1. Prepartum Prolapse in bovines – Murex 30, Sepia 30, Calc.Phos 30, Carbo veg 30 – all o.d, only 3
2. Miliary nodules / Warts on udder/ nipples – Castor equi 30 – b.i.d, 5 days
3. Post partum “ Standing Still “ – Diascoria villosa 30 o.d, Belladonna 30 o.d. , only 2 days.
4. R.O.P, Post Abortion, Metritis – Sepia, Canthares, Sabina, Secale cor – all b.i.d, only 3 days
5. Indigestion , Impaction – Mag phos 6, China 6, Raphanus sat 6, Carbo veg 6, Nux vomica 6, Lycopodium 6 – all t.i.d , 3 days
6. G.I. Block – Plumb met 30, Opium 30, Silicea 30 – all o.d., only 3 days
7. Fever – Ferrum Phos 6, Kali mur 6, Natrum sulph 6, Natrum mur
6, Kali sulph 6 – all t.i.d, only 3 days.
8. Snake Bite – Lachesis 6, Natrum mur 6, Calc Phos 6, Kali phos 6 – all every ½ hour for 8-10 doses in acute case, b.i.d in chronic case for 5 days.
9. Fracture – Arnica 30, Symphytum 30, Rhus tox 30 – all bid 10 days, calc phos 6 – o.d. 20 days.
10. Diarrhea/ Dysentery – Nux vomica 30, Podophyllum 30, Ars. Alb 30, Phos 30, Veratrum alb 30, Merc co r 30 – all b.i.d , 3-5 days.
11. Wound healing – Arnica 30, calendula 30, Silicea 30 – all once a day, 10 -20 days
12. Coryza – Aconite 30, Nux vomica 30, Merc sol 30 – all bid, 3 days.
13. Foot & Mouth Disease – Ars.alb 30 , Borax 30, Merc sol 30 , Rhus tox 30, Natrum mur 30, Kali mur 30 – all b.i.d , only 5 days
14. Trauma – Arnica 30, Rhus tox 30 , Hypericum 30, Ruta 30, Bellis 30, Ledum 30 , all bid , 7-10 days
15. Warts – Thuja 30, Calc carb 30, Ant crudum 30, Acid nitricum 30, causticum 30 – all bid, only 5 days
16. To improve quantity and quality of milk – Ricinus communis 30 , Urtica urens 30, Five Phos 30 – all o.d. 7- 10 days
17. Cough – Bryonia 30, Ipec 30, Antim tart 30, Phos 30, Drosera 30, Justicia adhatoda 30 – all bid, 5- 10 days.
18. Easy delivery + No ROP – Caulophyllum 6, Kali phos 6, Mag phos 6, Calc phos 6, Calc flour 6, all bid 3 days prior to expected date of delivery ; once in ½ hour after the onset of delivery .
19. Any abscess, infectious inflammation , ear ache etc – Calc flour 6, Kali mur 6, Silicea 6, Calc phos 6 – all tid , 3-5 days.
20. Violent Buffaloe / Hysteric cow/ Disliking calf / Not allowing to touch body – Asafetida 30 , Kali phos 30, Sepia 30, Ignatia 30 – all bid, only 3 days.
21. Mastitis – Sulpur 200, Silicea 200, Carbo veg 30 – all once a day – 3 days
22. Post mastitis fibrosis – Calc flour 200 bid or 1 M od, only one day in a week, 4-5 weeks.
23. Haematoma – Arnica 30, Bufo rana 30, Hammamelis 30 – all od, till healing.
24. Liver impairement/jaundice – Cardus m30 , Chelidonium maj30, Kalmegh30, Hydrastis 30, Taraxacum 30, Podophyllum 30, Ipec 30, carica papaya 30, Natrum sulph 30 – all od, till cure.
25. Rickets in dogs – when prefer to sit in sunlight / warm – Calc carb 30, od, 20 days. – When prefer to sit on cold/ wet floor – Phos 30, od, 20 days
26. Fibroid in dogs – Calc iod, