Animal welfare science is an integrated subject. It envisages the core component of welfare science, ethics and standards, in general. There is a concern about the welfare of all animals that are managed in some way or other by humans. We the veterinarians have particular responsibility for animal care. Animal welfare is interlinked with human welfare. Animal welfare and Animal right are distinct entities but is intertwined and must not be confused. Simply said animal welfare refers to wellness of animals around us and their relationship with humans. Since the dawn of civilization around 10,000 years ago men took to agriculture as a means of livelihood and domesticated animals which became a part and parcel of life. People treated their animals humanely and most responsibly. Even today ‘Gaumata’ is considered as the harbinger of wealth. Animal health camps, vaccination drive, awareness about animal welfare, cattle show with emphasis on animal production as a means to livelihood, sustainability of livestock industry and veterinary public health are the main topics discussed with the public by qualified veterinarians during all Government Programmes attributed to Gau-economics. Summarily, animal welfare is central to all these activities and also social festivities.

Every animal or living creature has a unique place in the ecosystem which is now endangered by human activity. All living species have a distinct place in evolution of ecosystem and help to contribute its share in its special way for conservation and preservation life on the EARTH, the mother, to whome our bow our head with respect. All of us depend on plants and animals for food. This apart, animals are used for entertainment, sport, companionship, transport, scientific study, medicine, vaccine production and sometimes fashion. Covid vaccine is the latest example. Whereas animals contribute so much for human welfare the poser naturally would be do the animals too deserve to have a good life where they can enjoy the Five Domains like human beings in the currency of human selfishness and devilish attitude? However, good sense prevailed over evil thoughts. In 1979, the concept of five freedoms came into existence in livestock production with which veterinarians and farmers are deeply associated. For entertainment, circus animals were often trained to perform different kinds of feat. The trainers employ cruel tactics/methods to tame the animals and force them play an act for public entertainment. Fortunately circus business has gone out of business due to protest of animal welfare protection groups and enforcement of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act-1960.

This Act also covers cruelty to animals by butchers or vendors perpetrated by them during transit, temporary housing at market place before slaughter and also during slaughter. The killing of meat animals should be as humanely as possible. In a sense killing after all is inhumane but man being the most selfish and cruel ensuring humankind is somewhat impossible. However, the law enforcing authority has the onerous responsibility to act and punish the violators. The law also covers for the safety and welfare of draught animals which are over loaded and cruelly beaten. For better appreciation salient provisions of the Act is cited. Prevention of Cruelty Draught Animals and Pack Animals Rules, 1965 defines large sized bullock, large buffalo, medium bullock, and small bullock and types of vehicle laden with loads these draught animals are supposed to pull on streets. A small bullock or buffalo is allowed to pull a two wheeled vehicle, if fitted with ball bearing, a maximum load of 1000 Kgms, 750 Kgms if fitted with pneumatic tyres and up to 500 Kgms if not fitted with pneumatic tyres. Similarly medium sized bullock or buffalo the norms of load for above category of vehicles is 1400 Kgms, 1050 Kgms, and 700 Kgms respectively. In case of large bullock or buffalo the load factor is 1800 Kgms, 1350 Kgms and 900 Kgms. A two wheeled vehicle if fitted with pneumatic tyres and drawn by horse or mule the maximum laden weight is 750 Kgms and without pneumatic tyres is 500 Kgms. Presumably all the above vehicles are drawn by a single animal. The subsequent provisions specify for vehicles drawn by two animals and the load factor is higher. Consequently, it is crystal clear that no animal within the constitutional territory of the Union of India is to be treated barbarously.

Prior to the era of automobiles vehicles drawn by animals such as bullock carts, coaches, tangas (in the North) and jhatkas (in the South) was common sight for carrying passengers irrespective of weather conditions. In Rajasthan and parts of Haryana and Gujarat with very hot climate in summer and harsh winter, camel is a common draught/pack animal. The law stipulates the temperature under which the animals are allowed to work. Some other concerns are that the owners invariably sell sick animals or poultry birds to save loss and young animals to overcome pecuniary difficulties. This practice is prohibited by law. Provision of feed and fodder, drinking wholesome water and lighting during night at animal markets to make the animals comfortable are some of the measures enshrined in the Act. Shearing of horns, bishoping in horses and ear cutting in buffaloes, casting of animals on hard ground and castration by layman etc., are acts of cruelty. For superintendence of the provisions of the Act the State Animal Welfare Board and or its agency have the power to act in accordance with the law. The entire Act is directed towards preservation of ANIMAL RIGHT with regard to humane treatment of our domestic animals so crucial for wellbeing of human population.


Human, animal or plant life cannot exist without food and water. There are many similarities in the basic needs of life for all creatures of God. The Five Domains are (i) the concept of freedom from hunger and thirst, as for human population, could be a key note for animal survival, (ii) freedom from discomfort is another arena. By providing an appropriate environment for healthy living i.e., shelter and comfortable resting place without which the production cannot be optimized, (iii) freedom from pain, injury and disease, rapid diagnosis and prevention are in the realm of animal welfare in which only the veterinarians have the expertise, (iv) freedom from fear and distress aspect, often overlooked as animals cannot express agony and anxiety vocally. Reports in print and electronic media are often replete with distressing news of cruelty to cattle and meat animals during transit and (v) freedom to express normal behaviour. When all the Five Domains are in place expression of normal behaviour would be automatic.

