Digitalisation of Pet Care Transforming Veterinary Services & Pet Industry

Digitalisation of Pet Care Transforming Veterinary Services
Digitalisation of Pet Care Transforming Veterinary Services

Digitalisation of Pet Care Transforming Veterinary Services & Pet Industry

Many industries are thinking to step up in the digital world and many are already did. Pet industry is one of them which is also part of this world and demand is increasing day by day.

Digital transformation in the business has now become a need. Through technology, many business models are solving the problems related to our pets which we earlier were facing.

Technology is surpassing the expectations of people every minute of every day. With innovative minds at work, it didn’t take time before animals started reaping the benefits of technology. The pet healthcare industry has been skyrocketing lately with just North America raking US$225 billion for the business.

A huge contribution in helping give rise to such business is the millennials who are more than keen on becoming ‘pet-parents’ thus blurring the line between children and animals. Millennials are asking the question ‘why not?’ in almost every situation known to them to tag along with their pets wherever they go.

This has given rise to pet-friendly cafes, pet salons, pet pampering destinations and so much more. With more pet-owning households than there are with children, millennials are making the pet healthcare industry hotter by the day.

Explore the transformative impact of digitalization on pet care, from remote monitoring and behavior analysis to enhanced veterinary collaboration.Discover the promising future of pet monitoring technology and its potential to redefine companion animal well-being.

Despite the importance of regular vet checkups, a vast majority of pet parents treat vet visitation as a cure over a precautionary standard procedure that should be done regularly for the well-being of pets. When regular vet checkups are not prioritised, steps that can be taken prior to a disease or problem are not addressed, causing unnecessary inconvenience for our pets. It is always better to get your pet checked up and notice any early signs of depression or any disease to change their lifestyles constantly.

Pets have needs that have to be regularly catered to. Oftentimes, pet parents believe that making them stick to their standard schedule is the standard regulatory measure for pets. However, based on the changes that they experience emotionally and physically, they require a constant revamp in their diets, movements, and overall lifestyle approaches. Especially when they meet the early signs of any problem. It is important to not overlook these issues and book frequent veterinary visitations. However, due to the lack of general awareness and busy lifestyles, the issue of frequent visitation gets curbed. Despite concerns and having the desire to take their pets every now and then, the busy schedules with the added costs can worry pet parents which is why they try their best to get necessary information from as many sources as possible.

While that is an important initiative to take for pets, it is also important to know that there is always a chance of misinformation and nothing can substitute tracking the unique ways a pet’s body works. Each pet operates and functions differently, and they have different needs that need to be catered to. In this case, getting information from external sources can be overwhelming and might not be ideal to help your pet. The combination of tracking and consultation from a vet comes in handy. To combat the problems faced by pets, vets are tackling this by increasing consumers’ engagement with digital and technology devices.

Pet monitoring and tracking devices provide a plethora of uses like identification, tracking, behavioural monitoring, and medical diagnosis and treatment. This is highly useful in the diagnosis of both mental and physical health problems in pets. It can identify the changes in patterns and rhythms, which pet parents can work on accordingly. The idea is to invest in such worthy devices, calling for a great one-time investment that will cut down on worrying about every little symptom and will allow you to regularly check if everything is okay and book a veterinary visitation when required. This saves the hassle of constantly seeking help from other pet parents, and running around for every little problem and tracking what needs to be tracked. It is cost-effective in a way that posts this investment, the regular consultation costs reduce and you can only visit when you notice a change in pattern. It is also highly useful for tracking and locating your pet in your neighbourhood in case they run off.

READ MORE :   Pet Care and Management: Nurturing Happy and Healthy Companions

Losing pets is a common recurring theme that occurs in the lives of many pet parents. It is a devastating and nerve-racking feeling, to say the least. In order to prevent that, the device also works to regulate where they are headed. Identification confusion among common breeds can also be prevented with the usage of such devices.

