The primary role of supplements is to nourish and replenish your pet’s body with adequate nutrients in optimum proportion as per their age and breed. Aside from this, they promote a wide array of benefits at every life stage. While a balanced diet forms the foundation of your pet’s nutrition, dietary supplements can offer additional support. These supplements are designed to provide specific nutrients that may be lacking in their regular diet or to address specific health concerns.

Remember, however, that pet health supplements are not to be used as substitutes for wholesome, balanced, and nutritious meals because they simply serve to aid pet health and in no way can they provide as much satiety as a regular meal. Only when given with homecooked meals, can they ensure the overall health of your pet.

What is a dietary supplement?

A supplement is a concentrated ingredient that is added to the diet for nutritional or therapeutic benefits. Examples of supplements include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, botanicals, and enzymes. There is a great deal of confusion that surrounds the terminology of food additives, and sometimes terms are used interchangeably. For clarity, the following terminology will be used in this handout series.

Dietary supplements or dietary nutrients are substances that are added to a food, usually to make it nutritionally complete and balanced. Therapeutic supplements, also called nutraceuticals or animal health supplements, are foods or food nutrients that are taken orally to provide a health benefit, either for the prevention or the treatment of disease. To have this therapeutic effect, a nutraceutical is usually taken in a larger dose than the daily requirement of that same ingredient when used as a nutrient.

Dietary supplements are a treat, powder, tablet, or other digestible that is intended to support nutrition or therapy. They are not considered pet food or medication. Although supplements seem similar to over-the-counter and prescription medications, both pet and human supplements differ from these products because the way they are produced and packaged is not regulated. What this means is despite having marketing similar to medications, supplements do not require the U.S. Food and Drug Administration aka the FDA (or the regulating body of countries outside the USA) to observe safety, quality, or effectiveness before they are put on shelves for consumers. Supplements are popular among pet owners, but pets should never receive human supplements due to the risk of toxicity caused by ingredients or high doses.

Joint health supplements

Joint support and health supplements are among the most popular condition-specific supplements given to pets. Ingredients vary, but glucosamine and chondroitin are two of the most common. There are a few studies that have shown glucosamine and chondroitin to benefit pets with osteoarthritis and ease their symptoms, but mixed results mean more studies are needed.

Fish oil and omega fatty acids

Omega fatty acids are found in fish and green leafy vegetables, and fish oil is usually the source of omega fatty acid supplements. Fish oil is often given to pets for dry skin, heart disease, kidney disease, and types of cancer. While fish and leafy green vegetables are widely considered healthy for pets, there is little evidence to support that fish oil supplements provide any benefits, especially for healthy pets. In addition, overharvesting of small fish to create fish oil supplements has negative environmental impacts on ocean ecosystems.

Stress relief and calming remedies

For stress relief and calming effects, L-Theanine is one of the most commonly used ingredients in supplements, but other ingredients, such as melatonin and tryptophan, can be included as well. Evidence supporting the effectiveness of behavioral supplements varies widely between ingredients and more research is needed to prove any benefit.


Probiotics are live microorganisms that affect the gut biome in humans and other mammals. Dogs have different gut flora than cats, so probiotics are different for each species. Probiotic supplements appear to be safe for use in most pets, but should be used with caution in immunocompromised patients. Probiotics and other gut health or digestive support supplements do not appear to be beneficial for healthy pets with balanced diets, but they can sometimes assist pets who have had their gut biome altered due to disease. Even then, probiotics must be species-specific as every animal’s natural biome is different.


