By Dr Ravindra Bharti, TVO, Dummarao, Bihar

Pulpy kidney (enterotoxaemia) is a disease of sheep, goats and cattle. It occurs in sheep when a bacterium that normally inhabits the animal’s intestines without causing problems begins to multiply and produce a toxin that poisons the animal.

The bacterium, Clostridium perfringens type D, can build up when there is a sudden change to a low-fibre, high-carbohydrate diet. This can occur when sheep are moved onto lush, rapidly growing pasture or cereal crops, or when sheep are fed grain.

● Pulpy kidney disease because there is rapid autolysis of kidney and become soft.
● over eating disease mean it occurs usually after over ingestion of feed ie concentrates, milk or green succulents

■■■ Etiology:::

Bacterial disease cause by Clostridium perfringes
Clostridium perfringes 5 types
Type A –> Dogs, sheep and goat
Type B –> lamb Dysentery
Type C –> struck in youngones
Type D –> pulpy kidney
Type E –> general all animal can be affected
Clostridium are Gram +ve and strictly anaerobic, saccharophillic in nature

■■■ Epidemiology :::

Important disease of ruminants usually sheep, goat and calves. Other ruminants like adult cattles, wildlife and camel may also be affected.
Occur world wide having no proper season.

■■■ Transmission:::

Risk factors responsible for Enterotoxemia
● over Ingestion of feed
● GIT stasis
● GIT obstruction

■■■ Clinical findings:::

Disease occur in per acute, acute, chronic form
○○ Per Acute in Sheep , youngones ie lamb and kid
☆☆☆ Signs and symptoms for Adult sheep

● Staggering and knuckling at fetlock
● Champing of jaws
● Salivation
● Teeth grinding
● Convulsions
● Ophisthotonus
● Recumbency
● Muscular tremors

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☆☆☆ Clinical findings for adult goats ie Acute form

● Watery diarrhea or Dysentery
● Abdominal pain
● Bleeting/Screaming
● Ophisthotonus
● Teeth grinding
● Convulsions
● Nystagmus

☆☆☆ Chronic form in Goat

It is confused with worm infestations
● Chronic recurrent diarrhea/Dysentery
● Weightloss
● Unthriftiness

■■■ Diagnosis:::

● On basis of clinical findings
● Laboratory tests include ELISA, PCR, latix agglutination test, anaerobic culture

■■■ Treatment:::

● Hyper immune serum 3000 iu/Adult sheep or goat
● Antibiotics
▪︎ Sulphonamide
● Fluid theraphy ie ringer lactate

Line of Treatment:

Antibiotics, especially penicillin.

Orally administered antacids.

Anti-bloating medication.

Pain reduction.

Intramuscular thiamine (vitamin B1) to prevent or treat the encephalomalacia.

■■■ Prevention/control:::

● Vaccines ie enterotoxemia vaccine
● hyper immune serum prophylactically 200 iu/ kg
● restriction of feed intake

Reference: On request.

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