Swagat Patnaik

3rd Year BVSc & AH Student, Institute of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, SOA DU, Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Over the past few decades, the poultry sector has experienced remarkable growth compared to other livestock species, establishing itself as the most economical source of protein for consumers through the development of value chains. For centuries, it has been an integral part of India’s agricultural landscape, providing a reliable source of income and nutrition to millions. However, recent years have seen significant transformations in the sector, primarily driven by innovative technologies and practices. This essay examines the considerable potential of the poultry sector, emphasizing the impact of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, as well as the resulting economic and social outcomes. It also highlights the modern technologies that have shaped India’s poultry industry, from producing ‘designer eggs’ to altering the nutritional profile of eggs to cater to consumer demands. Techniques such as CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) and RNA interference (RNAi) have revolutionized the industry, while nutrigenomics has facilitated the enhancement of eggs’ nutrient content, improved nutrient bioavailability, and allowed for the creation of cost-effective, nutritionally balanced feeds using specialized software. These advancements have enabled India to achieve self-sufficiency as a food producer and to assume a leading role in the global poultry industry.


India, the second-largest producer of eggs and the third-largest producer of broiler chickens globally, has witnessed remarkable growth in its poultry industry, driven by technological advancements. In 2017-18, the Gross Value Addition (GVA) from poultry farming reached INR 76,294 crores, as reported by the BAHS. By 2019, the country’s total poultry population surged to 851.81 million, reflecting an annual growth rate of 16.8%. This increase highlights the rising interest of livestock farmers in poultry farming, with about 37% of the rural poultry population still being raised under backyard farming systems.

Despite significant progress, the industry remains divided into organized and unorganized sectors, spanning various production stages, including breeding, hatcheries, feed production, broiler, layer, and processing plants. Over the past few decades, the poultry sector has undergone significant transformation, largely due to modern technologies, establishing it as one of India’s most promising industries. It plays a key role in ensuring food security, providing employment, and fulfilling the dietary needs of a growing population.

For the poultry industry to continue expanding, a supportive environment is essential. This includes policies that promote disease surveillance, residue and vaccine quality control, feed standardization, egg quality control, and the implementation of HACCP and GMP protocols. Government initiatives, including subsidies, credit, and training programs, have been crucial in fostering industry growth. The National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), established in 1982, has also contributed by stabilizing egg prices and encouraging egg consumption. Combined with modern technologies, these efforts have made the poultry industry a significant contributor to India’s economy and food security. The sector’s impressive productivity results from advancements in genetics, modern management techniques, and a growing consumer demand for poultry products. However, despite the industry’s rapid growth and proficiency in production, the adoption of technology-based information systems within the value chain remains limited. In the poultry sector, price setting by farmers and producers can be compared to the classic microeconomic concept of the prisoner’s dilemma, where both sides make independent pricing decisions out of fear of losing market share, leading to high price volatility—a common occurrence in this industry.

Innovative Technology and Practices in Poultry farming:

1.Smart Farming Technologies

IoT (Internet of Things) Applications in Poultry Management

  1. a) Environmental Monitoring: Sensors are utilized to track key environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, air quality, and ventilation within poultry houses. IoT systems can automatically adjust heating and ventilation systems to maintain optimal living conditions for the birds.
  2. b) Egg Production Monitoring: In layer farms, IoT systems can monitor egg production in real time, tracking data such as the number of eggs laid, their size, and the health of the hens. Automated egg collection systems can also be integrated, reducing labour costs and enhancing operational efficiency.
  3. c) Farm Surveillance: IoT-based surveillance cameras and motion sensors provide security by monitoring poultry farms for unauthorized access, intrusion, or potential threats like predators.
  4. d) Data Analysis for Farm Insights: Data collected from IoT devices can be analysed using advanced algorithms to gain insights into flock behaviour, health trends, and farm productivity, helping farmers make informed decisions.
  5. e) Waste Management: IoT systems can track and manage waste by monitoring manure levels and coordinating its disposal. The manure can then be repurposed as organic fertilizer, contributing to the farm’s sustainability.
  6. f) Automated Feeding Systems: IoT-enabled feeding systems monitor can automate the distribution of food and water, ensuring that birds are fed at the right times and in appropriate quantities. These systems improve feed efficiency, reduce waste, and use sensors to detect feed levels, alerting farmers when stocks need replenishing. Additionally, sensors can monitor water quality by measuring pH, temperature, and contaminants.
  7. g) AI-Enabled Drones for Health Monitoring: Drones equipped with AI-powered cameras can survey poultry farms to detect early signs of disease or stress in flocks. By capturing high-resolution images of the farm, AI algorithms analyse the data to identify abnormal patterns or signs of distress among the birds. This allows farmers to take prompt action, such as isolating affected birds or implementing biosecurity measures, preventing disease outbreaks and minimizing potential losses.
  8. Genetics Advancements in Poultry Breeding
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Recent advances in breeding genetics have been instrumental in transforming India’s poultry sector. The introduction of high-yielding breeds and the use of genetic selection have greatly enhanced productivity in poultry farming. These advances have led to the development of poultry strains that are more resistant to specific diseases. Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 allow for precise genome editing in chickens, enabling the introduction of beneficial traits or the removal of undesirable ones. The implementation of hybrid breeding programs, where specific lines are crossbred, has allowed farmers to produce chickens with higher meat yields, better egg production, and improved disease resistance. Hybrid vigor, or heterosis, often results in healthier and more productive birds. Additionally, molecular genetic tools such as Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) and genomic selection help breeders identify genes responsible for important traits like growth, fertility, and disease resistance.

In poultry farming, early sex determination is crucial for efficiently managing broilers and layers. Genetic advancements have enabled sex-linked breeding, where male and female chicks can be distinguished at hatching based on specific color patterns or markers. This reduces the need for manual sexing and enhances overall productivity.

  1. Waste management in poultry farming:is a critical aspect of sustainable agriculture, as poultry farms generate large amounts of waste, including manure, feathers, bedding material and dead birds. Poultry manure is a valuable byproduct that can be used as an organic fertilizer. Anaerobic digestion is a process in which organic waste such as poultry manure and dead birds, is broken down by bacteria in the absence of oxygen, produces biogas making used as a renewable energy source.
  2. Precise Nutrition

Advancements in nutrition science have allowed for precise formulation of feed, resulting in improved growth rates and feed conversion ratios. Precision Nutrition ensures that birds receive the right nutrients at the right time, optimizing their health and productivity while reducing waste.

For Example: Precise Nutrition for broiler

Starter Phase (0-10days): Provide a highly digestible energy source, typically using corn or wheat-based diets (Lesson & Summers, 2008). Ensure the diet has a balanced amino acid profile, including essential amino acids like methionine and lysine. Maintain an appropriate calcium-to-phosphorus ratio to support proper bone development. Additionally, supplement the diet with essential vitamins, such as A, D3, E, K, and the B-complex vitamins.

Grower Phase (11-28 days)

Gradually shift to a diet with slightly lower energy content to effectively manage growth. Ensure the amino acid profile remains balanced while lowering crude protein levels. Continue adjusting calcium and phosphorus levels according to the bird’s growth rate to support proper development.

Finisher Phase (29-42 days)

Provide a diet with moderate energy content to enhance meat yield, ensuring a balanced amino acid profile with an emphasis on meat quality. Adjust vitamin and mineral levels based on growth rate and body weight. Continue incorporating feed additives to optimize nutrient utilization and support overall health.

  1. Health Management Innovations

Automated vaccination technologies in poultry farming are systems designed to enhance the efficiency and precision of administering vaccines to large flocks. These technologies aim to reduce labor costs, improve accuracy, and ensure consistent vaccine delivery, which is essential for maintaining poultry health and productivity.

