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Actinobacillosis – Kali hydriodicum,Merc iodatus flavus,Merc iodatus ruber
Actinomycosis :-

Bony swellings on head bones Heckla lava 1M
Ulcearation of Skin & caries of bone Acid flour30

Abcess of foot – Belladona200, Hepar sulf, Silicea
Agalactia – Ricinus com+ Urtica urens+five phos gives very good results
Anthrax – Ars alb 1M, Lachesis, Echinacea
Abdominal Pain :-

Due to indigestion with constipation Nux vomica200
Due to bad quality of food Ars Alb200
Due to excess green food Colchicum200
Due to retention of urine Cantharis200
Due to flatulence Mag phos+Nux vomica

Arthritis – Broynia, Rhus tox, Arnica, Conium mac, Ferum phos
Anaplasmosis – Trinitrotoluene, Crotalus horridus, Phos, China, Phytolaca
Anoestrous :-

Due to profuse leucorrhoea Calc phos6x
When ovaries are very small on rectal examination Iodum30
Due to retntion of placenta & in Silent heat Pulsatilla
To regulate oestous Cycle Sepia200

Babesiosis – China offi, Ficus religiosa, Millefolium, Phos, Crotalus horridus, Pulsatilla.
Bronchitis – Aconite, Bryonia, Kali brom, Ars alb, Antim tart, Kali bich.
Bruises – Arnica, Ruta g.
Blue tongue – Aconite, Nat mur, Ars alb, Acid nit, Borax,Rhus tox,Mercurious.
Burns & scald :-

Minor burns & scalds Cantharis200
Deep burns with loss of skin Kali Bich200
Suppuration after burns Hepar sulph30
After effects of burns Causticum200
When formation of gangrene Ars alb200
Relieving burn pains Capsicum200

Botulism :-

Paralytic sypmptoms of throat, Difficult Swallowing Gelsemium200
Paralysis of fore limb muscles Plumbum met 30
Paralysis of hind legs Conium mac200
Muscular Stiffness Difficult in walking of fore limbs Curare30
Peripheral paralysis of throat & mouth Lathyrus Sativus 1M

Black Quarter – Hepar sulph, Rhus tox


How to write the homeo prescription ?

Nux 200.
5/10/15 gms in globules no 10/20/30/40.
* globules number as per size

Prescription in liquid form.

Nux 200
5/10/15/30 ml in liquid.

Prescription in powder form

Nux 200
1/2/5 dose in sugar of milk

Combined form

Nux 200 +bryonia 200 (combined)
5 gms in globules no 40.
Dose ……..




1.Treatment protocol for ganrenous mastitis——-

1) Lachesis 200. Two drops once daily for 5 days.

2) Pyrogen 200 + Arsenic alb 200 + Silecea 200. Two drops each mixing in Little drinking water twice daily

2.Acute Mastitis with inflammation & Chronic Mastitis with Fribosis (Cattle) :-——–

Acute :
Phytolacca 200 + Hepar sulph 200 + Belladona200 + Urticaria urens 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules thrice daily.

Chronic :

Phytolacca 200 + Conium 200 + Graphitis 200 + Silecea 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.


  1. Nasal granuloma (cattle).———–


1) Arum met 200. Two drops once daily for 2 days. Start on 1st day.

2) Thuja 200. Two drops once daily for 15 days. Start on 3rd day.


4.Persistent Corpus luteum in Cow.————-


Folliculinum 200 + Thuja 200 + Sepia 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once every two days interval.

** Continue treatment minimum 21 days.


  1. Cystic Ovaries in Cow.-———


Apis Mel 200. Two drops once every two days interval.

** Continue for 3 weeks.



6.Weak development of Genital organs including Ovarian dysfunction in Cow.-——


1) Iodum 200. Two drops once every two days interval. Start on 1st day of treatment.

READ MORE :  Use  of Homeopathy in Veterinary Practice

2) Sepia 200. Two drops once every two days interval. Start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Conium 200. Two drops once daily. Start on 3rd day of treatment.

** Continue treatment minimum 21 days.



7.Fallopian tube obstruction with fibrosis in Cow.———–


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops once every three days interval. Start on 1st day of treatment.

2) Graphitis 200. Two drops once every two days interval start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Conium 200. Two drops once daily start on 3rd day of treatment.

