical stimulation in the cage itself. Hamsters rely on us for their daily needs: food, water, and a clean shelter: other than that, they are pretty much independent.

Hamsters are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn. They mostly rest or sleep during the other times of the day and may become irritated if disturbed. Many hamsters adapt to their parents’ routine and stay active when their human is active.


  1. Get a spacious, easy to clean, and escape-proof cage for your hamster. Plastic cages are not a good option as your hamster can easily chew through them and escape. The cage size varies depending on whether you are getting a regular or dwarf hamster, so make sure you get the right-sized cage.
  2. You also need to clean the cage once a week, so have an optional place to keep your hamster while you clean their cage. Their cage must have a comfortable bedding material made of paper, wood shaving, or fibre-based. We advise against cotton bedding as it can be a choking hazard if eaten; it also causes troubles if it gets tangled around the feet of your hamster.
  3. Make sure to change the bedding material weekly. Do not place their cage in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. 26 to 28℃ is a comfortable range. You can wash the cage using disinfectants once in a while, but make sure you rinse it off and dry it well before using it.

Avoid using pine or cedar wood shavings as nesting material, as their strong odour can affect the respiratory system of your hamster.

Diet and Exercise

Hamsters are omnivorous and enjoy fruits, vegetables, small insects, grains, nuts and seeds. Human foods like chocolate, milk, and spicy items are strongly not recommended. You can also feed them commercial hamster food for an all-around balanced diet. You can also supplement their commercial foodwith some freshly cut veggies and fruits.

You must not give treats and fruits in large amounts as they are high in sugar. Always provide them with fresh drinking water.

Add exercise wheels and some toys to keep them healthy by providing physical and mental stimulation.


Hamsters are hardy pets, but their small size makes them vulnerable. If you have a pet hamster, keep an eye out for any unusual signs to recognise and treat any discomfort as quickly as possible. A hamster who is not eating, has runny stools, is inactive, experiences hair loss, or shows inactivity must be taken to a vet as soon as possible.

Hamsters are part of the rodent family, which includes all the types of animals we commonly know such as mice, rats, and squirrels. They are small animals, typically weighing between 60 and 100 grams and can measure up to 11cm long. Hamsters have strong, long hind legs that allow them to run at a high speed. The bottoms of their feet are covered with fur, or hair. This keeps the heat from escaping their bodies. Hamsters don’t have very good eyesight, and they rely on their senses of smell and hearing. Since they are nocturnal animals, they sleep during the day and wake up at night. A hamster’s average life span is about two to three years, although it could be longer if it receives good care.

Which Hamster Should I Get?

Ok, short introduction done, let’s go over the three most popular types of hamsters for pets – dwarf hamsters, Chinese hamsters and Syrian hamsters.

Dwarf hamsters

Dwarf hamsters come in a variety of colors. Some are brown with a white belly and some are white with dark markings. They have the same physical characteristics as the Syrian hamster. Russian Dwarf Hamsters were first discovered in Russia, giving rise to their name. They’re also known as the Winter White Dwarf Hamster and are popular in India.

Syrian hamsters

Syrian hamsters, also known as Golden Hamsters, on the other hand, are one of the most docile among hamsters, making them the perfect pet for both kids and adults. But bear in mind, Syrian hamsters are about double the size of dwarf hamsters, so they require more room in their cage as well as proper habitat.

Chinese hamsters

Chinese hamsters are distinguished by a black stripe on their back and a longer tail compared to other breeds. They’re mostly good-natured and relatively easy to care for, which makes them good house pets. They tend to be calmer than other breeds, are quite social and like to be held.

Now that you have an idea about which type of hamster you could go for, your task just got easier!

Preparing For Your Hamster

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you bring the little furball home.

Will your hamster be safe in your home if you have other pets?

