With the improvement of living standards in our country, people have higher requirements for diet, and there are more and more types of food, not only nutritious but also healthy. In recent years, pigeons have gradually become people’s top delicacies on the table. The meat of pigeons is tender and delicious. It belongs to the white meat family. The earliest dietary therapy method can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty’s “Dietary Therapeutic Materia Medica”, so there has been “one pigeon wins nine chickens” since ancient times. The argument.

The history of pigeon’s meat

Pigeon meat is typically referred to as squab. The term comes from the Old French word “esquabon,” meaning young dove or pigeon. Squab is a unique type of poultry, and its flavor has been described as being like a blend of quail and chicken.The meat is soft, moist and very tender, and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Squab can be cooked quickly on the grill, roasted in the oven, or cooked more slowly in a pan with vegetables, herbs and a flavorful liquid.

The meat can also be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews to pasta and casseroles.The young pigeon or we usually called it as squab (28-30 days), becomes the most birds that looking for processing to delicious food. The people choose squab because its meat and bones are softer than the big pigeon. The difference texture of their meat are effected by environment where they live. The meat of pigeon which lived in the farm will be softer meat than the pigeon which growth by  naturally.Not only about its good taste that makes someone interest to consuming this beautiful bird. But it also has great nutrition in its meat. So the people want to eat the food from the meat of pigeon. These are health benefits of eating pigeon meats.

The nutritional value of pigeon meat

The texture of pigeon meat is tender and delicious, and the nutritional value is indeed high. According to statistics, the protein content of pigeon meat is as high as 22%-24%, and its fat content is low, about 1%, so it is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly patients, obesity, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes patients. Pigeon meat also contains a variety of fat water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins and vitamin D, as well as trace elements such as iron, zinc, selenium, and copper. It is also rich in minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Salt is rich in nutrients. There are many ways to eat it, and it can be used for soup, roasting, frying, frying, steaming or congee, etc. It is suitable for all ages.

What are the benefits of eating pigeon meat?

  1. Supplementing nutrition

Pigeon meat is a good food and medicine ingredient. It contains rich nutrients that the body needs, and because of its low fat content, eating more is both A good nutritional supplement, it will not increase blood lipids and blood sugar and cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is especially suitable for malnutrition, the elderly and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  1. Enhance disease resistance and promote physical recovery

Pigeon meat is rich in nutrients and high protein. It is used to boil soup for patients with diseases or surgery. It has a good blood-enriching effect and can correct the cause Disease or surgery causes the patient’s anemia, and it has a good role in promoting the recovery and healing of the patient’s wound after surgery.

  1. Enhance memory and delay aging

Pigeon meat is rich in nutrients and has brain-building effects, which can enhance memory, prevent arteriosclerosis, promote blood circulation, and increase skin cell vitality. Enhance skin elasticity, so it has the effect of delaying aging and beauty.

  1. Invigorating the liver and kidney, replenishing qi and blood

Chinese medicine also believes that pigeon meat has the effects of nourishing the liver and strengthening the kidney, nourishing qi and blood, clearing heat and detoxification, and promoting body fluid and thirst, so it is suitable for chronic illnesses and physical weakness. Liver and kidney insufficiency, vertigo in old age, sore waist and knees, weak qi and blood, loss of qi and yin, insufficient qi and blood and amenorrhea caused by menorrhagia in women.

It is worth reminding that although pigeon meat is delicious and nutritious, it has multiple health and health benefits. It is worth reminding that you should wear a mask when you come in contact with raw pigeons, especially in areas where influenza viruses are spread. , Wash your hands frequently to prevent the bird flu virus from being transmitted by pigeons (the cooked pigeon meat does not have to worry about spreading the virus).

The pigeon meat contains many proteins

One of substances in its meat is protein. The value protein in its meat is 17.5 g/100gr and It is almost same with protein of cow, 18.8g/100gr. Many benefits of proteins for our body, such as

  1. As one of the building blocks of body tissue. If we consume enough proteins, it will help the growth of children and adult because the necessary of proteins for our body are enough.
  2. As supporting substances of metabolism in our body. Proteins as supporting substances is every activities of our organs and metabolism.
  3. Increasing the function of our immune
  4. Making our hair and nails are more healthy
  5. Helping to produce enzyme in our body and reduce our exhaustion

The benefits of this bird as source of  protein can be relied for human healthiness.