Turmeric has been used for thousands of years for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, there has not been much research demonstrating any positive effects of turmeric on dogs and cats. There is some anecdotal evidence that turmeric helps with inflammation caused by arthritis and joint pain. In a small study, the use of turmeric helped treat paralysis from intervertebral disc disease in canine patients. However, this study did not list other medications or therapies the patients were receiving for their conditions. More studies are needed to understand the effects of turmeric supplements on pets.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming increasingly popular for treating conditions in both humans and animals. It is sometimes used to treat pain and seizures. Some small studies have also shown CBD to help canine stress and anxiety. However, currently there are not many long-term studies on CBD’s medicinal benefits as it only recently became legal for many consumers to purchase. Public access to cannabis is expected to drive ongoing research into its medicinal value. Always use CBD under the guidance of a veterinarian and never give your pet a CBD product meant for people. Many human CBD products contain xylitol, THC, or highly concentrated synthetic cannabinoids.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and selenium are necessary for normal bodily function in dogs and cats. Healthy animals that receive balanced diets do not need additional vitamins or minerals. In some cases, too much of one of these minerals through supplements can cause toxicity.

Vitamin and mineral supplements do have some specific uses in veterinary medicine. Potassium supplements are often given to cats with kidney disease as the disease causes potassium deficiency. Selenium has been used experimentally in treatments for canine infertility.

Essential oils

Unlike the other supplements on this list, essential oils show no science-backed health benefits for dogs and cats. Many essential oils can be irritating or even toxic when touched, inhaled, or ingested by dogs and cats. Essential oils vary widely in concentrations and ingredients and are not regulated. For healthy pets, occasionally using an essential oil diffuser in a large space is likely not an issue, but may cause problems for birds or pets with respiratory issues.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a supplement made of tiny silver particles in a liquid suspension. Silver has some antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, but its use as a dietary supplement in humans or animals has little scientific backing. Colloidal silver can be toxic when ingested by pets. The FDA put out a warning in 1999 that colloidal silver is not safe or effective for treating any disease or condition. It’s best to stick with antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian if your pet is sick.

Do nutritional supplements provide health benefits for pets?

Although some supplements show promise in scientific studies, most supplements you see in the local pet store do nothing to help your pet and may even be harmful.

What are the potential benefits of supplements?

Pet owners may assume that supplements actually contain what they say they do, and that’s not always the case. The supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA, so products vary widely in both their contents and the concentrations. This lack of quality control makes it difficult to determine if a particular supplement is beneficial or not.

Some supplements may benefit dogs and cats with certain health conditions. “Providing potassium to cats with kidney disease is a great example of a dietary supplement with proven benefits in a specific situation,” states Dr. Jo Myers, a Vetster veterinarian. Always consult a veterinarian about providing supplements to your pet. A vet can help you understand when supplements are actually necessary and learn which manufacturers have good quality control.

What are the potential adverse effects of supplements?

When taken in large amounts, some supplements may cause toxicity in pets. Others are poisonous or hazardous in any amount. Symptoms of supplement toxicity can vary depending on what was ingested and in what amount. Symptoms range from stomach upset to seizures.


Should pets take supplements?

Healthy pets with a well-balanced diet do not need additional diet supplementation to remain healthy. Pet supplements have not been proven to prevent any type of illness. A balanced diet has all the essential nutrients your pet needs and is the best way to support brain, skin, and heart health. Supplements are not a replacement for a balanced diet. Commercial animal food contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals needed for normal bodily function. If your pet develops a health condition that requires a dietary supplement, it is best to follow a veterinarian’s advice on brand, type, and dosage.

How do I choose a good supplement?

The supplement industry is massive and skilled at using advertising to convince pet parents to purchase their products. Pet supplements with the National Animal Supplementation Council (NASC) seal are considered quality products that are safe and effective due to increased regulation and testing for safety and effectiveness. Discuss your options with your veterinarian and look for a supplement with the NASC seal if you decide your pet does need some additional dietary support.