** Continue treatment minimum 21 days.



8.Inflammation of the Fallopian tubes (Salpingitis) in cow.————


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops once every 3 days interval. Start on 1st day of treatment.

2) Pyrogen 200 + Hepar sulph 200 + Echinacea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once daily for 15 days. Start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Hydrastis 200 + Silicea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once every 2 days interval. Start on 5th day of treatment.

** No 1 and 3 will continue until recovery.



9.Intra – Uterine adhesions with fibrosis (Cattle).———


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops mixing with little drinking water once every three days interval. Start on 1st day of treatment.

2) Graphitis 200 + Hydrastis 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once every two days interval. Start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Silecea 200. Two drops mixing with little drinking water once every alternate days . Start on 3rd day of treatment.

** Continue treatment until recovery.



10.Pyometra in Cow.—–—-


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops once every three days interval. Start on 1st day.

2) Pyrogen 200 + Echenacea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once daily morning for 2 weeks . Start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Hydrastis 200 + Silecea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once daily evening for 15 days. Start on 2nd day of treatment.




11.Metritis in Cow.———–


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops mixing with little drinking water once every three days interval. Start on first day of treatment.

2) Hydrastis 200 + Silecea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once every two days interval. Start on 2nd day of treatment.

3) Pyrogen 200 + Echenacea 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water once daily. Start on 3rd day of treatment.

** Continue at least 21 days.



12.Cervicitis in Cow.–———-


1) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops 3 days interval. Start on 1st day.

2) Graphitis 200. Two drops 2 days interval. Start on 2nd day.

3) Conium 200. Two drops once daily start on 3rd day.



  1. Silent heat in Cow.———–


1) Sepia 200. Two drops 3 days interval. Start on on1st day.

2) Iodum 200. Two drops 2 days interval. Start on 2nd day.

3) Pulsatilla 200. Two drops 1 day interval. Start on 3rd day.



  1. Repeat breeding in Cattle and Buffalo.————-


1) Lycopodium 1m. Two drops once in a week. Start on 1st day.

2) Arum mur nat 200. Two drops 3 days interval. Start on 2nd day.


3)Sepia 200. Two drops 3 days interval. Start on 3rd day.

4) Graphitis 200. Two drops 2 days interval. Start on 4th day.

** Continue treatment 21 days before and after artificial Insemination.



  1. Anoestrus in Cow.———–


1) Sepia 200. Two drops 3 days interval.start on 1st day.

2) Iodum 200. Two drops 2 days interval. Start on 2nd day.

3) Conium 200. Two drops once daily. Start on 3rd day.




16.Weakness in after effects of any disease (all species).————


China 200.

Dose : Large animals 2 drops and small animals 1 drop twice daily.



17.Prevention of Summer heat stress (Cattle).————-


1) Medorrhinun 1m. Two drops mixing with little drinking water once. Repeat 3 days interval.

2) Natrum carb 200 + Gelsimium 200. Two drops each mixing with little drinking water twice daily.



  1. Prolapse of cloaca in duck.———-


Kali phos 6 mixed with globules size 30. One globule thrice daily.



  1. Inter digital hyperplasia in foot with overgrowth of connective tissue between the digits like corns (Cattle).———


Calcarea fluor 200 + Silecea 200 + Natrum mur 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily.



  1. Foot Rot due to Fusiformis necrophorus bacterial infection, with inter digital dermatitis and necrosis in foot (Cattle).————–


Calcarea fluor 200 + Hepar sulph 200 + Silecea 200(combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily.



  1. Laminitis due to regular over feeding of concentrate foods (Cattle).-————


Acute condition :

Aconite 200 + Belladona200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules thrice daily.

Chronic condition :

1) Calcarea fluor 200. Two drops once daily morning.
2) Nux 200. Two drops once daily evening.


Lameness with cracks in the hooves( Cattle).

1) Ruta 200. Two drops once daily morning.

2) Hepar sulph 200. Two drops once daily evening.



  1. Cobalt(vitamin B 12) deficiency in cattle–———


Only feed green grass sufficiently. Refuse straw, solid foods and water.

Bovista 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.



  1. Retained placenta (cattle)–———-


Secale cor 200 + Cantharis 200 + Caulophyllum 200 + Gossipium 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules 3 hours interval.


