Worm  Infestation in Livestock

Worm Infestation in farm animals
Worm Infestation in farm animals

 Worm  Infestation in Livestock

A number of endoparasites infect the livestock species living in different geographic regions, climatic conditions, type of raising (stall fed or grazing) etc. These Gastrointestinal Roundworms affect all kind of livestock particularly, cattle, sheep and goat.

They mostly have a direct life cycle. Usually the females lay thousands of eggs, which pass out in the faeces of infected animals. If the environmental conditions are suitable the eggs will develop to the first stage larva. Hatched larvae thrive on pastures with the help of cuticle. The larvae increase their size through moulting and slowly develop into second-stage and third-stage larva. The third-stage larva forms the infective stage where migrate in the grass blades and position themselves sufficient enough to be eaten by the animal. Once the larva enters the animal, it becomes sexually mature.

Although numerous antihelminthics have been developed, resistance has been reported in several countries. It is known that once a worm population develops resistance to one class of antihelminthics, it is likely to develop resistance to other class much faster. Therefore, preventive measures are to be followed.

Preventive measures

The following specific preventive measures are to be followed to protect livestock from  endoparasites.

  • Maintain healthy herd by periodic assessment of faecal samples for likely worm burden. Periodic assessment will tell us the type of worm infections which will allow proper treatment cycles and management.
  • Provide good nutrition for strengthening the immune system so that the animals become resistant to worm infections. Young animals should be fed colostrum within 6hrs of birth so that they receive sufficient passive immunity.
  • Adequate Pasture management by resting pastures for several months by keeping the area free of livestock so that the larva die due to heat and dryness before infective stage. This is due to the fact that larvae in the pastures are often killed by sunlight, dryness and cold. Rotational grazing is practiced to ensure good quality pasture and also kill many worms at larval stage. Plowing the pasture will kill many infective larva. Keep the pastures dry so that the intermediate host like snails will be diminished.
  • Maintain stocking density, overcrowding of the animals must be avoided
  • Separate young and old stock
  • Maintain hygiene in sheds and pastures by removing dung and beddings daily
  • Timely deworming of animals. Ensure use of best Antihelminthics at proper dose. Read the instructions carefully before feeding anthelminthics. Find out the spectrum of activity of drugs and at which stage of infection it is effective.
  • For successful treatment and control of parasites in domestic animals one needs to understand the nature of parasites, interactions with their hosts, their life cycle and stage of development.

Three types of Worms- It present in almost all species with mainly in Gastro Intestine or other organs like Live. Lungs .Kidney ,Heart, anal opening etc.

1-Round Worms( Nematodes)–

2- Trematodes( flat worms) without segments–

3-Cestodes ( flat worms f segmented tape like )—

4-Heart worm—( Dirofilariasis)—specifically in Dogs/Cats/Humans

5-Pin worms –short worms under Round Worms at the anal opening site,

  • Poultry Deworming—( Poultry Anathematic)
  • All three types of worms like Nematodes, Trematodes & Cestodes affect poultry,
  • All Drugs including anathematic is to be administered as per instruction on body of medicine by concerned manufacturers—-
  • RW-Round Worm//TW-Tape Worm
Sl.No Name of the Drug For Parricidal Indications Doses Remarks
1 Mebendazole Ascardia


Syngameus trachea,



Hymenolepsis( tape worm)


Double doses for


Syngameus trachea,

Capillaria, & Cestodes but less effective against D.nasuta


RW-0.8-1 ml bird,

TW-2-3 ml/bird,

0r 10gm/500  broiler birds in feed/water,

Growers-10gm/100 layers & 20-30 gm/100 birds for TW,

Or 50gm/100 kg feed  for 2 Days



2 Fenbendazole


All GIT Worms   Dissolve 6 gm/100 ml of Water /orally/@ 0.5m / 1.2 Kg BW  
3 Albendazole All RW,TW & Trematodes   20-30 ml/100 birds once in 3 months  
4 Levamisole Ascariasis,Nematodes,

Syngameus trachea,

-Improve efficacy of RD & MD Vaccines if given before it.

  1gm/60 chicks or 20 layers or 30 growers @ 15 gm/6 litre of water for 150 birds .

50gm/20 litre water for 500 birds or 10 gms/8 litre water for 100-200 birds or 50gm/50 litre of wter for 500 layers /1000chicks


5 Piperzine Hydrate( 62.5 % syrup) RD-Ascardia,Heterakis,   30ml/5 litre water for 6 wk birds or

40 ml/10 litre water for>6 wk birds or

20ml/10 litre of water for < 6 wk birds or

25ml/100 birds below adult every month for >6 wk birds or

50 ml/ 100 adult birds of>6 wk old in every month,

50ml/100 birds in water in monthly basis water

6 Dibutylin


Railletinna tricilus,R.tetragona,Chonotoenia Davainea,Hymenolepsis ,Amoebotaenia etc.   1.5 -1.75 gm/Kg of Bw mixed with feed  
7 Dichlorophen All TW of poultry   250gm/100 birds with feed or

100 gm/100 birds in feed as single dose

9 Nicosamide All TW & Amphistomes   25gm/25 kg feed  
10 Worminil( Herbal) All RW   0.5 5-1% in feed  
11 Wopel( Herbal) All RW & TW   0.5% -1% in feed  
12 Anthel-Mex( Herbal) All types of worms   0.5 ml/bird/orally/once  
13 Taenil(Herbal) All TW   0.5% -1% w/w in feed  
14 Suscestal All TW   As per manufacture instruction  



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