Decades back welfare of laboratory animals was less often talked subject. The setting up of Animal Ethics Committee by the Ministry of Forest & Environment, government of India, to oversee the standards in maintenance and management of experimental/laboratory animals used at research and teaching institutes, universities, and vaccine production institutes, usually with a veterinarian as the central nominee, has given an edge to welfare laboratory animals. All these practices should have “social validity”. However, having narrated all the above there is scope for refinement, evolving strategies, optimizing the use of animals for public good and animal welfare in general. Humanism espouses empathy for all. However, few non-government agencies and individuals are engaged in animal welfare work. Some are concerned about stray cattle/dogs. Such animals abound in urban areas. Animal Birth Control (ABC) program is an outcome of this pragmatic exercise. Their proper rehabilitation is need of the hour. Governments are seized of the problem.  Institution of Animal Welfare Board at national level and corresponding animal welfare cell wing in the states are welcome signs. Introduction of Animal Ambulance Service in cities and towns and mobile veterinary units in rural areas is a step forward in animal welfare. Blue Cross with its main base in the United Kingdom and Indian headquarters at Chennai and People for Animals are doing omen service for the abandoned and sick animals. The role of veterinarian can never be underestimated in such organizations.

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and its enforcement was a turning point in welfare measures though in some states its implementation is lopsided. It needs rejuvenation with a pragmatic outlook and non-government civilians should be involved for making act more worthy and public oriented. In absence some people in the society have formed animal vigilante groups and are taking law into their hands. When animals are in distress with injuries, the first person who comes to mind is that of a veterinarian. Like physicians, veterinary doctors take the Hippocratic Oath to swear in the name of a number healing gods to uphold specific ethical standards. One of them is non-malfeasance. It all portends to welfare of animals and humans too.   No doubt veterinarians are the best doctors in the world. They are also versatile professionals and social engineers to say the least. When a country is able to provide adequate health care  for humans and animals and welfare to all under the sky we can say boldly that true ‘Rama Rajya’ has dawned at last.

In the context of Covid pandemic it has become the moral culpability of the entire human race, veterinarians atop in particular, to realise the welfare of the animals in view of reverse zoonoses. Animals are connected through religion. They embody power even for fear creation like the lion near Maa Durga, snake around the neck of Lord Shiva and buffalo near Yama Raj. In contrast domesticated animals for the Indians symbolize friendship and loyalty. Therefore, we are hopeful that Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) issued advisory through state Animal Welfare Board to all the District SPCA to establish and/or activate the district society for prevention of cruelty to animals in order to reconstitute the district SPCA for the welfare and protection of the animals. Responding to Covid-19 crisis, the contribution of the veterinary profession in the animal welfare and in veterinary public health prospects has been well acclaimed across the globe. Government is in store of pilot projects to generate income out of the cow dung excreted by the animals, which are unproductive, invalid, infertile or sterile. This may add to the action taken towards welfare of the animals and the vets are obligated to look after the health care and management of such cattle on demand. As professionals, it should be our advocacy to limit the pain and distress caused to the animals by injection of hormones for increased milk production which is hazardous to the animals, the consumers as well. We should advise for home remedies for better milk production of the dairy animals. The experimental animals need to be handled softly and gently during experimentation. It can be emphatically said that inculcation of animal experimentation ethics in all branches of biological science and research is a must.

READ MORE :  Karuna ( compassion) to Lab Animals during Corona

The oath taken by a veterinarian on the day he is admitted to the profession. ‘’Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the betterment of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge’’. In discharge of this astounding duties, let us recollect what Will Rogers once said ‘’the best doctor in the world is a veterinarian. He can’t ask his patients what is the matter – he’s got to just know’’. In this backdrop what could be the role of veterinarians for betterment of human society and animal world in entirety. Basically veterinarians promote public health through surveillance of disease trends (zoonotic diseases), food safety practices in western countries. Additionally veterinarians have multidisciplinary role in biomedical waste disposal, wildlife and farm animal research and discharge a range of responsibilities relevant to the use of experimental animals for scientific purposes and animal welfare, vaccine production, diagnosis, control and prevention of diseases in multiple species  It is gratifying that the Ministry of Forest & Environment, government of India have rightly chosen a veterinarian to be their nominee, in Institutional Animal Ethic Committee of various research institutes and universities, who has a major say in the proceeding where bio-medical research is undertaken.

In the backdrop of above narrative it is imperative to discuss animal ethics and its total ramification in the context of changing world order and increased human oriented development activities worldwide. According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, ‘’animal ethics is a branch of ethics which examines human-animal relationships, the moral consideration of animals and how nonhuman animals ought to be treated’’. The gamut of animal ethics includes animal rights, animal welfare, animal law, classification on the basis of species, animal cognition, wildlife conservation and their suffering in entirety. It has assumed greater significance in view of constantly evolving societal changes, climate change and other precipitating factors leading to animal extinction. The human-animal relationship has been steadfast from ancient time (stone-age to modern era).Interdependence has been indispensable in literary sense. In an environment where moral value no longer holds good the predicament of non-human animals have mounted manifold.