Advancements in technology are reshaping companion animal healthcare, particularly in the area of pet monitoring and tracking. Companies like PetPace, Animo, and FitBark are offering smart devices that integrate with mobile apps, enabling the monitoring of various variables such as activity levels, calories burned, sleep patterns, body temperature, and heart rate. These devices provide valuable data that can aid in diagnosis and treatment planning, with cloud-based data analytics services being offered by some manufacturers.

BabelBark is a company that stands out in bridging the gap between consumer and veterinary monitoring technology. Their collaborative platform, including products like BabelVet, facilitates communication between pet owners, veterinarians, shelters, and vendors. BabelVet is a software platform for veterinarians that integrates with practice management systems, allowing for remote patient monitoring, health goal setting, appointment scheduling, and more.

Another notable technology in this field is Vetrax from AGL Technology, which combines a sensor, veterinary portal, and mobile app. This system enables veterinarians to monitor, evaluate, and manage treatment plans for dogs, providing detailed insights into specific behaviours such as shaking, scratching, running, walking, resting, sleeping, and sleep quality. Its applications range from early detection of health issues to weight management and post-operative monitoring. AGL Technology has an exclusive agreement with Hill’s Science Diet, combining pet nutrition expertise with Vetrax technology.

Looking ahead, the future of pet monitoring and tracking technology holds even more promising developments. For example, the Sentier Vetcorder is an emerging veterinary-specific patient monitor that offers continuous monitoring of ECG, SpO2, and heart rate. Such devices are expected to enhance patient care and instil confidence in veterinary staff and pet owners. As the market continues to evolve, we can anticipate the emergence of increasingly sophisticated solutions that will redefine companion animal healthcare.

Digitalization in the realm of pets has transformed the way we care for and monitor our beloved companions. With the advent of smart devices, mobile apps, and cloud-based data analytics, pet owners now have access to a wealth of information and tools to ensure the well-being of their furry friends. This digital revolution has opened up new possibilities in medical diagnosis and treatment, behaviour monitoring, and overall pet healthcare management. A Ripe Opportunity in India Amid Rapid Digitization and Growing StartupsLooking back a decade, how many friends and families you know had a pet? Compare it with the present day and you will realize that more and more people are adopting pets, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Besides rapid urbanization, nuclear family set-ups, and pet humanization, there is more to this growing culture.

It is rapid digitization, a growing number of startups, and the booming pet food industry in India, make pet care a ripe opportunity. Although the pet care industry in the country is in its nascent stage, Indians are adopting pets more than ever and that means, they will be more careful of every need of their fur companion.


The rise in Demand for Pet Care: A Post-Pandemic Effect?

Be it pet toys, pet food, veterinary consulting, or grooming for your furry partners, the demand for quality pet care has drastically gone up after the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, the demand for pets went up when we were isolated from our families and friends. Pets gained immense popularity for their pleasant company as the deadly virus kept us indoors for months.

The pet care industry has witnessed a sudden surge in demand for pet grooming or vet care in the post-pandemic world. As the unprecedented crisis brought in a huge digital transformation across sectors, the pet care industry also witnessed digital solutions to meet the growing demand. For instance, some pet care companies offer their services online, providing door-to-door grooming or vet care/consultation, just a tap away.

What Else is Contributing to Rising in Pet Care?

Rising disposable incomes, nuclear families, eradicating the social stigma around owning a pet, and changes in social attitude have resulted in a tremendous increase in opportunities for the pet care industry. India has 32 million pets, and the population is growing at a rate of more than 12 percent per year. With the pet population growing at this pace, established pet care brands as well as startups gear up to tap the tremendous market potential around pet food and vet care.

A Paradigm Shift in Pet Owners’ Attitude Towards Pet Health

The ripples caused by the ongoing trend of sustainability and healthy living have impacted pet healthcare and nutrition on a large scale. Today, people are becoming aware of organic products and proper diets for themselves as well as their pets, whom they consider as one of their family members.

Over the years, pet owners have been moving towards nature-friendly pet care products or organic items that are free from any artificial colors or flavors. Research shows that Indian pet owners spend approximately Rs 23,000 annually on pet food.
Product Launches and Competition

According to a report, the country has witnessed spectacular growth in new pet product launches recently, especially in the food department. During 2020-21, around 15 products were launched in the dog and cat food category with dog food contributing to 75 percent of the annual launches.