Top 7 benefits of pet health supplements

  1. Essential Nutrients: Pet health supplements are packed with vitamins and minerals required to improve and sustain the healthy development of both mind and body. When a particular nutrient is missing from homecooked meals, it can be made up for through supplementation.
  2. Skin HealthSkin supplements and oils like coconut oil and salmon oil promote skin health and are known to make a pet’s coat appear soft and shiny. Oils contain omega 3 and omega 6 acids that nourish hair follicles, leading to healthier fur.
  3. Digestion: Certain pets find it difficult to digest certain ingredients in packaged food or have a weak digestive system. In such cases, a veterinarian might suggest digestive supplements to help ease bowel movements and strengthen gut flora. Most digestive supplements are either prebiotics, probiotics, or both.
  4. Encourages Absorption: When a pet’s digestive system isn’t able to absorb all essential nutrients from its meals, dietary supplements act as a protein-based delivery system, thereby optimizing the absorption of vital substances such as chondroitin. In short, they make nutrients available in their maximum potency for absorption.
  5. Strengthens Immunity: Immune supplements are used when a pet may have a weak immune system – this is particularly seen in puppies that have been weaned too early or those that were on a diet other than milk replacement formula as newborns. Immune supplements are essentially immune boosters that help the immune system stay ready for prevention of illness, attack of an infection and/or recovery from disease.
  6. Promotes neurological function: Certain pet supplements, especially those that contain vitamin E, vitamin C, Coenzyme Q-10, and L-Carnitine, are known to improve neurological function and slow down cognitive impairment as pets age. When fed with homecooked meals, they are linked to improving focus and attention spans.
  7. Helps to age gracefully: Supplements for mobility can help dogs with joint inflammation or hip dysplasia. Some veterinarians recommend using mobility supplements for repair, pain relief, disease/disorder control etc. These supplements are used alongside senior pet diets prescribed by a veterinarian.

Since good-quality packaged pet food comes with all essential nutrients in an optimum proportion to support a healthy mind and body, pets on such a diet do not require supplements. Contrarily, those on a homecooked diet most often do.

Choosing and Administering Supplements:

When considering dietary supplements for your pet, it is crucial to consult with your veterinarian. They can guide you in selecting high-quality supplements suitable for your pet’s specific needs and recommend the appropriate dosage. Additionally, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for administration, as some supplements may require regular or timed dosing.

Choosing the Right Supplements

The most commonly used supplementary products for pets include those for strengthening the joints, protecting and conditioning the skin and hair coat, improving digestive health, and for overall well-being.

Supplements that are formulated for joint health typically include the ingredients glucosamine and chondroitin, which have been found to be useful in treating arthritis in both humans and animals. Supplements that are made for healing dry, flaking skin and dry hair coats include ingredients that add essential fatty acids to the body to increase moisture in the skin and hair. Fish oil is a typical ingredient in skin and hair supplements. Vitamins C and E, both well known for their antioxidant properties, can be used to reduce inflammation and may even help to maintain cognitive function in older animals.

And just as people eat foods such as yogurt with live cultures for its ability to keep the microbacterial balance of the intestines at healthy levels, and soluble fiber for aiding in digestion, some of these same ingredients can be used to make probiotic and prebiotic formulas for animals for the same use. Pre- and probiotic supplements are especially good for digestive health, but they also help the immune system to maintain a healthy response, reduce allergy symptoms, and prevent diarrhea.

The Pros and Cons of Pet Supplements

Health supplements are extremely popular right now. People in general are more aware of eating healthily, and that means they are more likely to supplement with probiotics, amino acids and vitamins and nutrients. Everywhere you turn, from TV to magazines, the media is full of advertisements espousing the benefits of supplements.

What’s different now than than any other time in history is that you are seeing advertisements for pet supplements. Television ads are full of beautiful images of healthy dogs running joyfully through grassy meadows, silky fur flowing in the wind, and according to the ad, it’s all because of pet supplements. Some vets are even recommending supplements for pets, through wall posters, veterinarian website ads or even verbal or written recommendations. So what’s all the fuss? Should you really be giving supplements to your pets? And are they really needed, or is it all just hype to sell vitamins? Here are the pros and cons to consider.