  1. Coccidiosis (all species).–————


Merc cor 200 +Kurchi 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40.

Dose :
Poultry :2ml per 100 birds mixing with 2 hours drinking water for 5 days.

Other species :2 – 5 globules once daily for 5 days.



25.Prolapse of Cervix, only in sitting condition (cow)————


Podophyllum 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.



  1. Lameness due to faulty injection needle pushed (all species)–———-

Ledum pal 200 mixed with globules size 40. Small animals 2 globules, large animals 5 globules twice daily.


  1. Impaction and bulging of large intestine due to accumulation of stool (cattle).———–

Opium 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules 3 hours interval.



  1. Ruminal Tympany due to over eating of green foods (Cattle).————

Colchicum 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules 3 hours interval



  1. Impaction due to over feeding of left over cooked rice (cattle).————


Nux 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules 3 hours interval.



  1. Dislocation or fracture of Hip joints (Cattle).————
READ MORE :  Homeopathy Remedy for Dog and Cat in Sadness, Loss & Grief


(Generally occurred accidentally falling into slippery floor and hind leg position looks like frog posture)

1) Arnica 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily morning.

2) Symphytum 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily evening.

** Recovery will start after 10 days.



31.Burn case (cattle) :——-—–


1) Cantharis 200 mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily (adult).
2) Cantharis Q mixed 30ml with 500 ml coconut oil. Apply effected parts once daily initially and after improvements alternate days.

** Instead of coconut oil can use any oil (less cost) available locally.



  1. To induce labour pain after completing gestation period (cattle) :———–


Pulsatilla 1m mixed with globules size 40. Five globules once daily for 2 days.

** Stop medication on 2nd day if get result on 1st day.
## Other animals same treatment. Dose 2 to 5 globules.



  1. Homeopathic medicine for urolithiasis in goat kid–—–

Berberis 200 mixed with globules size 40. Two globules twice daily.



34.Sudden posterior paralysis in healthy condition mainly winter season (cattle).——-


Nux 200 + Bryonia 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.



  1. Blood in milk (cattle) :——–


Ipecac 200 + Bufo 200 (combined) mixed with globules size 40. Five globules twice daily.




36.Milking complication (cattle).——–


1) Not allowing owners to milk due to jealousy :
Chamomilla 200 mixing with globules 40. Five globules twice daily.

2) Draw up milk when they are milked :

Belladona 4x. Ten drops mixed with water one hour before Milking.


  1. Post FMD complications mainly panting and abnormal skin conditions etc (Cattle).–—-

Arsenic iodide 200 mixing in globules 40. Five globules once daily morning.



  1. Torsion of uterus & Dilation of cervix (Cattle)———-


1) Torsion of uterus : Pulsatilla 200 mixing in globules 40. Five globules 6 hours interval.

2) Dilation of cervix : Staphysegria 30 mixing in globules 40.Five globules 15 minutes interval.


39.Vaccination side effects of all species (Allergic reaction, etching, swelling of injection site, lameness, hard lump etc.)———


Thuja 1m mixing in globules 40. Dose once daily for 2 days.

** large animals 5 globules /Small animals 2 globules /Poultry 1 globule / per dose.




40.Homeopathy drug for pyometra in cattle-——


Arum mur nat 200 +pyrogen 200 +myristica 200 mixing in globules 40. 5 globules once daily 15 days.


41.Increase or stop milk production(cattle)-———–


To increase production: phytolacca 3x Dose 10 drops twice daily for 10 days.

To stop production during last stage of pregnancy: Lac caninum 1m mixing in globules 40 Dose 5 globules once daily for 7 days.


  1. No milk after delivery (cattle)—-———


1) Phytolacca 3x. Dose 10 drops twice daily.

2) Urtica urens 30 mixing in globules 40 Dose 5 globules thrice daily.

** Continue until satisfactory result.




  1. Mastitis & Fibrosis (cattle).–———–


For Mastitis Phytolacca 200 + Hepar sulph 200 + Belladona 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose 5 globules twice daily until recovery.
For Fribrosis Conium 200 + Calcaria flour 200 + Graphitis 200 mixing in globules 40 Dose 5 globules twice daily until recovery.




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