Pigeon meats contains high mineral contents

Some contents of another mineral in its have many benefits for our healthiness. One of those mineral is Selenium. These are some benefits of selenium for our body :

  1. Protecting our body from free radicals.
  2. Increasing the function of thyroid
  3. Reducing the risk of Rheumatiod Arthritis
  4. Reducing muscle pain
  5. Protecting from skin and hair discoloration or you can use coconut oil for your skin and hair.
  6. Reducing the risk to get cancers
  7. Also reducing the risk to get heart diseases

Another minerals that have benefits of pigeon’s meat for our body is Zinc.  These are benefits of zinc for our body :

  1. Prevent skin diseases like warts
  2. Increasing the function of immune system
  3. Supporting of cell growth
  4. Accelerating of wound healing
  5. Increasing sense of smell
  6. Stabilizing our blood sugar levels and appetite
  7. Controlling our metabolism
  8. Reducing our depresion
  9. Supporting the great growth of children

Pigeon meat is good for our Organs and Blood

Beside the high of its Proteins and minerals, there are another nutritions in this bird that also have many benefits for our body, such as

  1. Optimizing the function of liver and kidney
  2. Increasing our memories and intelligence
  3. Reducing blood pressure
  4. Controlling blood sugar

Besides the pigeon meats, the liver and bones of pigeon have benefits, too

Another health benefits of eating pigeon meats are

  1. The liver of pigeon also contains choline that help our body to use cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis (a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries).
  2. While in the bones of this bird, there is a substance that increasing elasticity of skin and improving blood circulation.

How does pigeon meat benefit our health?

The pigeon is a food element full of important vitamins and minerals and has special elements that work to combat anemia in the body with full force, especially the iron element that is abundant in pigeons.

Now let’s learn more about the benefits of pigeons and what is inside their meat and how eating it is beneficial in all ways for our health.

Pigeons are food that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin B1 is a vitamin called thiamine.
  • Vitamin B2, the vitamin called niacin.
  • Vitamin B5 is pantothenic acid.
  • Vitamin B6, which is the vitamin pyroxene.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Also, pigeon meat is far from all these types of vitamins, as it contains other elements that are of special importance to the human body, namely:
  • Iron
  • zinc
  • selenium
  • phosphorous
  • copper
  • natural fats
  • Magnesium
  • useful cholesterol
  • manganese
  • sodium
  • potassium
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids

When we look at these many useful elements found in pigeon meat, we see the following.

Vitamin B3

It works to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the human body, and at the same time it works to raise the level of cholesterol that is beneficial to human health, as it accurately controls the level of sugar in the human blood, and this vitamin helps to heal all infections to which the skin is exposed, and it is an effective healer. The digestive system from any problems it faces, and most importantly, from my point of view, it provides the human body with the great energy that it needs.


It is one of the important elements for human health, as it works to strengthen bone health in a strong way, as it is a strong assistant to activate all the functions of the thyroid gland, and also helps to strengthen the health of nerves completely in the person and is distinguished in the treatment of insomnia.


One of the most important nutrients, it is found in the bathroom in a strong way and works to strengthen the immune system to fight any viruses or any diseases, and it also contributes to the health of hair and nails strong, and protein is a distinctive element in losing weight.


When we take the bath in a correct manner, the selenium in it helps reduce the incidence of painful arthritis, as it reduces the chances of developing cancer, and it protects the hair completely, especially in terms of hair color. It is also a strong anti-aging fighter and is important for improving thyroid functions.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 in the bathroom is considered in a distinctive balanced way because it is considered an appetizer, as it strengthens the muscles and the nervous system completely, and it is also a strong supporter of the heart from any risks.


Iron is distinguished in the human respiratory system. It regulates the process of oxygen distribution through the respiratory system. It also supports the human immune system and helps the person restore the full ability to focus. It is also a strong fighter for depression and fights headaches.


It is special especially for children because it helps children to have healthy growth, as it protects greatly from exposure to colds, and helps to improve and regulate various metabolic processes.

Side effects of pigeon’s meat

In fact, all nutrition food may not good if we consume them without noticed the condition. If we consumed too excess, the meat of pigeon will also given bad effects for our body. The fat contents of pigeon’s meat especially its skin is high enough. So that, it is not good if we consumed in large quantities and it was not balanced with another nutrition food.

After read nutrition and benefits of meat which have been had this beautiful bird, are you interesting to consume it? The good processing of pigeon’s meat and another nutrition food as balancing are the best choice if we want to consume it. Especially if you do exercises and healthy lifestyles, our body will get the best benefits from all the food which we consumed. So, let’s get your health benefits of eating pigeon.