Con: It’s Hard to Gauge Dosage and Effectiveness

When you give your pet supplements, it’s challenging to be sure how much they ingested and how much of it was left in the food bowl. In addition, if there are some side effects like a slight stomachache, your pet can’t exactly tell you about them. Finally, how can you be positive you’re giving them just the right amount? If your pet is already generally healthy, maybe the supplements are simply being expelled by the body as “unnecessary waste.”

Pro: You’ll Feel Better

Let’s face it. Many of the things you do for your pet are really done for you. Genetically speaking, your pet would be satisfied with a mossy spot under a shady tree in the woods. But as a loving pet owner, you want to make your pet as comfortable as you can, so you provide a place of honor in your home, with soft bedding in an attractive design that’s kept fresh and laundered. You have a warm, loving nature, and you’re a nurturer. That’s why you buy the best for your pet. Giving your pet supplements will certainly make you feel better, knowing that you’re doing everything you possibly can to ensure optimal health. And being able to feel better about something is always a valid point.

Con: Some Supplements May Fall Short

Just as you would do if you were taking supplements, you’ll need to do a considerable amount of research before deciding on a brand of supplements to buy. As with pet food, some brands are not as “trustworthy” as others. The pet supplement industry is getting to be a burgeoning business, with possibly millions of dollars transferring hands. Some manufacturers will be in it for the money alone, and won’t exactly put quality ahead of profits. If you aren’t careful, you might end up giving your pet supplements that are not effective due to low quality or mislabeling; and by mislabeling it’s meant that there may be filler ingredients not listed that you wouldn’t dream of giving your pet. If you do decide to give supplements to your pet, ask your vet for recommendations, but also do your own due diligence.


Pro: Supplements Can Really Help

Our modern agricultural system has leached out many of the essential nutrients from the soil our food is grown in, according to many experts. As such, even first world populations are being shown to be deficient in one mineral or another. Animals are no different. You may be giving your pet the best pet food you can find, yet they may still be deficient. In cases like this, pet supplements really can help. Another instance when pet supplements can be very helpful is with aging pets or diseased pets. If your older pet struggles with things like poor eyesight or arthritis, supplements may help alleviate the symptoms. If your pet is suffering from a temporary condition due to an infection or disease, they could get some relief from supplements in addition to their prescription medication. Your vet will be able to help you decide which supplements your pet can most benefit from. This will ensure that you aren’t inadvertently giving a supplement that your pet doesn’t need, when they could really benefit from another kind.

Con: Supplements Can Interfere With Medication

One thing that pet owners need to be aware of is that quality pet supplements are real; that is, they do instigate changes in the body. As such, they could interfere with any prescription medication your pet is taking. This is why it’s essential that you let your vet know of any supplements you’re giving your pet. They can review any possible contraindications that may minimize the effect of prescriptions on your pet’s health. It’s a lot like when you go to your own doctor. They always ask if you’re taking anything else. But your vet may or may not think to ask about pet supplements, so you must be proactive in letting them know.

As you can see, there are many pros and cons to giving your pet supplements. As your pet’s guardian and protector, you’re in the best position to know if you should give your pet supplements. Just arm yourself with knowledge beforehand and always keep your vet informed.

 Ingredients in Pet Dietary Supplement Market

In general, pet dietary supplements are processed food composed of various raw animal and plant materials mixed with concentrated nutrient sources. These nutrients compensate for the deficiencies of the following:

  • Vitamins
  • Proteins
  • Minerals

The main goal of the nutrients in pet supplements is to improve your pets’ health and overall well-being. However, not all ingredients have the same function. To make it easier for you to understand the deal with each common ingredient in pet supplements, let’s go over a few main nutrients included and what they do.

