TRUMP CARD Breeding ‘super-cows that fart less’ is latest plot to stop climate apocalypse


BY-Charlotte Edwards, Digital Technology and Science Reporter,

COWS that are genetically modified to produce less methane could have a major impact on climate change, a new study has found.

Scientists discovered that methane-producing microbes in cow stomachs are actually inherited by cows and think that selective breeding of cows that produce less of the greenhouse gas could cut methane emissions down by 50%.

Methane, which is produced by cows as they digest their food, is a far more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and therefore traps more heat.

Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun’s rays in the Earth’s atmosphere and the thicker the layer of gas gets, the hotter the Earth will become.

As cows and increased cattle farming are responsible for causing a lot of this excessive methane, a team of scientists, led by a professor from the University of Aberdeen in the UK, are working towards reducing their impact on climate change.

Study author John Wallace, from the University of Aberdeen, said: “We would like to prevent methane emission and to improve the healthiness of fats in meat and milk. Coincidentally, both properties are linked via gut microbial activities.”

Cows are said to produce 25% of the methane in the US

Cows are said to produce 25% of the methane in the USCredit: Getty – Contributor
He added: “Our research aims are to understand the microorganisms and processes, so that we can change their activities for environmental and health benefits.”

The study involved 1,000 cows across four European countries, including the UK.


The researchers identified a group of genetically inherited gut microbes inside these cows, which help the cows to digest their food and produce methane in the process.

These microbes could be manipulated so that cows produce less of the green house gas.

Selective breeding is one way that the microbes could be manipulated and the researchers now need to work out what cow genes are used during the inheritance process.

So far, they see no downside to trying to reduce bovine methane in this way.

This study has been published in the journal Science Advances.

Footage shows one man inserting his hand into a cow’s stomach

Footage shows one man inserting his hand into a cow’s stomachCredit: AFP or licensors
Animal rights activists recently reacted with fury over footage showing cows having their stomachs punctured and fitted with “windows” at Europe’s largest research centre.

The hole is created using a surgical procedure called ‘rumen fistula’ and allows researchers to look inside the cow’s digestive system.

It is frequently performed at veterinary schools and is viewed as a benefit for the cows whose health is not adversely impacted by the procedure.

The centre claims it needs the windows to try and find out how to reduce the usage of antibiotics

The centre claims it needs the windows to try and find out how to reduce the usage of antibioticsCredit: AFP or licensors
Clips were filmed in the north-western French department of Sarthe, at the Sourches facility owned by the Sanders company, a subsidy of French agro-industrial corporation, Avril Group.

READ MORE :  Meet Richard Linnehan, NASA’s First Veterinary Astronaut

Avril spokesperson Tom Doron insists the experiments come with “rigorous veterinary monitoring and are considered painless for the animal.”

They also claim to be studying how to reduce methane production.

Greenhouse gases – what are they?
Here’s what you need to know…
The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon that warms the Earth’s surface and air
It’s caused by gases in the air that trap energy that travels to Earth from the Sun
The gases that cause this effect are known as “greenhouse gases”
Common greennhouse gases include methane and carbone dioxide
This greenhouse effect is important, because it makes sure Earth stays warm enough to support life
Without the greenhouse effect, heat would escape into space – significantly cooling Earth
But there is a risk that humans are releasing too many greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
This can be caused by burning coal, oil and other fossil fuels
By trapping more heat, the temperature of Earth rises – which is believed to be one of the main causes of global warming

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