You should be able to introduce them to any other pets you have at home. However, it’s best to take certain precautions to ensure that your hamster stays safe at all times. Keep in mind that your hamster may also be a little frightened by the presence of these other pets, so make sure to give them plenty of time to adjust to your other pet before you bring them home. Also, ideally your hamster’s cage should be made of a material that cannot be messed with by other animals. Don’t leave your hamster unsupervised if there are other pets around the home. These may include dogs, cats, or even birds that could want to make a quick snack out of your hamster. If you are taking your hamster outside, ensure they have a safe space to hide in and keep an eye on them at all times.

What are a hamster’s cage requirements?

Remember to read up on the ideal flooring for your hamster. How big should the cage be? How much space will your hamster need? It all depends on how active they are. The floor space is the first indicator you will have to go by. Take note of how much space you have available in your home and where. A corner away from the busy spots at home would be ideal. This should also help you decide on the kind of hamster that will be best for you. If your home is small, a dwarf hamster may not be the ideal choice.

House trained hamsters are better for kids or people who want to have a pet they can keep in the house at all times. Provide them with an exercise wheel or even a ball. Be prepared to play with them for some exercise and give them company while they are in their cage.

How much time can you spend with your hamster?

The time you spend with your hamster depends on their personality. And each one is unique! Friendly hamsters will allow you to spend a long time petting or cuddling them. Some would prefer to be left alone on certain days. Some other hamsters love to spend time outside their cage and this is a good opportunity for you to play with them. That said, experts suggest one to two hours as an ideal timeframe to spend with your hamster.

What accessories should I get for my hamster?

In addition to a suitable cage, water bottle, exercise wheel and feeder, hamsters also need toys to keep them occupied. Hamsters are very active and energetic creatures, and having a variety of toys will add some fun to their cage. They love to clamber around, hide in them and enjoy exploring the different designs. Chew toys are a good idea to work out their extra energy and also to keep their teeth and gums clean.

What should I feed my hamster?

Hamsters are herbivores and their ideal diet will include a healthy mix of fruits and vegetables in order to prevent tooth decay, help keep their teeth clean, and provide enough dietary fiber. Supplement your hamster’s diet with pellets or muesli which are high in fiber and protein. Hamsters love lettuce, carrots, apples, and broccoli. Offer a variety of healthy treats for your hamster to enjoy, as different types of food will provide nutrients they need to stay healthy. When choosing a treat, make sure it is made specifically for hamsters and does not contain sugar or other unhealthy additives. Chocolate in particular is very harmful to them and may cause internal bleeding. Also, make sure treats such as raisins or nuts are given in moderation.

What do Hamsters eat?

The best kind of food to feed your Hamster is pellet food. Keep the food bowl of your Hamster three-quarters full and ensure to feed him everyday.

You can even feed him vegetables like kale, zucchini, shredded carrots, and collard greens on every alternate days. Make sure to give them vegetables and fruits in a quantity that they can consume in 4 hours to avoid overfeeding.

Offer them water all the time because a hydrated Hamster is a happy one. Most people have a question in mind about how much should your Hamster eat, we have answered this for you.

Food Items for Hamster When How Much
Pellet foods Daily Fill 3/4th bowl full
Fruits (apple, melons and bananas) Once a week 5% of total food
Vegetables Alternate days 15% of total food
Treats ( alfalfa hay and raisins) Twice a week 5% of total food
Water Refresh clean water regularly The quantity required to keep the Hamster hydrated

Hamster Lifespan

Hamsters usually have a lifespan of 1 to 2 years but some also live up to 3 years. They are blind until two weeks old and are weaned at 3 to 4 weeks young.

Female Hamsters usually have 2 to 3 litters (baby hamsters) per year. They do not waste anytime while mating, meaning that when you put a male and female hamster in a cage, the female hammy will get pregnant quickly. The gestation period lasts maximum 20 days.

Hamster temperament and activities

Hamsters are super active and thus it is important to ensure they have a wheel or ball to exercise. Hamsters are nocturnal animals and so you may hear noises at night, its because they are exercising on their wheel.

They love to do cardio, so ensure to give them a wheel or ball. Try to keep an eye on him while he is exercising.