Ingredient Main Purpose
Chondroitin  Chondroitin is used with glucosamine to promote the formation of cartilage, muscle, and ligaments in the joint. It also helps prevent cartilage deterioration in the joints.
Glucosamine Helps repair the cartilage your pet’s joint structure.
MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) A naturally occurring anti-inflammatory in your pet’s body
Animal by-products Consists of a wide range of nutrients for cats and dogs
Omega 3-fatty acids Beneficial for pets suffering from inflammatory diseases
Additional vitamins and minerals Beneficial for pets with a fixed diet plan at home
Probiotics Improved coat and skin appearance, especially in dogs
Phytonutrients Helps prevent various serious diseases
Hyaluronic acid Is naturally occuring in dog and cat cells and improves the supply and viscosity of synovial fluid to help improve joint movement.


One of the most important ingredients in a pet joint supplement is chondroitin. It’s also a natural substance in a dog’s cartilage, which makes chondroitin for dogs a particularly powerful ingredient. And when you combine this with glucosamine (which we’ll cover later), you can expect surprising benefits to your pet’s joints.

Chondroitin works wonders in improving your pet’s joint function while reducing pain from lameness and manipulation.


As an amino sugar, glucosamine helps promote joint health by adding to joint lubrication. It works similarly in human and pet dietary supplements. But you cannot give human glucosamine to dogs, cats, or other animals because it may contain harmful ingredients not meant for pets. Instead, specially-formulated glucosamine for dogs is used.

Most veterinarians recommend supplements rich in chondroitin and glucosamine as alternatives for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for senior dogs with osteoarthritis. These ingredients are ideal for pets that cannot tolerate NSAIDs’ side effects.

MSM (Methylsulphonylmethane)

MSM is a natural compound that contains sulfur and is known to improve and maintain joint flexibility in your pets. At the same time, it’s also a dependable compound to reduce muscle pain and inflammation.

Animal By-Products

As defined by AAFCO or the Association of American Feed Control Officials, animal by-products are secondary products produced with the principal product. Basically, animal by-products are ingredients produced during food processing for human consumption.

The main reason animal by-products are excellent ingredients to be added to pet dietary supplements is because of their wide range of nutrients. Organ meat is a common by-product added to animal supplements.

Animal by-products contain carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals ideal for your pet’s health because they maintain a strong immune system.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids, typically found in fish oil, are beneficial compounds that protect your pet from various medical conditions. They promote good health and overall well-being. Your pets can’t produce these substances naturally, so choosing pet dietary supplements containing these fatty acids is a great idea.

The most important benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids include:

  1. Fight and prevent heart disease
  2. Prevent skin irritation because of allergies
  3. Improve mobility of arthritic pets
  4. Improve brain function
  5. Prevent and address the progression of kidney disease symptoms
  6. Lower hypertension to lengthen your pet’s life

Additional Vitamins and Minerals

Additional vitamins and minerals are important to support your pet’s overall growth, body systems, and development. They are typically combined in supplemental forms to ensure your pets get the right ratio for balanced nutrition.

A couple of additional vitamins and minerals you might find in pet food include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium
  • B vitamins
  • Riboflavin


Probiotics are a combination of various bacteria types which you can typically find in a cat, horse, or dog’s gut. Some examples include:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Enterococcus faecium
  • Bifidobacterium breve
  • Bifidobacterium lactis

Probiotics are known to support your pet’s digestive health because they help maintain the animal’s gut. Moreover, dietary supplements with probiotics can provide several benefits, including the following:

  1. Improved skin and shiny coat appearance
  2. Better breathing rhythms
  3. Decreased gas production and allergy symptoms
  4. Better bowel function regulation
  5. Decreased ailments associated with yeast
  6. Protect and maintain the immune system


Another ingredient present in dietary supplements for pets is phytonutrients. These are commonly found in plants and can prevent various diseases. The most common phytonutrients present in nutritional supplements include Yucca Schidigera and Curcumin.

The exact phytonutrients included in your pet’s supplements will depend on the animal type, its age, and a few other factors.

What to Look For in Manufactured Pet Food Supplements

The supplements you give your pets significantly impact their health, which is why not being confident with what you give them can lead to grave consequences that will make you regret your choice.

