Dr. Tanya pawar, Dr. Tejasvi Meshram,  Dr. Dharmendra kumar,  Dr. Neelam Tandia, Dr.  Priya Singh

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Kuthuliya, Rewa (M.P.)

Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University Jabalpur (M.P.)


India is one of the largest milk producing country in the world. But despite this india faces acute shortage of green fodder and concentrate for its livestocks which leads to shifting towards purchasing commercially availabe feed suppliments resulting in increase cost of milk production. The search for cost effective alternative for green fodder and concentrate lead dairy farmer to an ideal substitute namely azolla. Azolla is a free floating, fast and naturally growing, fresh water fern belonging to the family Azollaceae and genus Azolla.

The water fern Azolla (Azolla pinnata) is an unconventional feed ingredient and a cheaper feed source for cattle, sheep, goat, fish, pigs and poultry and can be used as an alternative feed source to concentrate/feed/fodder to improve the production statue of the animals.

Azolla has a symbiotic relationship with the nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae Anabaena azollae, which increases the protein content of Azolla and contains approximately all amino acids specially lysine and pro-vitamins, making it one of the greatest alternative feed ingredients as a source of protein. It can modify biodiversity and aquatic ecosystems substantially.


Azolla is a rich source of protien containing 20-25% CP, 7–10% amino acids and 10-15% minerals on dry matter basis. It is a good source of vitamins (Beta Carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B12), minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, ferrous, magnesium, copper, etc.), antioxidants, probiotics and biopolymers. It is easily digestible because to its high protein and low lignin content. The carbohydrate and fat content of azolla is very low. Feeding of azolla leads to increase in feed efficiency, average daily gain and milk production by 15–20%.



Azolla is a type of aquatic fern and can normally be found in natural water habitats like lakes, paddy field, freshwater ponds, slow moving rivers or irrigation channels. Azolla is easy and economical to grow and can also be grown in paddy field either as a monocrop or as an intercrop or in the backyard of house, dairy or poultry shed. Water is the most critical requirment for azolla cultivation along with soil and pond/pit. One can get a fully grown azolla in almost two to three week’s time.


Azolla is water based crop. It requires atleast 5 inches of water in pond, water pH between 5 to 7, relative humidity of 80-90%, light  (30-50%) for photosynthesis and shade. Following steps can be followed for azolla cultivation-

  1. Size of the tank depends upon the quantity of the azolla to be harvested. For small units, a pond of 2×1 m2  is sufficient.
  2. Ground is levelled and bricks are laid according to the required dimensions to make pond.
  3. Plastic sheets or old plastics sacs are placed at the bottom of the pond.
  4. Pond is then covered with durable plastic sheets.
  5. About 25kg of fertile clean soil is spread across the pond uniformly.
  6. Amixture of cow dung and any fertilizer containing calcium phosphorus is added to the soil.
  7. Water is maintained at a depth of 10cm in the pond.
  8. Azolla is added at a rate of 500g per square meter of the pond.
  9. Azolla can be harvested after 2-3 weeks.


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Azolla can be fed in fresh or dry form. It is given along with concentrate at initial stage as it takes a few days for the animal to develope a taste for azolla. It is mixed with commercial feed in 1:1 ratio to feed livestock in initial stage. Livestocks can be fed with azolla alone after a fortnight of feeding on azolla mixed with concentrate. For poultry, azolla can be fed to layers as well as broilers.


  1. Azolla is easy to grow, economical and can be grown in any season.
  2. Azolla feeding increases milk yield in cattles by 15-20 %.
  3. It is rich in protien, minerals(Ca, P K Cu Mg and ferrous), vitamins(vitamin A, B12 and Beta-carotene), essential amino acids and growth promoters intermediaries.
  4. It can fix atmospheric nitrogenreducing dependency on synthetic fertilizers which leads to environmental sustainability.
  5. Azolla feeding increases number of egg production and good quality of yolk production in layers annd improves the weight in broiler chickens
  6. It is palatable and easily digested by livestock and poultry. The high fiber contentin azolla aids in digestion. This helps maintain healthy gut function and prevents digestive issues such as bloating or constipation.
  7. It can carry out photosynthesis and uptake nutrients from its surroundings through its root system.
  8. On dry matter basis, it contain 25-35% protien, 7-10% amino acids, 10-15% minerals, bioactive substances and biopolymers.
  9. It can replace 20% of commercial feed in chick feed.
  10. Azolla has the ability to proliferate without inorganic nitrogen fertilizer.


  1. Digestive Issues:Azolla contains high levels of fiber which can lead to digestive disturbances in some animals, particularly if fed in excessive amounts. This may result in diarrhea or constipation.
  2. Allergic Reactions:Just like any other plant material, azolla has the potential to cause allergic reactions in sensitive animals. Symptoms may include itching, rashes,or respiratory distress.
  3. Nutrient Imbalance: Although rich in protein and essential nutrients, exclusively feeding azolla without proper supplementation can result in nutrient imbalances over time. It is crucial to ensure a well-rounded diet for optimal animal health.
  4. Reduced Palatability: Some animals may find the taste and texture of azolla unappealing, leading to decreased appetite and reduced feed intake overall.
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5. Contamination Risks: If not properly cultivated and handled, there is a risk of contamination with harmful bacteria or toxins that could negatively impact animal health.


The search for an economical and easy to grow feed for livestock led to the discovery of a wonderfull plant called azolla. It can be used as a good alternative source to concentrate/feed/fodder  in cattle, goat, pig and poultry industry. Azolla contain most of the nutrients required for all classes of livstock including poultry and fish. Azolla helps boost milk production by 15-20% in cattle and bufflao and improves milk quality. It increases egg production and egg quality in layers. Feeding of azolla reduces the cost of commercial feed by around 20%.

 Image reference- Agriculture guruji

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