Broiler Goat Rearing in India : A Profitable Enterprise & A Solution to Nutrient Deficiency

Broiler Goat Rearing in India
Broiler Goat Rearing in India

Broiler Goat Rearing in India : A Profitable Enterprise & A Solution to Nutrient Deficiency

Broiler goat production is highly suitable technology in areas where green fodder is not available (or) due to lack of grazing land. It is one of the techniques to improve the economy of rural farming community. Broiler goat rearing has been found to be highly remunerative compare to rearing other farm animals and it has been advocated as a better substitute of livelihood for the rural farmer.

In recent years, the livestock industry in India has witnessed a significant transformation, with various avenues opening up for enterprising individuals looking to engage in animal husbandry. Among these, broiler goat rearing stands out as a profitable enterprise with the potential for substantial returns. India’s diverse topography, coupled with an increasing demand for goat meat, has created an ideal environment for broiler goat farming. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the profitability of broiler goat rearing in the Indian context, along with essential guidelines for those interested in embarking on this journey.

Broiler goat production system is an intensive system of rearing goats to provide energy, protein and other nutrients in required proportions by feeding semisolid concentrate up to 3months of age, It is highly suitable in areas where green fodder is not available or due to lack of grazing land, It improves the economy of the rural farming community.


There is not any specific breed for this purpose. The kids produced from goats (whatever breed available in your area) can be used for broiler goat rearing. These include both male and female animals. The business is suitable for farmers having goat rearing experience, goat business plan that include construction of shed to marketing is enough to manage broiler goat rearing. For example suppose a farmer is having 50 goats, out of these 20 goats delivered at an avg of 2kids/goat at a time. Total number of kids becomes 40. Let out of these 40 kids (20 male and 20 female) which are having higher birth weight are selected as broiler goat kids.


The goat kids of about fifteen days to one month old i.e. usually the time before the kids start to eat green leaves, they should have good birth weight and must not be used for further breeding. Selected kids should not be allowed to feed on green fodder or grazing green grasses in open field. Deworming should be done on 45th day of rearing as broiler goat and repeated every months till the goats are sold.


The selected kids are to be reared intensively by providing concentrate feed (goat feed) @5g mixed with equal quantity of rice gruel (broken boiled rice) initially i.e. at start (15-30days). Increase the amount day by day as per feed intake (e.g.: 7g, 10g, and 15g). Add coconut cake, rice bran or groundnut cake with minimum level of 1-2g/day/kid to a maximum of 150-200g/day/kid. Pure water should be available at all times (24hrs).


Liver tonic and fish oil should be given twice in a week @ 2.5ml/kid/day initially upto 5-10ml/kid/day. Young kids allowed for mother’s milk twice/thrice in a day.


Goat feed available in the market or we can prepare feed mix by using following ingredients Deoiled groundnut cake – 12parts Horse gram – 30parts Wheat/maize/jowar (grain) – 30parts Rice polish/wheat bran – 15parts Dried unsalted fish – 10parts Mineral mixture – 1.5parts Common salt – 1.5parts Vitamin A, B2, D3- 25g/100kg feed mix.


Based on new technology the special complement feed was developed in modern feed plants. Palletisation is an important process in production of feed. The raw ingredients are selected to meet the nutritional specification of broiler goat feed such as amino acids, glucose and fatty acids, Furthermore the balancing of macronutrients with micronutrients is necessary to accomplish better and faster growth rate.


READ MORE :  Broiler goat rearing a profitable enterprise


It was a common knowledge that ruminant animals could not survive without consuming forages and fibres. Goat also could not be exempted. Economics of feeding plays a vital role for feeding forage to ruminant animals and depends on capability of these animals to convert non-edible fibre by virtue of rumen fermentation to digestible nutrients like microbial biomass and VFAs. When land availability become less for such forage cultivation the technologists were encouraged to develop new feed technology.


By this technology the dietary nutrients are saved from rumen fermentation that will reduce the nutrient losses in animal system. If dietary protein is fermented in rumen the availability of protein through microbial route at the lower tract would be less than 20% but if it is bypassed then yield is around 60%. It is true for glucose and Fatty acid The broiler goat achieve FCR 2.5.


If 1mole of amino acid was fermented it may yield 1.5moles of ATP In the case of starch 1mole will yield only 0.8 mole glucose whereas when bypassed it yields over 1.6mole glucose. Fatty acids when fed with less fibre will yield more dietary energy when kids are fed at their preruminant stage it becomes more feasible.


A low cost house with raised platform (about 1m height from ground level) can be made by using bamboo/wooden poles or ‘pakka’ building by establishing concrete pillars. The roof can be thatched with coconut leaves, grass or asbestos sheets. Floor and side walls are to be made up of wooden material. Average floor space per kid is 0.75-1 sq. meter. The floor should have 1cm space between bamboos/wooden planks to allow passage of dung and urine down to the ground .


