
The feed offered to  given an animal during a day or  24 hours

Balance ration

The  ration which provides the animal  with proper amount and proportion of all the required nutrients for 24 hours.


Feed stuffs which are high in energy and low in crude fibre. (less than 18%)


Feed stuffs which are low in energy and  high in crude fible.  (more than 18%).


It is  the outer coarse coat of the grain separated during processing, ex-rise bran wheat bran.

Formula feed

A feed consisting of two or more ingredients mixed in specified proportions or ratios is  know as formula food.


Ground feed compacted by steaningand forcing the material through die opering is known as pellets.

Trace minerals

Minerals required by the animal in micro amounts.

Ex. Chromium, Cobalt ,Copper, Zinc, Sulpher.

Composition of feed

Feed is the source of energy and tissue building constituents carbohydrates, proteins and  fats yield energy, water, protein and mineral matter from body tissue.

Wilhelm Henneburg and

Friedrich stohman

The different types of nutrients present in the feed are :

  • Water
  • Carbohydrate
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Crude Protein

It contains true protein and  non protein Nitrogen it is estimated  indirectly by determining the nitrogen  contents of the feed and multiplying it with 6.25.

Carbohydrate Source :–          Cereals

Cereal’s by products


Protein Sources : Oil cakes, animal by products (blood, meal, feather meal)

Sources of Fat–Groundnut, cotton seed area

Macro – Minerals

Ca, N, Mg, Na, K, Cl, S.

Micro Minerals

Cr, Co, Cu, F, I, Mn, Zn, MO, Ses

Mineral Source :-

Green Fodder

Cereal by  Product

Oil Cake



Water Soluble             FAT Soluble

B – Complex               A, D, E.K.

Vit – C

Vitamin Source : Green Fodder level oil cake.

Common Cattle Feed

In villages different varieties of feed stuffs are used by the farmers for fed their animals. They are  :

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(1)        Straw

(Paddy straw, wheat straw gram straw)

(2)        Grass

(Local grass, cultivated grass)

(3)        Brans

(Rice bran, wheat bran)

(4)        Gruel (**)

(5)        Kitchen refusal

(6)        Other feeds

(maize powder, ground nut cake, children food for external aid, feeds from milk union or society.

Balance ration, composition

A balance ration is one that furnished nutrients in such proportions and amounts that it will property nourish a given animal  in 24 hours. The required nutrients must be contained in the amount of any matter the animal is able to consume in 24 hour period.

Desirable characteristic of a ration

(1)        The ration should have highly digestive feed ingredients.

(2)        The feed must be Palatable.

(3)        Varieties of feed in the ration makes  it more Palatable.

(4)        The ration  should be fairly laxative. Green fodder should be included in the ration.

(5)        The ration  should be fairly bulky to satisfy the hunger.

(6)        Avoid sudden change  in the diet. All changes of food must be gradual and slow.

(7)        Maintain regularity in feeding.

(8)        The cost of the feed and labour  charge should be minimized to make rearing of livestock profitable.

Computation of ration

It includes noting  down the required (Dry matter, DCP, T.D.N., Mineral Vitamin A) of the animal  and formulation of a ration using the available feed stuffs, D.C.P. and T.D.N. are calculated basis on the Physiological needs or the purpose for which the animal is to be fed.

Dry Matter

Indigenous cattle generally eat daily 2kg. dry matters for every 100kg. body weight. Buffaloes and CB animal are slightly heavy eaters. Their dry matter consumption is 2.5kg. daily per 100kg. body weight. In ruminants bulk is essential and the dry matter allowance is divided as follows :

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2/3  Dry Roughages

2/3  as roughages

1/3  green roughages

Total Dry Matter

1/3 as Concentrate


Examples of Balance Rations  (As per Whilhelm Hinseburg & Friedrich Stohman  as well as  Rajani-1998—for Pregnancy Ration)

Ration for a dry cow weighing 400kg.

Ration -1  – Green grass (Hybrid Napier or Para grass)   25kg.

Ration -2 – Green grass 10kg.

+ Leguminous green fodder  6kg.

+ Straw (Paddy)  – 3kg.

Ration -3

Green Grass – 10kg.

Paddy straw – 3.5kg.

Ground nut cakes –  350kg.

Ration for 350kg. body weight  cow yielding 4kg. milk per day.

Rice Straw                  –           5kg.

Green grass                 –           6kg.

Wheat  bran                 –           1kg.

Deoiled rice bran         –           600gm.

Ground  nut cake        –           500gm.


Maintenance  Ration

Feed Stuff                   For Zeru Cattle                      For  CBI Cow / Buffalo

Straw                                       4kg.                                         4-6kg.

Concentrate mixture              1kg. – 1.25kg.                         2 kg.

Example of a concentrate  mixture  (1) Ground nut cake = 12%

(2)        Maize – 21% (3)  Wheat bran = 30% (4)  De oiled rice bran = 25%

(5)        Molasses = 9%  (6) Mineral Mixture = 2%   (7)  Salt = 1%

Extra allowance for milk production

Additional  amount of 1kg.  concentrate mixture  is required for every 2.5kg. of milk  over and above the maintenance ration in  zebu cattle and 2kg. of milk case of CB cow/ buffalo.

Feeding of pregnant  cow

Pregnant animal are given extra nutrients during the last  2 to 3  month of gestation. This is required  for the development of the feet us  and also increase in weight of the pregnant animal.

Extra allowance for milk production

Additional  amount of 1kg.  concentrate mixture  is required for every 2.5kg. of milk  over and above the maintenance ration in  zebu cattle and 2kg. of milk case of CB cow/ buffalo.

Feeding of pregnant  cow

Pregnant animal are given extra nutrients during the last  2 to 3  month of gestation. This is required  for the development of the feet us  and also increase in weight of the pregnant animal.

READ MORE :  Ruminant Gastro Intestinal Tract’s Peculiarity and Salient Features

Daily nutrition requirement for maintainace and Pregnancy (Ranjani 1998)

Body weight in kg. DEP gm. TDN kg. Calcium (g) Phosphorus  (g) Vit –A  (100 LU)
300 5.6 290 3.4kg. 16 14 25
350 6.4 320 3.7 21 16 27
400 7.2 350 4 23 18 30


As per the thumb rule during the last 3 month of pregnancy an additional quantity of 1.25kg.  of concentrate for zebu cow and 1.75kg. for CB  cow/ buffalo  is recommended inn addition to the maintainace ration.

Feed requirement of breeding bull

The breeding bull must be fed good quality  fodders (green and grey) together with concentrates to keep them in thirty condition  (strong and healthy). Over feeding should be avoided as it leads to excessive fattening which lowers the libido.

Body weight in kg. DEP gm. TDN kg. Calcium (g) Vit –A  (100 LU)
300 5.8 330 3.1kg. 420 4kg.
400 7.6 450gm. 4.9kg. 9.8 27
400 7.2 350 4 23 30


Average Feed mixture for an adult Bovine around 350 Kg

Feed misture—

Ration for 350-400 kg. body weight  cow yielding 4kg. milk per day–

Rice/ Paddy  Straw   –           5kg.

Green grass                –           6kg.

De -oiled rice bran     –           1.600gm.  

Ground  nut cake      –           500gm.

 Example of a concentrate mixture—  @ 1Kg/100Kg BW

(1) Ground nut cake = 12%

(2)        Maize – 21% 

(3) Wheat bran = 30%

(4)  De oiled rice bran = 25%

(5)        Molasses = 9% 

(6) Mineral Mixture = 2% 

 (7)  Salt = 1%

—–Clean Fresh Hygienic water-ad lib.( adequate)





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