By-Hemant Kumar1, Amit Singh Vishen2 & Priyanka Tewari3

1(Asst. Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, MJFCVAS, Chomu, Jaipur), Pin code-303702

2(Guest Faculty, Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture & Technology, Ayodhya), Pin code-224229
3.(M.V.Sc Student, Department of Veterinary Physiology, CVAS, Bikaner, RAJUVAS (Rajasthan), Pin code-334001

Heat stroke is a state of hyperthermia (elevated core body temperature above the normal range) resulting to heat injury to tissues. Heat stroke occurs when heat generation exceeds the body’s ability to lose heat. Hyperthermia may be a life-threatening condition and requires immediate treatment. A dog’s normal body temperature is 101.5°F plus or minus 1 degree Fahrenheit and any time the body temperature is higher than 105°F, a true emergency exists.

What are the main predisposing factors for Heatstroke?:

 A warm/hot, humid environment with inadequate ventilation (e.g. due to weather conditions or animals being left in an unventilated room or car)
 Inadequate shade
 Inadequate drinking water
 Excessive exercise
 Obesity
 Brachycephalic anatomy (flat-faced breeds) such as Pugs, English bulldogs, French bulldogs are more susceptible.
 Breathing difficulties/respiratory disease – laryngeal paralysis, collapsing trachea
 Heart problems/Cardiovascular disease
 Neurological disease
 Age extremes (young or old)
 Thick/long hair coat – e.g. long haired breeds
Common symptoms of Heatstroke:
 Panting which increases as heatstroke progresses
 Drooling, salivating
 Agitation, restlessness
 Very red or pale gums
 Bright red tongue
 Increased heart rate
 Breathing distress
 Vomiting /Diarrhoea (possibly with blood)
 Signs of mental confusion, delirium
 Dizziness, staggering
 Lethargy, weakness
 Muscle tremors
 Seizures
 Collapsing and lying down
 Little to no urine production
 Coma
How may Pet Owner help pets with heatstroke?
 Have a cool, well-ventilated space for your pet. Good ventilation is critical because many animals lose heat by panting (evaporative cooling) which relies on good air flow. Outdoor pets should also always have access to shade.
 All pets should have access to plenty of fresh clean drinking water at all times.
 Never leave your pet in a car as temperatures rise extremely quickly even on mild temperature days and can kill pets rapidly.
 Avoid exercising animals in hot weather.
 Avoid hot sand, concrete, asphalt areas or any other areas where heat is reflected and there is no access to shade.
 If pet owner suspect pet has heatstroke or they are showing signs of heatstroke:

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1) Remove your pet from the hot environment immediately.
2) Apply or spray tepid/cool water onto the animal’s fur and skin. Then apply a fan/fanning to maximise heat loss.
3) Wetting down the area around your pet can also help.
4) Don’t use ice-cold water or ice as this may worsen the problem.
5) Then take your pet to the nearest Veterinarian immediately.
6) Heatstroke is an emergency – always see a vet. Even if your pet looks like they may be recovering or you just suspect they might have heatstroke they should still always be checked by a vet.

How do Vets help pets with heatstroke?:

 Firstly, check pet’s body temperature and vital signs and then go for emergency treatment
 Putting pet on a drip (Intravenous fluids)
 Cooling treatments e.g. cooling enemas
 Supplemental oxygen
 Medication as required
 Blood tests to check organ function
 Ongoing monitoring and treatment as required

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