An Overview of the National Livestock Mission

An Overview of the National Livestock Mission

An Overview of the National Livestock Mission

  1. Lavanya1*, Vinod Kumar1, Jyoti Bohra1, Sourav Bhadra1, P.Adi Vishnu Babu2

1Subject Matter Specialist (SMS), Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bud Bud, Burdwan, West Bengal.

2Veterinary Doctor, MVU, Durgapur, West Bengal



The Government of India launched the National Livestock Mission (NLM) scheme through the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying in the financial year 2014-15. Recognizing the evolving needs of the sector, the NLM was revised and realigned starting from the financial year 2021-22. The updated NLM focuses on generating employment, fostering entrepreneurship, and enhancing per-animal productivity, with specific goals of increasing the production of meat, goat milk, eggs, and wool under the overarching Development Programme. This surplus production aims to boost export earnings while satisfying domestic demand. The NLM Scheme emphasizes developing entrepreneurs to create both forward and backward linkages between the unorganized and organized sectors of the livestock industry.

Objectives of the National Livestock Mission:

  1. Employment Generation:Foster entrepreneurship development in the small ruminant, poultry, piggery, and fodder sectors.
  2. Enhanced Productivity:Improve per-animal productivity through targeted breed enhancement initiatives.
  3. Increased Production:Boost the production levels of meat, eggs, goat milk, wool, and fodder.
  4. Fodder and Feed Availability:Strengthen the fodder seed supply chain and ensure the availability of certified fodder seeds to significantly reduce demand.
  5. Fodder Processing Units:Encourage the establishment of fodder processing facilities to bridge the demand-supply gap.
  6. Risk Management:Promote risk management strategies, including livestock insurance for farmers.
  7. Applied Research:Support research in prioritized areas such as poultry, sheep, goats, feed, and fodder.
  8. Capacity Building:Enhance the skills of state functionaries and livestock owners through improved extension services, ensuring farmers receive quality support.
  9. Skill-Based Training:Promote training programs focused on reducing production costs and enhancing livestock sector productivity through technology dissemination. 

Eligibility Criteria for the Entrepreneurs/ Eligible Entities to avail benefit under NLM:

To be eligible for benefits under the entrepreneurship program, Entrepreneurs and Eligible Entities must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Training and Experience:Entrepreneurs or Eligible Entities must have either received training, trained experts, or possess substantial experience in managing and operating the relevant project. Alternatively, they can have technical experts with significant experience in the field.
  • Financing:Entrepreneurs or Eligible Entities should have secured a sanctioned loan for the project from a bank or financial institution, or they must provide a bank guarantee from a scheduled bank, along with an appraisal confirming the project’s validity from their account-holding bank.
  • Land Ownership:Entrepreneurs or Eligible Entities must own or lease the land designated for establishing the project.
  • KYC Documentation:Entrepreneurs or Eligible Entities should possess all necessary Know Your Customer (KYC) documents.

 Mode of application for entrepreneurship project:

Applications for entrepreneurship and Central Sector projects will be submitted online via a portal developed by the Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) in collaboration with the Small Industries Development Banks of India (SIDBI).

READ MORE :  Booklet on Animal Husbandry ( AH ) Schemes Govt. of India-Hindi

 Sub-Mission and Detailed Guidelines:

Submission on Breed Development of Livestock and Poultry: under this submission, the following activities will be undertaken:

Establishment of Entrepreneurs for breed development of Rural Poultry

Name of the component Establishment of Entrepreneurship for breed development of Rural Poultry.
Objective · Integrating Rural Poultry: Transition the unorganized rural poultry farming sector into the organized framework.

· Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Promote sustainable entrepreneurship in rural poultry.

· Linkage Development: Establish forward and backward linkages within the sector.

· Alternative Feeding Solutions: Promote non-conventional, low-cost feeding options.

Salient features · Entrepreneurship Development: Individuals, Self Help Groups (SHGs), Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs), Farmers Cooperatives (FCOs), Joint Liability Groups (JLGs), and Section 8 companies are invited to establish Parent Farms, Rural Hatcheries, and brooder-cum-mother units for producing hatching eggs and chicks, rearing them up to four weeks.

