by- DR. RAKESH SINGH, Motihari,Bihar


Sl. No. Average Values of Breeding Behaviour Bitch
1 Age at puberty 6-12 months
2 Age at breeding 12-18 months
3 Type of oestrous cycle Monoestrus (but usually 2 oestrous cycles per year)
4 Length of oestrous cycle 6 months
5 Length of oestrus (heat) 6-13 days
6 Gestation period 55-75 days (63 days)
7 Time of ovulation 48-60 hours after the receptive phase
8 Proper time of AI 2-3 days after onset of true oestrus
9 Breeding season Biannual: August to September, February to March
10 Return of heat after parturition 16-20 weeks
11 Recurrence after non-conception Twice yearly
12 Age of weaning 4-6 weeks
13 Time of fertilized ova entering uterus 5-6 days post-coitus
14 Time of implantation begins 15 days post-coitus
15 Type of placenta Endotheliochorial
16 Expulsion of placenta Immediately after each foetus
17 Average no. of pups born 4-8 pups
18 Birth weight 65-500g
19 Breeding span 7-8 years
20 Life span 10-15 years (Record is 32 years)


• The dog attains puberty at 6-12 months of age depending on the breed, plane of nutrition and management.
• In a few breeds it may be as long as 20-24 months for the appearance of the first oestrus.
• Puberty in free living stray dog sets in earlier than in pets and kennel dogs.
• Females mature earlier than the males of the same breed when reared under identical management


• A bitch in heat is an ideal illustration of a private as well as a public nuisance. She is undesirable at home and unwelcome abroad.
• The vulva swells up. A clear discharge through the vulva followed by a bloody discharge will be noticed. This continues for 8 to 10 days or a little longer.
• During this period, even though a number of male dogs are attracted towards the female, the female will drive them away.
• The above stage is followed by a pinkish or watery discharge for some more days.
• She stands with the tail raised and tilted to one side and is receptive to the male.
• The heat period lasts for about 21 days, and recur after about six months.
• It is always advisable to breed dogs after one year.
• The signs of heat can be easily identified in short coated breeds.
• In long haired breeds, staining the floor with drops of blood when the dog sits on its haunches, should be indicative to observe her for the symptoms of heat.


• When a female dog comes to heat she may be restrained till she is ready for mating which is evident from her posture.

• Take her to the dog of your choice. If possible it is better to take the female dog earlier to the dog and leave her with the dog.
• This give her ample time to get settled. Mating takes place one or two days after the discharge of blood is stopped. This may be by the 10th to the 13th day after the onset of the oestrous cycle, in larger breeds and earlier in smaller breeds.
• Once a decision has been made to breed, the health of the animal must be thoroughly evaluated. Written records should be kept.
• For bitches these should included information concerning previous estrus period i.e. length of proestrus, estrus and diestrus; signs of pseudo pregnancy, occurrence of any abnormal cycle; previous breeding date and the outcomes; vaginal cytology information and complete health record
• The birch is usually brought to the male for breeding. Courtship behaviour is initiated by the male dog, and the female either will respond positively or will reject the male by showing avoidance or aggression.


• Courtship behaviour in the male include intense sniffing of the female’s face, flank, and urogenital area; licking of the vulva; and chasing or playing behaviours.
• If the female stands for mounting, the male Will mount and clasp the flanks of the female with his forelegs.
• In the dog the os penis allows intromission to occur prior to the development of an erection.
• An erection develops immediately after intromission and is accompanied by rapid stepping movement of the males, hind legs.
• The enlargement of the bulbus glandis occurs at this time and is eventually responsible for the coital tie.
• The first portion of the do’s ejaculate contains only sperm free prostatic fluid and is ejaculated within 1 minute of intromission.
• Following the development of an erection, the male will dismount by placing both front feet to one side and lifting one hind leg over the female’s back so that they are “locked” or “tied” together tail to tail.
• The enlarged bulbus glandis of the male prevents withdrawal of the penis from the female’s vagina during the tie.
• The sperm-rich portion of the semen is ejaculated during the first 1-5 minutes of the tie.
• Internal ties normally last between 5 and 60 minutes. The female and male should be allowed to separate naturally, once the bulbus glandis has reduced in size sufficiently.


• The average gestation length in a bitch is 63 ± 2 days but it ranges 55 to 75 days under different conditions


• The clinical signs of pregnancy appear in a bitch at about 25-30 days post-mating.
• The common signs are loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting tendency and depraved appetite.
• After 5 weeks post-mating there is significant increase in the appetite of the bitch and she will eat more food.
• It is rather difficult to diagnose the pregnancy between 30 and 45 days of gestation period due to the amniotic fluid surrounding the foetuses.
• During the last two weeks of gestation foetuses can be easily palpated.
• Radiography can also be used in this period to know the number of developing foestuses in the uterine horns.
• Ultrasonic scanning instruments are available for pregnancy diagnosis in bitches. They give good results during the latter half of the gestation period.