Parent stock should be allowed for mating by using good quality male (superior breed) or by using frozen semen at about 45days postpartum (after delivery). There by the farmers can get continuous supply of goat kids for broiler goat production.


No need to observe estrus signs 1. Fixed time breeding at 72hrs and 96hrs following PGF2α injection 2. Delivery of all mated or inseminated animals at a particular time 3. Reduced inter-kidding interval 4. Effective feed management 5. Gain weight at faster rate, double income 6. Minimum chance of getting infection and disease Easy monitoring and record keeping 7. Easy collection of manure 8. Well protected from heat, cold and severe climatic condition Less risk of predator as they are raised in controlled environment Easy to manage and produce quality tender goat meat .

Broiler Goat Farming in India: A Lucrative Opportunity

India has a long history of goat farming, and goats play a crucial role in the livelihoods of many rural households. In recent years, the demand for goat meat has surged, driven by changing consumer preferences, urbanization, and a growing awareness of the nutritional benefits of goat meat. This shift in consumption patterns has created a unique opportunity for broiler goat rearing in India. Here’s why this enterprise is highly profitable in the Indian topography:

  1. Diverse Agro-climatic Zones:
  • India boasts diverse agro-climatic zones, offering suitable conditions for goat farming. Whether it’s the arid regions of Rajasthan, the lush landscapes of Kerala, or the fertile plains of Punjab, there is a location to suit different breeds and production systems.
  1. High Demand for Goat Meat:
  • Goat meat, commonly known as mutton, is a preferred source of protein for a large section of the Indian population. The demand for goat meat is consistently high, ensuring a readily available market.
  1. Efficient Feed Conversion:
  • Goats have an efficient feed conversion rate, making them a cost-effective choice for meat production. They can utilize a variety of feed resources, including natural grazing, crop residues, and concentrate feeds.
  1. Adaptability and Hardy Breeds:
  • India is home to several indigenous goat breeds, such as the Jamunapari, Beetal, and Osmanabadi, which are known for their adaptability to local conditions and resistance to diseases.
  1. Low Investment and Quick Returns:
  • Broiler goat farming requires relatively low initial capital compared to other livestock enterprises. The short gestation period and rapid growth rate of goats mean quicker returns on investment.
  1. Dual-purpose Potential:
  • Apart from meat production, goats provide additional benefits such as milk, skin, and manure, adding to the overall profitability.
  1. Sustainable Farming:
  • Goat rearing is an eco-friendly and sustainable farming practice. Goats contribute to weed control, and their dung serves as valuable organic manure.
  1. Export Opportunities:
  • With the right breeding and management, there are export opportunities for goat meat, offering the potential for increased income.
READ MORE :  Goat Nutrition : An Analysis

Key Aspects of Profitable Broiler Goat Rearing

To ensure success in broiler goat farming in the Indian context, certain critical aspects must be considered:

  1. Breed Selection:
  • Choose the breed of goats that best suits your local agro-climatic conditions and market preferences. Selecting high-yielding breeds is crucial for maximizing profits.
  1. Housing and Infrastructure:
  • Build proper housing and infrastructure to protect goats from adverse weather conditions, predators, and diseases. Ensure adequate ventilation and hygiene in the housing area.
  1. Feeding and Nutrition:
  • Develop a balanced diet that includes green fodder, dry fodder, and concentrate feed. Ensure access to clean water at all times. A well-balanced diet is essential for rapid growth and high meat quality.
  1. Health Management:
  • Regular health check-ups, vaccination, and deworming are essential to prevent diseases and maintain the overall well-being of the herd.
  1. Breeding and Reproduction:
  • Plan breeding and reproduction carefully to achieve a continuous supply of broiler goats. Maintain proper breeding records and ensure timely management of pregnant and lactating does.
  1. Marketing Strategy:
  • Develop a marketing strategy that includes identifying potential buyers and markets. Direct marketing, selling to local markets, or establishing a brand for your goat meat are viable options.
  1. Record Keeping:
  • Maintain detailed records of expenses, income, and production data. This information is crucial for monitoring farm performance and decision-making.
  1. Quality Control:
  • Ensure that the meat produced adheres to quality standards, including hygiene and health considerations, to meet the expectations of consumers.
  1. Financial Management:
  • Carefully manage your finances, including budgeting, cost control, and timely investment in infrastructure and livestock.

Challenges and Mitigation

While broiler goat rearing offers significant profitability, it is not without challenges. Some common challenges in Indian broiler goat farming include disease outbreaks, market fluctuations, and scarcity of quality breeding stock. To mitigate these challenges, consider the following:

  • Implement a robust health management plan with regular veterinary support to prevent and control diseases.
  • Establish strong links with local markets and explore contract farming arrangements to stabilize prices.
  • Invest in good-quality breeding stock to improve the genetic potential of your herd.