· Linkage Emphasis: Preference will be given to entrepreneurs who can create forward and backward linkages (Hub and Spoke).

· Capital Subsidy: The Central Government will provide a 50% capital subsidy for establishing Parent Farms, Rural Hatcheries, and Mother Units with a minimum of 1,000 parent layers.

· Funding Requirements: Entrepreneurs/Eligible Entities must secure the remaining funds through bank loans, financial institutions, or self-financing.

· Bird Management: The parent farm will maintain Low Input Technology Birds or other breeds suited for free-range management.

· Bird Supply: Central Poultry Development Organizations, Central Avian Research Institutions, the Directorate of Poultry Research, State Veterinary Universities, and certified private organizations are eligible to supply birds, with technical specifications to be provided separately.

Eligible Entities Eligible Entities: Individuals, SHGs, FPOs, FCOs, JLGs, and Section 8 companies.

Funding Details:

· A one-time capital subsidy of 50% of the total project cost will be provided, with a maximum subsidy of ₹25 lakh per unit.

· The subsidy will be disbursed in two equal installments:

· The first installment is released upfront by SIDBI to the scheduled bank or financial institution upon confirmation that the beneficiary has received their first loan installment. This amount will be credited to the Entrepreneur/Eligible Entity’s account.

· The second installment will be provided after project completion and verification by the State Implementing Agency.

Self-Financing Projects:

· For self-financed projects, a bank appraisal is required. The first installment will be credited to the lending bank after the beneficiary incurs 25% of the project cost for infrastructure, verified by the State Implementing Agency.

· The remaining 50% subsidy will be released post-project completion and verification.

Bank Guarantee Requirement:

· Entrepreneurs in self-financing mode must provide a valid bank guarantee from a scheduled bank for the remaining project costs, in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. This guarantee will be kept by the State Implementing Agency, and a copy must be uploaded with the application.


· No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicles, land purchase, or rental/lease costs.

Follow up of the project State Implementing agency will follow up the project for the period of 2 years after completion with regards to its operation.

Establishment of Entrepreneur for breed development in the small ruminant sector (sheep and goat farming):

Name of the components Establishment of Entrepreneur for breed development in the small ruminant sector (sheep and goat farming)
Objectives · Entrepreneur Development:To develop entrepreneurship in the small ruminant sector.

· Sustainable Business Models: Create sustainable business models for sheep and goat production.

· Incentivization: Encourage Individuals, FPOs, FCOs, SHGs, JLGs, and Section 8 companies to develop integrated rural sheep-goat production systems.

· Sector Organization: Transform the small ruminant sector from unorganized to organized by promoting entrepreneurship, investment, and establishing forward and backward linkages.

· Awareness Campaigns: Raise awareness about scientific rearing practices, nutrition, and disease prevention.

· Stall Feeding Promotion: Advocate for the stall feeding model in sheep and goat rearing

Salient Feature · Capital Subsidy: Provide a one-time capital subsidy to individuals, SHGs, FPOs, FCOs, JLGs, and Section 8 companies to create entrepreneurs.

· Breeding Units: Eligible entities can establish sheep and goat breeding units with a minimum of 500 females and 25 males, using high genetic varieties for producing goat milk, meat, and fine wool. Breed selection can be made from an approved list or in consultation with the State Government.

· Subsidy Support: The Central Government will offer up to 50% back-ended subsidy for the project’s capital cost. Entrepreneurs must secure the remaining funds through bank loans, financial institutions, or self-financing.

Pattern of Assistance · Capital Subsidy: A 50% capital subsidy, up to ₹50 lakh, will be provided in two equal installments.

· First Installment: The first installment will be released upfront by SIDBI to the scheduled bank or financial institution, credited to the Entrepreneur/Eligible Entity’s account after confirmation that the loan installment has been disbursed.

· Second Installment: Beneficiaries can access the second installment after project completion and verification by the State Implementing Agency.

· Self-Financing Projects: For self-financed projects, a bank appraisal is required. The first installment of the subsidy will be credited to the lending bank after the beneficiary incurs 25% of the project cost for infrastructure, verified by the State Implementing Agency.