  1. Ovo vaccination involves vaccinating chicken embryos inside the egg before they hatch, providing early protection against diseases like Marek’s disease.
  2. Spray vaccination systems deliver vaccines through a fine mist sprayed over the chicks, allowing the vaccine to be inhaled or absorbed through the eyes and nose.
  3. Automated needle injectors use automated syringes to quickly and consistently inject vaccines into poultry.
  4. Robotic vaccinators equipped with advanced sensors and injection systems, vaccinate poultry in real time on farms.
  5. Gel-based vaccinations are integrated into a gel-like substance that is fed to the poultry. The gel is often dyed to ensure each bird receives the vaccine.
  6. Additionally, Telemedicine and remote veterinary care are revolutionizing the poultry industry by improving access to veterinary services, enabling better flock health management, and facilitating communication between farmers and veterinarians. These technologies are especially valuable in large-scale operations, where timely intervention can significantly boost productivity and animal welfare.
  7. Enhancing food safety with block chain technology

Blockchain technology is increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for enhancing food safety in the poultry industry. Its secure, transparent, and immutable record-keeping capabilities offer several benefits for improving traceability and safety throughout the supply chain. a) Blockchain creates a digital ledger that tracks every transaction or movement of poultry products from farm to table. b) The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that all data entered is secure and tamper-resistant. c) It can integrate with IoT devices to provide real-time data on poultry health, environmental conditions, and processing stages. d) It facilitates better communication and data sharing among all stakeholders in the poultry supply chain. e) It simplifies compliance with food safety regulations by maintaining a transparent record of all processes and transactions.
f) It also enables consumers to access detailed information about the poultry products they purchase, promoting transparency and trust.

  1. Poultry Housing Innovations

Modern farms feature automated control systems, automated showers, cooling pads, and efficient feed distribution systems with overall efficiency and hygiene. Digital air quality monitors provide real time readings of ammonia and carbon dioxide levels, ensuring a healthy bird environment. Advanced water systems prevent contamination and wastage, promoting water efficiency and preventing waterborne diseases. Manure collection and management are also practiced in hygienic conditions, such as moving belt systems and palletizing dried manure. Remote access livestock monitoring systems enables farmers to monitor their poultry sheds in detail through smartphones, tablets and computers.

  1. Digital Tools for Farmers

A digital tool app for poultry farmers to connect to the market, that could provide features that simplify farm management, market access, and sales.

  1. By creating a farmer dashboard, where, each farmer can create a profile listing details about their farm, the types of poultry they raise and the quantity available for sale.
  2. A system to facilitate the coordination of transportation or delivery services. Farmers could partner with logistics providers or local delivery networks.
  3. Real time data on poultry prices in local and regional markets, allowing farmers to adjust prices accordingly. Tools to track feed usage, health of poultry and financial records to optimize farm operations.
  4. A platform for farmers to share tips, best practices and collaborate on common challenges. Access to educational resources on poultry farming market trends and how to scale operations.
  5. Organic and free-range Farming

Consumer demand for organic and free-range poultry products has led to the adoption of more sustainable farming practices. These systems emphasize animal welfare, minimize antibiotic use, and provide birds with outdoor access. They cater to niche markets where consumers are willing to pay a premium for ethically produced poultry, aligning with growing interest in environmentally friendly and humane farming methods.

  1. Designer Meat and Designer Eggs

Designer meat, enriched with higher levels of antioxidants such as selenium, carotenoid pigments, vitamin E, flavonoid compounds, phosvitin, and lecithin, as well as herbal active principles like allicin, betaine, eugenol, lutein, sulforaphane, taurine, curcumin, and lycopene, is gaining attention from researchers and technologists (Sireesha & Prasanna, 2019). The key benefits of designer meat include being a rich source of antioxidants, reduced susceptibility to lipid peroxidation, prevention of fishy taint in the product, and minimizing the destruction of fat-soluble vitamins and natural pigments. Similarly, they are enhanced with vitamins such as A and E, along with increased levels of micro-minerals like selenium, iodine, zinc, copper, and chromium in the yolk and albumen. These eggs are seen as a solution to iodine deficiency in India (Kaufmann et al., 1998). With heart disease on the rise, scientists have successfully lowered the cholesterol content in eggs through genetics, nutrition, or pharmacological methods (Kim et al., 2004; Elkin, 2007). In addition, technologies now exist to produce genetically modified chickens that lay eggs containing specific compounds, such as insulin for treating diabetic patients (Mahima et al., 2012). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also approved a transgenic chicken that produces the drug Kanuma (sebelipase alfa), marking a significant advancement in biotechnology for medicinal use.

