The sensation of Death in Animals

The sensation of Death in Animals
The sensation of Death in Animals

The sensation of Death in Animals

Method of studying how animals die is called “thanatology“. Every animal born must see its end in the meeting. So there’s some curiosity about how animals accept their death. Monkeys death is also popular in that too. A few days ago, there was a news about the death of monkeys in social media. Monkeys choose a quiet place to sit down and leave water and food and die after conquering their bodies or becoming food for other creatures. Also, the body of the dead monkey will be dragged wherever it is and kept it near to the height of winning… Etc. Etc. To what extent is this true? Was there a scientific study going on? How many animals have an idea about death? Etc. Etc.

Here are a few things. True, monkeys have more human feelings than other animals. Monkeys and chimponzees who are close to human relatives sometimes show human behaviour when peers die. There is no information about how aware monkeys are about death one day or the other. Many animals don’t have this information. But they are afraid of dying.

Even bees, ants, winnings insects are aware of the disposal of dead bodies that remove and cleanse dead insects from the nest. In that also bees carry and dispel a dead worm that is as heavy as they are 100 meters away. Oliic acid that comes out of dead insects is also responsible for this. Even if this acid is given to live bees, they show the attitude of sticking them out. This behavior is called necrophoresis.

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There are evidence that death naturally brings misery to animals. There are many instances of many dogs sitting in the corner or not eating when a spouse or owner passes away. Sometimes chimpanzee’s are too rude when a female chimpanzie dies. They also show pulling, carrying, yelling in a strange tone, etc. Contrary to this, the male ChimpAzi would not even go on an adventure to touch it when he dies. Sometimes they cover the dead body with the leaves of plants and make it like no one can see it. But only when their cubs died they suffered severe trauma, depression and various hormones and steroids levels in their bodies.

Dolphins are said to float their cub when they die and roam around the dead spot. But there is no evidence that animals have the ‘feeling’ of “sad”.

Even the brain-weighted, horse, camel animals express severe confusion when a spouse or companion dies. Eyes and buffaloes continue their daily activity despite showing little anxiety when the calf dies suddenly.

It has been said that animals are not aware of the human beings must die one day or the other, or their lifetimes. Carana maybe they’ll be happy as long as they’re alive?

Because animals have less sensitivity to death compared to humans but there is a need for a study about the level of death.

Dr : N . B. Sridhara

The professors and the heads

Department of veterinary pharmaceutical and toxicology

Veterinary College, Shimoga

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