Animal ethics was initially associated solely with cruelty. Of late this view seems to be changing with shift to massive animal food production, animal research, production of biological, and organ transplant etc. From ethics follows the animal rights. Certain western countries were first to introduce animal right laws between 1635 and 1780. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation was the general outcome. It meant that animal’s capacity but not their intelligence to suffer should be granted protection. It is a folly to assume that animals lack intelligence and that they possess intelligence is beyond human comprehension. Simply said that the animals cannot talk does not denote that they not sentient. A criterion to refuse them protection is no logic. Animals are quite sensitive to the environment. That is the reason why so many species are going extinct. For instance we no more see sparrow (Passer domesticus) and hear their chirping around city households, crow to wake you up at daybreak, the magnificent Golden oriole, Mynah, Black Drongo, vulture- the scavenger around villages, cuckoo – the singing bird, Blue Jay and the legendary squirrel to name a few. All that are amazing, wonderful and beautiful – the whole of Nature’s gift- we are going to lose. William Shakespeare defining the Nature had said ‘’one touch of nature the whole world kin’’. In this quote Nature is defined ‘’conformity to that which is natural, as distinguished from that which is artificial, or forced, or remote from actual experience.’’ Nature is so real and beautiful that it never hurts as humans do. The creatures that nest around plants and trees, and live underneath them make environment pleasant and worth enjoying. Animal welfare will partially contribute to this mission for the welfare for all.

READ MORE :  Care and Handling of Wild Abandoned Neonates

The essence of historical human-animal association is all about their combined physical and social wellbeing. To ensure this humane approach Animal Welfare Movement began in the mid 19th century with a primary objective of protecting and improving the treatment of animals that are used for human beings. As said earlier the animals too are sentient meaning they can feel pain, hunger, loneliness, fear, anxiety and sexual desire – all akin to human feeling. Like humans they too deserve the right to protection of these attributes and have a life to live as humans do. Essentially animals should be protected against abuse, harm and exploitation by their owners and be treated with respect and kindness. In abiding to this doctrine gods in Hindu religion have certain companion animals/birds like elephant, lion, primate (Hanuman), snake, bull (Nandi bull), cow, rat, owl, and swan etc. This association affords them divinity so that all animals are respected. To add teeth to the act of kindness, adoption and institution of ethical practices in biomedical research, drug trials, and development of biological (vaccines) using laboratory animals have become mandatory. Yet instances are galore where animals used for entertainment are brutally treated and bullock carts overloaded. However, no law can enforce civility unless people become more aware and civilized when it comes to treating animals. The veterinarians, commonly called animal doctor, have a key role to play.

The association and interaction of humans with Nature and environment is time   immemorial. In this time line all living creatures have suffered from diseases of various kinds. In process many infectious diseases, termed as zoonotic, have naturally jumped from vertebrate animals to humans. The pathogens may be bacterial, ricketssial, parasitic, fungal or viral etc. It has been estimated about 70% of emerging diseases in humans have animal origin. One peculiar example is HIV which began as one in the bag of zoonotic diseases later mutated into human-only strain.  Who knows other zoonotic diseases may evolve to become like HIV. The latest being Covid-19 pandemic, though disputed, with its origin from Uhuan meat/animal market in China. To our discomfort ‘reverse zoonoses’ has been reported from many countries including India.  One Health concept concerns both human and animals to keep them healthy and protected against transmissible diseases by developing workable strategies. In this context, veterinarians do play a vital role so far professional and ethical treatment of animals is concerned.

In one health contextual, WHO and OIE jointly engineer different societal welfare activities. It should be looked into meticulously for the welfare of the animals too. In the same correlation an MOU between IVA (Indian Veterinary Association) and IMA (Indian Medical Association) to work symbiotically on ‘One Health, One World’ mission will be a spiritual hope for animal welfare and human public health issue. The best role of the veterinarians in the welfare of animals will be that they should have to update knowledge covering, welfare science, ethics, laws standards of all managed animals like cattle and buffalos, sheep and goat, pigs and poultry, the working, performing pet, zoo animals and experimental animals. The wild animals should also not to be excluded. There should be no doubt that human society is indebted to the veterinary fraternity for its valuable services. However, in the backdrop of above narrative, a missionary zeal and perseverance is necessary to achieve success for welfare of animals who:

Unseen they suffer.

Unheard they cry.

In Agony they linger.

In Loneliness they die.

Now it is up to all of us, not the veterinarians only, to settle conclusively to contribute for the animal welfare.


Dr. Simant Kumar Nanda,

Joint Director (Animal Welfare)

Directorate of Animal Husbandry

& Veterinary Services,

Odisha, Cuttack

Mail Id:

Contact no: 9937500810


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