READ MORE :  Innovative Technology and Practices Transforming India’s Poultry Farming Sector

Economic Impact of Technological Innovations: –

Automation has gradually transformed various industries, including the Indian poultry farming sector. Its impact on poultry farms across India has been significant, revolutionizing how poultry is raised, managed, and processed. These innovations have had a profound economic influence, reshaping the industry through enhanced productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.

  1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency:Automated systems for feeding, watering, temperature control, and egg collection have reduced labor costs and improved operational efficiency. Farmers can manage larger flocks with fewer workers, increasing production without a proportional rise in expenses. Technologies like drones and data analytics optimize feed, water, and energy use. Additionally, advancements in selective breeding and genetics have resulted in chickens that grow faster, lay more eggs, and are more disease-resistant, leading to higher yields and lower mortality rates.
  2. Lower Production Costs:Precision farming and improved nutrition knowledge have led to more efficient feed use, which remains the largest cost in poultry farming. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and biogas systems, help farmers cut energy costs, which is particularly beneficial for large operations requiring constant climate control.
  3. Economies of Scale and Market Growth:Technological innovations enable poultry farms to scale up, leading to greater market share and profitability. Larger producers benefit from lower per-unit production costs, which can pressure smaller farmers to either adopt similar technologies or risk being driven out of business.
  4. Improved Animal Health and Welfare:Innovations like vaccines, probiotics, and biosecurity technologies help reduce disease outbreaks, which can devastate poultry farms. Healthier flocks lead to fewer losses and more stable incomes for farmers.
  5. Environmental and Sustainability Benefits: New technologies enable efficient management of by-products, such as using poultry litter for bioenergy or fertilizer, reducing environmental impact while creating additional revenue streams. Water recycling systems and renewable energy adoption contribute to more sustainable farming, reducing operational costs over time and appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.
  6. Economic Displacement and Challenges:While automation increases efficiency, it can reduce the need for human labor. Workers in rural areas may face job displacement as farms adopt more automation, creating a need for retraining and skill development to keep up with new technology.
  7. Consumer Impact:Increased productivity and lower production costs often translate into more affordable poultry products for consumers. Technological improvements in feed, genetics, and health management also result in higher-quality poultry products, driving consumer demand and creating premium market segments.


India’s poultry farming sector has evolved from its traditional practices to embrace innovative technology and sustainable methods. This transformation has resulted in increased productivity, economic growth, improved livelihoods for farmers, and enhanced nutritional security. Recent statistics highlight the sector’s significant contributions to India’s agriculture and economy. As the world continues to face food security challenges, India’s poultry sector serves as a model of how innovations can drive positive change in agriculture. With ongoing investment in research, technology, and sustainable practices, the poultry sector in India is well-positioned for further growth and success in the future.


  1. Advances in protein amino acid nutrition of poultry
  3. Leeson, S., & Summers, J.D. (2008). Commercial Poultry Nutrition.
  4. National Research Council (NRC) 1994 Nutrient Requirements of Poultry
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  6. Role of Artificial Intelligence in Livestock and Poultry Farming. Sinkeon: Journal, Dan penelitian teknik Informatika
  7. Internet of things and machine learning techniques in Poultry health and Welfare management:a systemic literature review. Computers and electronics in agriculture
  8. Transforming Poultry Farming by Poultry India
  9. The expanding landscape of India’s Poultry Sector by Poultry site
  10. Innovation in Poultry farming: technology and automation by agri Farming
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