A Case Report on Drenching Pneumonia in Buffalo


A Case Report on Drenching Pneumonia in Buffalo

  1. Vishnu meena,2.Vikarm Jat MVSc Scholar Department of Veterinary medicine Post graduate institute of veterinary education and research (PGIVER) ,Agra road Jaipur, Rajuvas

Abstract:- A crossbred buffalo was presented with history of inappetence, nasal discharge, salivation, coughing, pyrexia and reduced milk yield following drenching of liquid medication (liver tonic)at the TVCC of PGIVER Jaipur . Clinical examination revealed high body temperature of 107 ° F, purulent nasal discharge, coughing, dysponea, congested mucous membrane and had putrid breath. Thoracic auscultation revealed crackling lung sounds in antero-ventral part of the both lungs. Haematology showed neutrophilic leukocytosis.

Keywords: Buffalo, aspiration pneumonia, treatment, Amoxicillin, Flunixin, Deriphyllin.

Introduction:-Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs parenchyma usually characterised by
involvement of bronchioles (Broncho-pneumonia) and often pleurisy (Pleuro-pneumonia).
Clinically.Aspiration pneumonia occurs when food, saliva, or vomit is breathed into the lungs, leading to infection. It’s a serious condition that often requires medical attention, especially in older animals or those with weakened immune systems. , it is manifested by an increase in the respiratory rate, changes in the depth and character of respirations, coughing, abnormal breath sounds in auscultation.

improper drenching technique of medication for other diseases by inexperienced persons or new animal handler is the most common cause of Drenching pneumonia.The prognosis is guarded to poor in all cases of Drenching pneumonia; it depends upon the severity of the pneumonia, volume and nature of aspirated material. If large quantities of fluid is aspirated, death may be almost instantaneous, but few animals can be treated successfully. The present case represents the aspiration pneumonia due to forceful administration of liver tonic.


History and Diagnosis
A crossbred buffalo of 6 years age was presented to Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Post graduate institute of veterinary education and research PGIVER Jaipur with history of inappetence, nasal discharge, salivation, coughing, fever and reduced milk yield.after the questioning with buffalo owner we revealed that two day before he had drenched the buffalo forcibly against animal desire with commercially  liver tonic about 200 ml,

The liver tonic ( Livotas) each 10 ml contains Extract derived from Andrographis paniculata 400 mg, Eclipta alba 300 mg, Phyllanthus niruri 250 mg, Boerhavia diffusa 100 mg, Picrorhiza kurroa 50 mg, Silybum marianum 100 mg, Taraxacum officinalis 50 mg, Glycerrhiza gabra 100 mg, Curcuma longa 100 mg.

Owner Remembered that coughing is started after Drenching the liver tonic.

Clinical examination revealed changes in vital parameters (rectal temperature: 107°F,respiratory rate: 52/minute, heart rate: 92/minute) with congested mucous membrane along with bilateral mucupurulent nasal discharge. Animal showed painful expression with open mouth breathing.

The buffalo stands with  (markedly arched) back with neck extended and head lowered. Thoracic auscultations revealed crackling sounds in antero-ventral part of the both lungs. and laboured expiration.

Blood examination showed neutropilic
leukocytosis (Hb- 9.0 g/dl, TLC- 24440/µl, N- 84/µl.)

Treatment:- Based on the history, clinical examinations and haematological findings, the case was diagnosed as aspiration pneumonia and treated accordingly.The treatment was

initiated with Amoxicillin + Salbactum@10mg/kg IM BID ×5 days, Enrofloxacin LA(Single shot)@5mg/kg IM.
Flunixin meglumine @2mg/kg IM BID × 5days Chlorpheniramine maleate @10ml IM OD ×5
days and B-complex @10ml IM OD ×5 days , Deriphyllin 10ml IM BID ×5days.
The body temperature reached to normal (102°F) on 3rd day evening and respiratory distress started to resolve slowly.
Others parameters such as dyspnea and nasal discharge were corrected to its normal level very much on 4th day after treatment. After five days of treatment buffalo showed good appetite and respiration become almost normal but slight coughing was observed.so advice for owner to continue antibiotics and antihistamine for next 3 days along with Rumenotorics( bol.Ecotas )


After a week, farmer informed that the cow has completely recovered.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Amoxicillin +Salbactum and
Enrofloxacin), NSAIDs (Flunixin) and Chlorpheniramine melate , Deriphyllin
can be used successfully in therapeutic
management of buffalo with aspiration/drenching pneumonia.
For prevention of aspiration pneumonia careful administration
of medication should be considered.

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