• The gestation period is 60 63 days.
• During the first month of pregnancy the normal maintenance diet is adequate.
• Give additional diet. It is good to add liver in the diet. ( 1g/kg body wt).
• Eggs, dairy products or other good quality, animal proteins can be given at this time. Supplement additional minerals and vitamins.
• Immunization for Distemper and Hepatitis during mid gestation period will give the pups passive immunity up to an age of six to nine weeks.
• Deworming with suitable drugs is also advisable during the mid gestation period.
• Temperamental changes will be obvious in the females just before whelping.
• The vulva swells up. The mammary glands become turgid and milk will exude on squeezing the teats.
• The bitch will seek a safe and calm place for whelping.
• When the uterine contractions start (first stage) the female dog behaves abnormally due to pain, will be restless, growing and refusing, to eat or drink.
• It will lie flat on one side and will strain heavily.
• The discharge is greenish in colour and is thin.
• When the stage of labor begins leave it to herself. The pup maybe presented either alone or with the placenta attached to the umbilicus.
• The bitch will bit it off and may eat it. At times the whole bag is presented and the bitch may not care to open it.
• In such instances open up the foetal bag and save the pup by clearing its nostrils and swinging it to and fro by holding its hind¬ limbs.
• After the littering of one or two pups the bitch may be quiescent for some time, will start straining and litter one or two more pups and there may be a pause again.
• In bitches littering may be completed within 18 hours and at times prolonged still further.
• The cord may be painted with an antiseptic, ligated and cut if it is very long.
• Passing of the after birth (placenta), one for each pup occurs immediately after whelping.
• Keep all the pups warm.
• Many bitches will not feed or drink till the littering is complete.
• After littering the bitch may be drinking only milk, and may refuse solid food for a day or two.
• Avoid strangers going near the bitch and her pups. Never permit any stranger to touch the pups.


• When the gestation is prolonged and the bitch appears to lie exhausted.
• The bitch is straining severely for one or two hours and the greenish discharge had been noticed, yet it had not whelped.
• The bitch is exhausted, abdomen is distended, foetal heart beat is not audible on auscultation.
• The os uteri is dilated, the bitch is


• This is a phenomenon seen in many adult bitches.
• After the oestrus period, the mammary glands are enlarged and will show secretion of milk.
• The bitch shows all the symptoms of pregnancy and impending parturition. But the bitch will not be carrying any pup.
• This does not in anyway interfere with its breeding capacity. They become pregnant and litter normally during the subsequent seasons
• not straining.



• The pups will open their eyes by the second week. If the flooring, of the cage/room where the pups are kept is smooth, they may not get firm grip to walk.
• Hence it is better to take them out to rough ground and help them to walk. This may be necessary for two or three days, or till they learn to walk properly.
• Supplement vitamins, especially A, B, D, E and C and minerals (calcium and phosphorus) during the preweaning period itself.
• If the litter size is large, feed them from a feeding bottle. Pups with full stomach, and not crying during the night, will be the indication that they had enough feed.
• Docking and amputation of accessory digits are done simultaneously. Preferably during the first week. If performed late, the procedure become more tedious.
• Newborn should spend the majority of their time sleeping and when they are awake, nursing.
• They do not lie quietly or still when sleeping, but show activated sleep for about 75% of their sleeping hours.
• This is characterized by continual twitching, jerking, stretching, and shifting of position.
• Activated sleep is important for the development of the neuromuscular system and appears to be the mechanism by which newborn puppies develop muscle tone and begin to develop coordination.
• The most important indication of puppy health during the first few days and weeks of life is the demonstration of regular and normal weight gain.
• After the first day or two, puppies should steadily increase in weight and should double their birth weight by 7 to 10 days.
• A general rule of thumb to determine normal weight gain during the first 3 to 4 weeks of life is to expect 1 to 1.25 gram of gain per day for every pound of expected adult weight.
• Puppies typically are weaned at 6 and 8 weeks of age.


• This is a period of maximum stress for the female dog.
• Her nutrient requirement depends on number, size and age of pups.
• The diet should be rich in protein and easily digestible. Feed her 3 to 4 times a day.
• Provide clean drinking water always. Supplement minerals and vitamins to meet the additional requirement of lactation.
• In spite of all the care bestowed, the bitch during lactation would be run down, emaciated and with loss of hairs from all over the body.
• The mammary glands will show numerous abrasions. Continue the mineral and vitamin Supplements, for few weeks after weaning the pups.

Reference-On request.

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