Sore mouth infection in Goats

Contagious  ecthyma 
Contagious  ecthyma 

   Sore mouth infection in Goats

                 Kavita  Jaidiya1,  and   Chitra Jaidiya2

                Department of Veterinary  Medicine, Bikaner, College of  Veterinary  and Animal science , Bikaner


Author 1     Kavita  Jaidiya

                  Department  of  Veterinary Medicine, Bikaner


Author 2     Chitra  Jaidiya

                 Department of veterinary public health and Epidemiology




It   is  an  acute  contagious  disease   of  small ruminants . Five  goats   were  presented at  TVCC, CVAs, Bikaner  with  history  of  papules  and pustules  at  oral  commissures ,  skin  of  lips   and nose. Goats  were treated  with  ceftriaxone  ( 15 mg/kg body weight)  for five days,  injection  Meloxicam  ( 0.5  mg/kg body weight) ,injection Avil  3 ml  I/M, the owners were guided to  a  regular  application  of    boric acid  with  glycerine  on skin  lesions.   Drastic  improvement    in  the  clinical  condition  with  complete  recovery   from   lesions  after   30  days.

Key  word-Contagious Ecthyma, Goat, pustules 


Contagious ecthyma , also known as  orf  or   sore  mouth,   is  a zoonotic  disease   which  means  thst  it  is  transmitted  from  animal  to  humans.  This   disease  results  from  infection  by  orf  virus,  a  member   of  the  genus  parapox  virus   in  subfamiliy   chordo virinae   and   family  pox   viridae.

Contagious  ecthyma  mainly  occurs   in  sheep and  goats. Rare  cases   of   orf   has been reported  in  dogs  and cats. It  has  been  reported  in people  who  handled   infected  animals  or  their  tissues.

Orf  virus   occurs   in  skin  lesions and scabs. It  can  be  transmitted   by  direct  contact  or  on  fomites and is tought  to  enter. The signs  of contagious   ecthyma  vary  in  severity   from   hyperemia   and  small  pustules   around   the  mouth  and muzzle. Slightly  rise of temperature  ,the affected   lesions  and scabs  are   fragile   and bleed  easily  and leads  to  anorexia.  Some lesions  may  moist  and  dirty   leads   to  foul  smelling.

READ MORE :  Goat Farming for Livelihood and Nutritional Security with special reference to Management Technique of Teat and Udder Surgical Affections

Clinical  observation

Five  goats  were  presented  at  TVCC,CVAs,  Bikaner  with  the history  of pustules   at  oral  commisture  and lips, anorectic, dull  and inappetance.

On  clinical  examination  it  was  observed   that  goats  were  dehydrated ,  skin  lesions  were  dry  and had  an  offensive  odour.  Fver   ranges  from  104-105 degree  farenhight  , the  pluse and  respiration  rate  were normal  in rate.

Lesions and physical  examination  reveals  the contagious  ecthyma.


Contagious  ecthyma 
Contagious  ecthyma



Contagious  ecthyma 
Contagious  ecthyma


           Skin lesions  on moth , lips and nose of goats


It  is  a  self  limiting disease hence symptomatic treatment  was given. Goats  were treated  with  ceftriaxone  ( 15 mg/kg body weight)  for five days,  injection  Meloxicam  ( 0.5  mg/kg body weight) ,injection Avil  3 ml  I/M, the owners were guided to  a  regular  application  of    boric acid  with  glycerine  on skin  lesions.   Drastic  improvement    in  the  clinical  condition  with  complete  recovery   from   lesions  after   30  days.


The orf  virus  belonging to  poxviridae  family  , parapox  virus  genus.  The disease  is  a zoonotic , may   be transmited  to  human  by  direct  contact. This virus  producing  skin  lesions  on lips,  around  mouth  and nose.

It is  a self  limiting disease.  Sick animals should be  separated, fed and treated  often  after  feeding   the herd.

Contagious ecthyma: an overview

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