Viability and Sustainability of Broiler Goat Rearing in India

Broiler goat rearing in India has gained considerable attention as a potentially viable and sustainable livestock enterprise. This form of goat farming focuses on the rapid production of goats for meat, and it has several key factors that contribute to its viability and sustainability in the Indian agricultural landscape. In this article, we will explore the various aspects that make broiler goat rearing a promising endeavor in India and address the challenges and solutions that impact its sustainability.

Viability of Broiler Goat Rearing in India:

  1. High Demand for Goat Meat:
  • India has a significant and growing demand for goat meat, known as mutton. Goat meat is a preferred source of protein in various regional cuisines. This consistent demand ensures a readily available market for broiler goat producers.
  1. Diverse Agro-climatic Zones:
  • India’s diverse agro-climatic zones make it suitable for goat farming. Different goat breeds can thrive in various environments, from arid regions to lush plains, enabling farmers to choose breeds that best suit their local conditions.
  1. Efficient Feed Conversion:
  • Goats are known for their efficient feed conversion rate, meaning they can utilize a wide range of feed resources. This makes them cost-effective to raise for meat production, especially in areas with limited resources.
  1. Indigenous Breeds:
  • India is home to a variety of indigenous goat breeds, such as the Jamunapari, Beetal, and Osmanabadi, known for their adaptability, disease resistance, and suitability for meat production.
  1. Dual-purpose Potential:
  • Broiler goat rearing offers more than just meat production. Goats also provide milk, hides, and manure, adding to the overall profitability of the enterprise.
  1. Low Investment and Quick Returns:
  • Broiler goat farming requires relatively low initial capital compared to other livestock enterprises. The shorter gestation period and rapid growth rate of goats result in quicker returns on investment.

Sustainability of Broiler Goat Rearing in India:

  1. Genetic Conservation:
  • The sustainable breeding and conservation of indigenous goat breeds help maintain genetic diversity and prevent breed extinction. This genetic diversity can be valuable in the face of changing environmental conditions and emerging diseases.
  1. Eco-friendly Farming:
  • Goat farming is considered eco-friendly, as goats are browsers and can help control weed growth and reduce the need for chemical herbicides. Their manure also serves as valuable organic fertilizer for crops.
  1. Income Diversification:
  • Broiler goat rearing provides small and marginal farmers with opportunities to diversify their income sources, thus reducing their dependency on a single crop or enterprise.
  1. Employment Generation:
  • Goat farming creates employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas, by engaging farmers, herders, and laborers in various aspects of the industry, from breeding and feeding to marketing.
  1. Women Empowerment:
  • Women often play a significant role in small-scale goat farming, contributing to family income and empowering women in rural communities.
  1. Sustainable Practices:
  • Implementing sustainable farming practices, such as rotational grazing, organic feed production, and water management, can contribute to the long-term viability of broiler goat rearing.

Challenges and Mitigation:

  1. Disease Management:
  • Disease outbreaks can be a significant challenge. Farmers need to invest in regular health check-ups, vaccination, and deworming. Early detection and prompt treatment are essential for disease control.
  1. Market Fluctuations:
  • Prices for goat meat can fluctuate due to market demand and supply. Building strong relationships with local markets, establishing contractual arrangements, or exploring meat processing opportunities can help stabilize prices.
  1. Breed Quality:
  • Scarcity of high-quality breeding stock is a challenge. Farmers can address this by investing in good-quality breeding animals, or by participating in breed improvement and conservation programs.
  1. Climate Variability:
  • Changing weather patterns and extreme climatic events can impact livestock. Implementing climate-resilient practices, such as improving housing and water management, is crucial.


Broiler goat rearing in India is not only a viable and profitable enterprise but also a sustainable one. With a steady demand for goat meat, diverse agro-climatic conditions, and efficient feed conversion, it offers opportunities for income generation and livelihood improvement. By addressing challenges such as disease management, market fluctuations, and breed quality, farmers can contribute to the sustainability of broiler goat rearing and enjoy the benefits it brings to their communities and the broader Indian agriculture sector.Broiler goat rearing in India presents a highly profitable and sustainable opportunity in the agricultural sector. With the nation’s diverse topography and high demand for goat meat, this venture is well-suited to various regions and climates. Success in broiler goat farming depends on breed selection, proper management, and a strategic approach to marketing. By adhering to best practices and continuously improving your skills, you can capitalize on the growing demand for goat meat and contribute to the thriving Indian livestock industry.Broiler goat production system has increased FCR, average daily gain and body weight of kids as compared to natural system of rearing, In this system of production the dressing % is higher and chevon produced was tender with less goaty odour. This system doubles the net profit during the same period as compared to natural suckling system. Broiler goat production system can be recommended for chevon production in shorter time period with more profit.

Compiled  & Shared by- This paper is a compilation of groupwork provided by the

Team, LITD (Livestock Institute of Training & Development)


 Reference-On Request.

Broiler goat rearing a profitable enterprise

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