The word Pigeon has been derived

from English word “Pijon” and as well as the Latin word “Pipion”. Domestic

Pigeons are descendents of Wild pigeons (Columbia liva) distributed in

Rocky Ravines throughout the Asia and Europe. Evidence of its domestication

dates back to 4500 BC. They are generally kept for ornamental purposes. Pigeon flying

has a global distribution. It is well accepted pursuit in Middle East, North Africa

and several parts of North America and Europe. Pigeon flying is a popular hobby

in China.



Production of young meat Pigeon

(Squab Raising) provides alternative income to small farmers. Squabs are being

reared as a side line in Villages, towns and on farms. Squab raising can be

made profitable source of income with good management and market squabs require

little land since all breeders are kept in small pens and houses. Recent survey

conducted indicates that there is a fair demand of squabs in large cities like

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore. Squab raising also

has tremendous export potential to Dubai, Australia Thailand and Singapore. A

pigeon is a tradition part of Middle Eastern diet. In China Pigeon meat is a popular

restaurant dishes and there is good demand from Jewish community clubs all over

the world.

No official figures are available and according to some, rough estimates

several millions of Pigeons are raised every year by large number of Pigeon

breeds scattered throughout the sub continent. The main commercial ability of

Pigeon is for meat production, the germplasm selected for this purpose produce


squabs that grow quicker and have large breasts than the buds of unselected

stock. The squabs are harvested just before full feather development and before

the youngster have developed and started to fly, usually 21-30 days of age.

Squab production is different from other poultry operations in that the squabs

have to be bred and fed by their parents until the market age of 4 weeks. A

pair of Pigeon may raise 15 young ones in a year. The efficiency of squab

production per year has however not improved since decades. Squab weight up to

3 weeks of age was subjected to environmental influences, particularly due to their

dependence on crop milk and the mothering instinct of the females. Only after 3

weeks of age genotype of squab also becomes an important factor in the body

weight gains.

As over the livestock census, 2003 total poultry population is 489.012 millions

and chicken constitutes the largest proportion (93.49 %) followed by duck

(5.90%). Other species including turkey, quail, guinea fowl and pigeon

constitutes less than 1%. Presently, the total poultry population is expected

to be 570 million with no change in the proportional distribution.

Germplasm Resource

Pigeon farming in the Indian Sub

continent was introduced during the medieval period of Mughal King. Over the

centuries various breeds/varieties have been developed using indigenous and

imported germplasms but very few efforts have been made to document these

breeds/varieties. Most of these belong to fancy and flier category. The utility

breeds produce squabs and meat birds. They are fast growers which attain longer

size and large breeds.

Fancy/ Show Purpose Breeds/ Strains

  1. Kheri
  2. Nisvari
  3. Kabli
  4. Hydrabadi
  5. Patiala
  6. Sahanranpure
  7. Asceel
  8. Lakka
  9. Girbaz
  10. Zeera
  11. Lotan
  12. Maina jog
  13. Chandan Chuha
  14. Kattu pura
  15. Ujale
  16. Kali Siraji
  17. Lal Siraji
  18. Neela
  19. Surakha

Meat Varieties for Squab Production

  1. King
  2.  Carneau
  3. Swiss Mondaine
  4. French Mondaine
  5. Homer
  6. Naqabposh
  7.  Gola
  8. Umer
  9. Lahores
  10. Indian Mondaine


Adult Bird weight 640-850gm

Floorspace required/bird 0.4sqm

Age for Marketing 25-30days

Productionof Squabs by a pair of breeder pigeons 12

Average weight of Squab 450-700gm

Age of sexual maturity 170-180 days

Female productive life 10 years

Male productive life 5 years

Incubation period 18 days

Dressing percentage 74 %


Pigeons have a small head and a

plump, compact body shape. Full breasted appearance is usually attributed to

their well developed pectoral muscles. Plumage is dense and soft. Sexes may be

distinguished by aggressive behavior, coarser appearance and selectively large

size in case of male. Mature birds may weight from about 0.5 to nearly 1 kg

some large breeds may even weigh up to 1.4 kg. Pigeons are hardy birds,

naturally pre-adapted to varied agro climatic conditions from temperate and

tropical zones. Pigeons have been raised for centuries on husbandry system that

allow free-ranging flights for obtaining food. They may often range over many

square kilometers to locate seeds and edible scraps. Crops act as an efficient

storage organ for storage of food and their food intake is always higher then

allowed by their rate of digestion. Pigeons are efficient grazers and arboreal

feeders; they obtain their food partly on trees (from buds and flowers) and

also on pasture (weed, seeds, insects etc.). Its ability to suck water is

remarkable, taking 5-10 seconds to suck 15 ml of water.