As a general rule of thumb, you’ll want to look for the ingredients listed above. However, besides ingredients, there are a couple of other things to keep an eye out for when it comes to shopping for pet supplements.

Let’s discuss the most important considerations to have in mind when hunting for manufactured pet supplements.

Composition and Quality

After knowing the ingredients, it’s always important to know the supplement’s quality and nutrient composition. You can often find this on the packaging’s supplement label.

Consulting your vet also helps. He or she can advise performing quick laboratory analysis to determine and confirm nutrient profiles and their quality.

Safe Colors, Flavors, and Preservatives

Most pet food supplements have small amounts of additional preservatives, colors, and flavors. They are also strictly regulated to ensure they are safe for the animals. For instance, preservatives are normally composed of natural sources like Vitamin E. This would normally prevent the food supplement from spoiling.


Similarly, minute amounts of food coloring can also help your pets become more fond of eating the supplements. As long as they contain safe ingredients, you shouldn’t worry.

Certain organizations, including the following, should regulate safe colors, flavors, and preservatives:

  1. U.S Food and Drug Administration
  2. Association of American Feed Control Officials
  3. Generally Recognized as Safe
  4. Food Additive Petition Process

Just bare in mind that not all additives, colors, and preservatives are good for your pet. While they might not necessarily make him sick, they might not be beneficial in the long run or could serve as empty calories.

As a result, it’s best to stick to natural supplements like TRI-ACTA. That way, you know exactly what’s going into your pet’s stomach.

Good Quality Fat

Fat is vital for pets because it promotes good nerve and brain development. And when these animals don’t get enough, they are more prone to acquiring cognitive dysfunctions or dementia as they reach their senior years.

The right amount of fat can also aid in joint lubrication. The healthiest fats come from fatty fish, plant oils, seafood, seeds, dairy products, and eggs.

Quality Packaging

You know the food supplement is of premium quality when appropriately packaged. Good manufacturers see the importance of quality packaging and will spend resources to provide the best options.

Moreover, when food supplements are packaged correctly, they last longer. This also preserves the ingredients’ quality, guaranteeing you’re providing the freshest material possible to your pets.

The Veterinarian’s Role

The decision to add food supplements to your pet’s diet often comes from a vet’s prescription and recommendation. Veterinarians commonly prescribe these dietary supplements to pets suffering from certain medical conditions.

Your vet must also know all necessary information regarding the food supplement and the manufacturer. There should be constant communication between pet owners and veterinarians to ensure these supplements are safe for animals.

Your veterinarian must also know the perfect food supplement combinations to go with your pet’s current diet. This protects the animal from possible side effects affecting his health and lifestyle.

Benefits of Pet Nutritional Supplements

Before diving deeper into pet nutritional supplements’ benefits, you’ve got to understand that they are not alternatives to your pet’s diet plan. They can be essential building blocks to the animal’s overall health, but they cannot provide total health coverage.

This means you need to combine the following factors to ensure your pet is happy and healthy:

  • Food and water
  • Exercise and activity
  • Ample playtime
  • Grooming and cleaning
  • Routine
  • Tender love and care

With that being said, it’s no surprise that nutritional supplements for your pets provide a wide range of benefits for their health and well-being. Let’s review some of the key benefits of giving your fluffy friends pet supplements.

Provide Essential Nutrients

Most pet diets would be more effective with a boost from food supplements. This is because it’s common for specific fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to disperse or evaporate during your pet food’s cooking or heating process.

This is also why holistic veterinarians suggest adding food supplements to your pet’s routines. They contain vital ingredients with essential nutrients to boost the efficiency of your pet’s meals.

Additionally, you must also remember not to overload your pet with nutrients. Most of the time, maximum efficiency is possible, even in the smallest supplement doses.

Boost Immune System

Any pet needs a strong and balanced immune system to prevent him from acquiring life-threatening diseases, inflammation, osteoarthritis, and other medical conditions. A robust immune system also helps eliminate harmful pathogens that can put your pet’s life in danger.