· Bank Guarantee: Entrepreneurs seeking benefits in self-financing mode must provide a three-year valid Bank Guarantee from a scheduled bank for the remaining project costs, in the name of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. The original guarantee will be kept by the State Implementing Agency, and a copy along with a declaration form must be uploaded with the application.

· Exclusions: No subsidy will be provided for working capital, personal vehicles, land purchases, or rent/lease costs.

Eligible Entities FPOs/FCOs/SHG/JLG/Individuals/ Section 8 companies
Follow up of the project State Implementing agency will follow up the project for the period of 2 years after completion with regards to its operation



Indicative list of items eligible for funding under Rural Poultry Entrepreneurship (1000+100 POULTRY PARENT STOCK TO GET 500 HATCHING EGG PER DAY)

Sl. No. PARTICULARS Unit Unit cost (Rs) Total cost
1 Land Development     200000
2 Electrification     250000
3 Construction of shed (30 ft x 100 ft) 3000 sq. ft 300 900000
4 Water supply with overhead tank     200000
5 Electric Brooder (1000 DOC/Brooder) 2 no. 1500 3000
6 Chick Feeder (one feeder/60 Chicks) 18 no. 175 3150
7 Chick Drinker (one drinker/60 Chicks) 20 no. 150 3000
8 Adult Feeder (one feeder/60 Adult birds) 18 no. 350 6300
9 Adult Drinker (one drinker/60 Adult birds) 20 no. 350 7000
10 Cost of 1100 parent stock (1000 F + 100 M) 1100 nos. 150 165000
  Total capital cost for parent unit     17,37,450


Hatchery for Hatching 3000 Hatching Eggs/Week to Get 2250 Day Old Chicks (DOC)

Sl. No. PARTICULARS Unit Unit cost (Rs) Total cost
1 Construction of Hatchery building (30 ft x 100 ft) 3000 sq.ft 800 2400000
2 Incubator of capacity 15,000 eggs 1 no. 400000 400000
3 Hatcher capacity 5,000 eggs 1 no. 200000 200000
4 Generator set (15 KVA) 1 no. 350000 350000
  Total capital cost for Hatchery unit     33,50,000


Mother Unit for Brooding 2000 Chicks Up to 4 Weeks

Sl. No. PARTICULARS Unit Unit cost (Rs) Total cost
1 Construction of shed (25 ft x 40 ft) x 4 nos. (for 8000 DOC) 4000 sq.ft 300 1200000
2 Electric Brooder (1000 DOC/Brooder) 8 nos. 1500 12000
3 Chick Feeder (50 DOC/Feeder) 160 nos. 175 28000
4 Chick Drinker (50 DOC/Drinker) 180 nos. 150 27000
5 Chick Guards 40 nos 900 36000
  Total capital cost for Brooding unit     13,03,000
  Total capital cost for the project     63,90,450


Indicative List of Items Eligible for Funding under Sheep and Goat Entrepreneurship for Establishment of Breeder Goat Farm (500 Females and 25 Males)

S. No. Particulars Unit Unit cost (Rs) Total cost
1 Construction of housing shed for parent stock (55 ft x 100 ft) 5500 sq.ft 400 2200000
2 Kid shed & sick pen 3500 sq.ft 200 700000
3 Cost of Doe 500 nos. 8000 4000000
4 Cost of Buck 25 nos. 13000 325000
5 Transportation cost for animals 525 nos. 100 52500
6 Fodder cultivation 5 acre 100000 500000
7 Chaff cutter 2 nos. 25000 50000
8 Integrated silage making machine 1 no. 500000 500000
9 Equipment for animals For 525 animals 100 52500
10 Insurance for animals For 525 animals @7.5% 3,25,000
11 Miscellaneous   25000 25000
      Total 87,30,000



National Livestock Mission 2014, Depatment of Animal Husbandry and Dairying.

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development:

Government of India, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying. (2021). Operational guidelines on National Livestock Mission.1-65.

* This is a sample report. The amounts, units, and information provided are for illustrative purposes only and may vary depending on specific conditions, locations, and situations. Actual data and figures should be verified and adjusted accordingly.

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