Pigeon houses are called as lofts. A

Pigeon house should be planned to keep the pigeon comfortable. Plenty of

ventilation is desirable and the house should face southern direction, which

will provide fresh air, sunlight. The shed roof house is one of the simplest

and cheapest types to build small houses are usually built about 6 feet high in

the rear, 7 to 8 feet in the front and 9-12 feet deep. An 18-24 inch projection

or hood may be built on the front of the house for protection against storms.

9×12 feet pen can accommodate 25-30 pairs on commercial squab farms from 10 to

20 pens are usually kept in one long house 3 to 4 square feet of flood space is

usually allowed for each pens of pigeon, most pigeon rears prefer wooden flocks

in pigeon houses. Pigeon houses should be so constructed that they can easily

be kept free from rats and cats.

<p>Important Points to Be Considered In</p> Housing of Pigeons

  1. Appropriate stocking density.
  2. Cage should provide healthy environment.
  3. Protect from extreme weather & predators.
  4. Sufficient number of feeders and waters and sufficient nesting sites.
  5. If there are a number of aviaries, they should not shear a common surface drain.
  6. Floor of wire mesh & tray underneath or floor covered with bedding material must be present.
  7. Roosting sites are to be provided.
  8. Some bathing sites or sprinklers must also be provided. But the pipes may be coated with zinc to prevent rusting. Birds may eat the flakes of zinc and get poisoned, so, it is important to wash them periodically with vinegar.


Pigeons are monogamous in nature and

lay about 6-7 times annually and produce 12-14 squabs. A squab requires around

3 kg of compounded feed to reach the marketable weight of around 400 to 500 gm.

Pigeons are raised primarily for sport and hobby-being used widely in racing a,

shows, and training to perform tricks. But many people consider Squabs to be an

epicurean delight, and a limited demand for pigeon meat exists. Squabs are

marketable as early as 28 days of age, at which time their dressed weight is about

1 lb. at this age, squabs are tender and self-basting due to the fat under

skin. Pigeons grow more rapidly than most of the birds during the first 20 days

of life. They receive their first nourishment from “Pigeon Milk” regurgitated

from their parent pigeon’s crop. Pigeon milk is a thick, creamy, semi-digested

substance high in protein and fat, but low in carbohydrates. When 20 to 40 days

of age, squabs may be fed a pigeon feed. Unlike other form of poultry, pigeon

will not eat mesh, so pigeon feed either consists of whole or cracked grains or

economically prepared pellets. Most Pigeon producers feed (1) a complete

pelleted ration, or (2) a complete pelleted feed plus whole or cracked grain.

The most common pelleted grains are corn, wheat, sorghum, and peas. Grains can

be offered in an open trough or cafeteria style where the self feeder has

individual compartments for each type of grain. If an open trough is used, it

is recommended that pigeons be fed twice daily. Only enough feed should be

offered to each feeding period as will be eaten in 1 hour.

Example of Pigeon Ration


GRAIN MIX Amount Lb Kg

Yellow corn 35 15.8

Grain Sorghum 20 9.1

Cowpeas or field peas 20 9.1

Wheat 15 6.8

Oat groat 5 2.3

Hemp seed 5 2.3

Total 100 45.4

Mineral Mix

Medium sized ground oyster shell 50 22.7

Grit 25 11.3

Bone meal or Di-calcium phosphate 20 9.1

Salt 5 2.3

Total 100 45.4


One of the essentials of success in

squab’s production is good breeding stock. Pigeon breeds at 5-8 months of age laying

two eggs each nesting, both the parents sharing the incubation till the egg

hatch in 16-18 days. Good breeding stock usually will produce for 3 to 4 years.

Culling is essential in building up a profitable flock of squab producers.

Selection of pigeon can be done on the basis of good laying capacity, which

produced good squab weight, livability and market quality. The first cross of

two breed selected and the breed for squab production usually produces a very

good market squab. Sexual maturity is attained at about 6 to 7 months of age

when the pigeons begin to mate. Breeding season is usually long and may

continue all the year round. In the prime life (3-6 years) pigeons produce

about 5-8 squabs per year. Breeders need to be replaced after 4-5 years. Pigeons

are usually reared in any water proof house that is easy to clean. The

traditional pigeon shelters (devecotes) consist of columns of pigeon. Tower of

mud, brick, stones or wood, which provides protection form predators are also

popular for keeping these birds. Pigeons do not prefer communal roosts instead

independent shelves should be provided (two breeding pair). These nests may be

constructed in batteries of any convenient number arranged in tiers one above

the other along side of walls. This system allows free range flights and

requires minimal human intervention.

