Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Government of Tamilnadu
No 15,bharathiyar road,
Bankers colony extension,
Kumaran nagar,
Tamilnadu 620017.

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a world-wide pandemic (World Health Organization, 2020); which has created a great chaos. The disease COVID-19 include social distancing, staying at home, washing your hand and practicing good mental and physical health habits. Pets are always a great companion to humanbeing. Though they cannot help us in daily chores still they are our stressbusters.Am sure all of us are going through lockdown stress like working from home, missing our favourite street food , movie theatres and popcorns etc. The same way our pets also gothrough stress. They feel something wierd is going around them.Animals always helped us during crisis. During times of earthquake , flood and other natural calamities animals were involved in rescue mission. Human –animal bonding is always inseparable. Being a Vet i would like to share my views on taking care of your pet during lockdown.
Susceptibility Pets are not susceptibile to COVID -19.Howevere, pets are often susceptible to other type of corona virus like canine and feline coronavirus .These type cannot infect humans and are not related to COVID 19.


There is some suspicion that COVID-19 originated from bats (Millán-Oñate et al. 2020), and is therefore considered a zoonotic disease.However there is no evidence that companion animals spread the diease..

Prevention of spread:

Here we have to focus on whether humans could give virus to pets. Until more information is known about COVID-19 in companion animals, it is important to minimize the risk of spread. Social distancing is mandatory during pandemic period. Dogs should keep distance from other dogs and people and should not be exposed to high density areas such as dog parks and daycare facilities.

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Veterinary care:

Veterinarians are on the one to ensure the health and wellbeing of both pets and animals. Veterinary hospitals are considered essential only in case of emergency . However, veterinary hospitals may struggle to remain open as they are faced with the same, if not more risks and challenges as the general public. Veterinary staff may be at increased risk of exposure because of the close contact that is often required between veterinary staff and clients. Under such circumstances veterinary telehealth system should be practiced. This method may decrease the case load and people gathering at veterinary hospital.

Things to be practiced during quarantine:

• Do not let pets interact with people or other animals outside the household.
• Keep cats indoors when possible to prevent them from interacting with other animals or people.
• Maintain social distancing of minimum 6 feet (2 meters) from other people and animals.
• Wash your hands after handling animals, their food, waste, or supplies.
• Practice good pet hygiene and clean up after pets properly.
• Talk to your veterinarian if you have questions about your pet’s health.
• Be aware that children 5 years of age and younger, people with weakened immune systems, and people 65 years of age and older are more likely to get sick from germs some animals can carry.
Social distancing and proper hygiene practice are mandatory for both people and pets to prevent themselves from getting infected from COVID 19.
Human animal bonding and campanionship lasts since thousands of years and faced many pandamics together. Similarly we will fight against this covid 19 together.

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