Food supplements take care of your pet’s immune system and ensure it’s not compromised. These substances also help prolong the animal’s healthy life.

Improve Coat and Skin

Hair loss and skin irritation are common distressing problems in most pets, especially dogs. Coat-specific food supplements can become their best friend to prevent the spread or even the onset of such a condition.

Food supplements rich in biotin, amino acids, and fish oil can fight common skin problems that root from the following causes:

  1. Bacterial and fungal infections
  2. Hotspots
  3. Lice, ticks, and fleas
  4. Excessive shedding
  5. Environmental allergies
  6. Dry and itchy skin

Aid in Healthy Digestion

Since many food supplements contain probiotics, they can significantly help maintain healthy digestion for your pet. They can help balance gut bacteria in the animal, regulating better bowel movements.

Additionally, there are food supplements that contain both probiotics and prebiotics. These can stimulate the growth of good bacteria to prevent the occurrence of an upset stomach or diarrhea in your pets. At the same time, these supplements can also aid in water absorption and prevent bad breath.

Improve Overall Cognitive Development

Cognitive function benefits when you feed your pet the right nutritional supplement. Most supplements contain antioxidants that improve an animal’s spatial attention and overall learning. The exact supplements can also prevent cognitive dysfunction syndrome in growing pups.

Common supplements aiding overall brain health and plasticity include L-carnitine, Vitamine E and C, and Coenzyme Q-10.

Recommended Pet Mobility Products & Supplements

Pets suffering from mobility and joint issues must be prescribed the right nutrition supplements. These supplements should contain essential ingredients to help improve the animal’s mobility to prevent his muscles and bones from degrading over time.

If you’re looking for reputable mobility and joint supplements, there are a couple of ingredients you can look for. Here are some of the top ingredients in pet supplements and their benefits.

Ingredient Benefit
Glucosamine Prevent inflammatory-producing factors and slow down the degradation of collagen
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) Helps relieve pain and inflammation
Boswellia Serrata Anti-inflammatory
Superoxide Dismutase Destroy molecules that damage body tissues
Yucca Schidigera Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Chondroitin Sulfate Reduce collagen breakdown and inflammation
Type II Collagen Promote cartilage repair and decrease joint inflammation
Curcumin Reduce pain and inflammation, protects cartilage cells
Omega-3 Decrease lameness, inflammation, and pain
Hyaluronic acid Creates a thin coat on joints which helps lubricate joints, improve movement, and reduce stiffness


Some vets also recommend this supplement to speed up the healing of the joints after surgery.

Pet Digestive Supplement vs. Food Supplements

Food and digestive supplements work together to benefit their overall pet health. Digestive supplements commonly contain probiotics to maintain and improve your pet’s gut health. On the other hand, food supplements provide the necessary vitamins and minerals to compensate for what’s lacking in your pet’s meal plan.

Digestive and food supplements may function differently, but they are necessary to promote healthy digestive systems for your pets.

Considerations in Digestive Supplements

One factor to consider when choosing digestive supplements is determining your ultimate goal. You must know what to expect out of the supplement you’re providing. This is why consulting your vet is always the first step.

Another factor is to guarantee the digestive supplement is safe for your pet’s consumption. The last thing you want is for the animal to suffer from an emergency because of something you gave.

Over-the-counter digestive supplements are available, but you can also switch to natural ones in the form of fruits, such as the following:

  • Kiwi
  • Banana
  • Pineapple
  • Honey
  • Papaya


Dietary supplements can be a valuable addition to your pet’s nutrition, supporting their joint health, skin and coat, digestive system, immune system, and urinary tract health. However, it is essential to consult with your veterinarian to ensure the right supplements are chosen and administered in the appropriate dosage. By combining a balanced diet with targeted supplements, you can help promote your pet’s optimal health and enhance their overall quality of life.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)




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