Selection of Breeders: It is difficult to determine the sex of the pigeon by casual

observation. Good pigeons for breeders have a white or pinkish white skin and

light colored legs.

Breeding Facilities: The quarters of the pigeon house must be dry, well

ventilated, and provided with plenty of day light.

A loft 7 feet wide and 10 to 12 feet long will provide ample room for 15 pairs

of birds that is about 15 sq ft/pair.

Breeder houses should be equipped with nests, bowls, feed hoppers, bathing

pans, and a rack for nesting material.

Care of Breeders: Pigeons are ready to mate at about 4 to 5 months of age.

They mate in pairs and usually remain with their mates throughout life,

although the mating may be changed if desired by placing the male and female in

a coop together and leaving them there for 6 to 14 days or until such time as

they become settled. No more than 10 to 15 pairs of mated birds should be kept

in one loft.

Eggs:  The pigeon hen lays an egg, generally skips a day and

then lay again.

Incubation period (Days) 18

Eggs/year (Number) 12-15

Fertility (%) 90

Hatchability of fertile eggs (%) 85

Age of Sexual maturity(months) 6

Egg weight  Lb /gm 0.04/17

Incubation: The male generally sits on the egg during the middle of the

day, and the female the remainder of the time. The incubation period is about

17 to 18 days.

Brooding and Rearing: Both the parents care for the young. They feed them

regurgitating a thick, creamy mixture called as the pigeon milk into the open

mouth of the young. Pigeons are the most rapid growing of all poultry. Squabs

exceed the normal adult weight at the time they are ready to leave the nest-at

about 30 days of age.

Sexing in Pigeon: It is difficult to distinguish sexes until the birds are

several months old. The females are usually somewhat smaller and more refined

than the males especially in the head and neck, has tendency to waddle. The

male is more aggressive, struts about with a louder cooling and often drags his

tail on the ground.

Health Management

Indicators of Good Health are:-

  1. Appearance of the dropping in terms of quality as well as quantity.
  2. Amount of feed and water consumed.
  3. Behavior.
  4. Posture.
  5. Body weight.
  6. Rate and depth of respiration.

Signs of Disease:-

  1. Discharge from nostrils, eyes or beak.
  2. Excess loss of feathers or misshapen or ruffled feathers.
  3. Soiled vents.
  4. Dull or closed eyes.
  5. Lameness, wound or swollen feet.
  6. Over grown beak and nails.
  7. Stains or scabs on un-feathered parts.

Management of the Diseased Bird:-

  1. Separate the sick bird.
  2. Discourage pecking of the bird by removing it from the flock; this will prevent the spread of infection from the flock.
  3. Treat the diseased cases separately.
  4. Give euthanasia if treatment fails. This will help in reducing the spread of infection in the flock and will in turn help in reducing the mortality.
  5. Before introducing the new bird in the flock, the bird must be kept separately for a period of 30 days as a mark of quarantine measure.

Methods of Stunning:-

  1. Stunning.
  2. Cervical Dislocation.
  3. Decapitation.
  4. Co2 gassing or over dosing with barbiturates.


Capture: It should be least stressful to the bird. The bird should

not be held by the wings or by the legs.

Restrain: During restrain, whole birds body should be held gently so

that it dies not flap its wings. The birds should also not be tethered (Held by



  1. Identification rings are used in legs. They should fit in the leg. Too loose may get catch anywhere and lead to injury while as too tight will lead to hindered blood supply to the legs.
  2. Microchips
  3. Some do pinioning (plucking of feathers) for the purpose of identification but that should not be allowed.

Specialty of Squab Meat

  1. The flesh of squab contains a larger proportion of soluble protein and small proportion of connective tissue than the adult pigeon flesh.
  2. It is good source of liquid protoplasm and of riboflavin and is relatively rich in Phosphorus.
  3. Squab meat has a fine texture and distinct delicious flavors and is tender and is easily digested.
  4. Widely recommended by physicians for invalids and convalescents.
  5. Excellent demand for squabs in large cities and poultry diversified meat is from the month of October to February.
  6. Attractive and extra large squabs slightly fetch higher prices and small and dark skinned squabs bring lower prices and extra large.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


Reference-On Request.

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