Hamsters like to keep themselves clean. They are often seen washing their faces and cleaning their feet as well ears all by themselves. Let them do it, no need to help!

How to care for a Hamster Pet?

If you are recently welcomed the cute Hamster into your family, here are some care tips that you should know:

Choose a habitat

Your little Hammy must have a safe home that is comfortable. You can get tubes, wheels, accessories and add-ons to make them feel comfortable.

Ensure to buy a bedding that they cam sleep in peace and choose the right sized water bottle, for example, 150-200 ml chew proof bottle.

Place their habitat in the right place

Placing their habitat in the right place is essential to keep them happy. Keep their home at a place near the sounds of the family.

They feel at home and comforted by the sounds of the family but remember that they will be stressed by lound sounds.

Cover their home with light cloth for some days

When you bring your little friend home, everything is new to them. Give them some time to get used to their new habitat.

Let them explore their new home, thus place a light cloth on their bedding, so that there are no distractions.

Do not pick them up on the first day

It will take some time to let your cute friend feel comfortable. So, ensure you do not pick them up and let them be free for a few days.

They will start trusting you after you give them water and food for a few days.

After they are comfortable, find different foods to feed them

Just like we dont eat the same things every day, your cute friend will also appreciate different foods too.

Other than their everyday food, give them small amounts of vegetables and fruits like cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, squash, berries, melon, pears and apples. Consult your vet on different food items to feed them.

Clean their space regularly

Keep your Hamster’s space clean but do not overdo. You can:

  • Clean the toilet area every day
  • Change their bedding when required (when wet and soiled)
  • Clean their food dish every week
  • Clean their water bottle every week
  • Empty their habitat every week with soap and water
  • Place a new bedding every 15 days

Give them ample of time out of their habitat

Give them plenty of time outside their habitat to play and exercise since they are super active animals.

You can set up a gatter space with some toys and treats so that they can play there whenever they want. Always keep a watch on them when they are out of their habitat.

Bond with your cute friend

Patience, feeding them often, plenty of playtime and soft talk will help you bond with them. Always approach them slowly and talk to them softly. They will recognize your scent and voice and find comfort in you.

Handle your hamster with care

Always pick your Hamster with two hands and cradle him in cupped hands. Follow the same while putting them down plus some extra caution so they do not accidentally slip away from your hands.

Before you get them, remember that they are nocturnal and sensitive to time.

Are Hamsters legal in India?

Hamsters are legal in India. As per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules 2016, Hamsters are termed as pet animals and are perfectly legal to own in India.

Is a hamster an easy pet to take care of?

Hamsters can be easy pets to take care of, but they do require some attention. They need a clean cage with fresh food and water daily, and they also need some time outside the cage to play.

Settling your hamster in

When you arrive home, open the cage door carefully. You might not even notice your hamster inside if they have buried themselves in a corner. Don’t attempt to dig them out or entice them as they can nip in fear.

Your new hamster can be particularly nervous and twitchy as they take their time to get used to new sounds, smells, and faces. Pick them up only if it’s really needed as it’s likely they would be scared. Allow them time to get used to their surroundings for the first week and leave them alone in a calm, peaceful corner.

Make sure that they are healthy and well-fed. Watch out for any unusual behaviors, such as over-sensitivity to noise or light.

If your hamster seems particularly thin or small, you’ll want to consult a vet before giving them any free-range time since their smaller size may indicate they are not old enough for such independence. An especially small or thin hamster may need regular monitoring during this time.

Only lift your hamster if absolutely necessary as this would cause additional stress.

Next steps and life ahead

Once your hamster gets used to you, it’s time to start training sessions. When they’re awake and well-fed, get them used to being handled. Hold them and let them get used to your hands. As your hamster becomes accustomed to your presence they learn to relax and accept more people. Just as with dogs or cats, taming and training a hamster requires patience, attention, and love. Give them time, be gentle. Be prepared to receive the odd bite or nip as they get out of their comfort zone and try to work with you. Gradually you’re sure to simply enjoy their boundless curiosity and company!

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


Reference-On Request.

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