Types of Pet Monitoring and Tracking Devices

Pet monitoring and tracking devices perform a number of different functions. Some of the most common of these include identification, location tracking, behavioural monitoring, and medical diagnosis and treatment.

Consumer and Veterinary Pet Monitoring and Tracking Technology— In recent years, a slew of new pet monitoring and tracking devices have entered the market. Many of these are aimed at consumers, with companies such as PetPace, Animo, and FitBark offering smart devices that integrate with mobile phone apps. These devices monitor a wide range of variables, including activity levels, calories burned, sleep patterns, body temperature, and heart rate. In addition, a number of manufacturers are providing cloud-based data analytics services along with their devices. This technology allows valuable data that can assist in diagnosis and treatment planning to be easily shared with veterinarians.

Popular Pet healthcare apps

There are many pet business models which are doing great. Let’s discuss a few of them here:

Food-based subscription model:

How does this work?

Here’s a description of how these services work:

  1. The pet parent visits the website/downloads the app and registers online
    2. An option to choose a recurring subscription or a one-time single incidence charge is offered to the pet parent
    3. The details of the pet are added to the app
    4. A ready-made diet or a customized diet is chosen as per need.
    5. Food for the pet is delivered on a regular or a one-time basis until the user chooses to discontinue the service.
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Pet Wearable Tech:

Pet activity trackers and other wearables are commonly found these days. In fact, they are believed to be a ‘must-have’ for pet parents. The types of technology available in pet wearables might be a little overwhelming for someone new to this realm. However, understanding what different type of technology offers for your pet could help one make a decision.

Start a Dog Training Business:

The pet product industry is booming and reached a whopping $72.5 Billion in America alone, according to the American pet products association. The pet industry is quickly scaling up in the services sector as well. You can now spot dog and cat cafes, dog grooming salons, etc. Of this lot, it’s the dog training centers that are the most sought after. The services industry other than vet care stands at $6.31 billion for 2019 as estimated within the U.S market alone.

Online Pet healthcare 24/7:

The subscription-based model allows pet parents to get an online consultancy on demand at a time which is convenient to them, get a free second opinion (if needed). The system also offers many other services like Nutrition consultation, behavioral consultation and other specialist consults on demand.

Potential Future Applications for Pet Monitoring and Tracking Technology —One trend that looks set to redefine companion animal healthcare is technology that assists with medical diagnosis and treatment. As we’ve outlined in this article, companies are developing software and hardware with applications such as early detection of disease, post-operative care, and outpatient monitoring.

 Looking to the future, we expect to see a growing number of increasingly sophisticated solutions emerge onto the market. The Sentier Vetcorder is a great example of this emerging new technology. The veterinaryspecific patient monitor is bluetooth enabled, and offers continuous monitoring of ECG, SpO2, and heart rate. In the coming years, these types of devices will improve the quality of patient care, and instill confidence in veterinary staff and pet owners. Growing concern for animals has created a healthy atmosphere for pet care in India. Pet care brands and startups in India are coming up with new products every day. The growing digitization and impact of social media platforms have worked as a catalyst for spreading awareness regarding pet care and pet health. With more and more demand expected in the coming years, the demand for pet care is expected to grow manifold. To meet this challenge, smart brands or pet care startups can offer unique solutions with the help of technology and digitization.

In conclusion, digitalization has transformed the landscape of pet care, providing pet owners with valuable tools and information to monitor their pets’ health and well-being. The integration of smart devices, mobile apps, and cloud-based data analytics has enabled remote pet monitoring, facilitated collaboration between pet owners and veterinarians, and revolutionized behaviour monitoring. With further advancements on the horizon, the future of digitalization in pet care holds tremendous potential for improving diagnosis, treatment, and overall quality of life for our beloved animal companions. All in all, it is a handy and stress-free tool for pet parents who are constantly worried about the whereabouts and well-being of their pets.

Compiled  & Shared by- Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


 Reference-On Request.

Digital technologies and implications for Veterinary Services

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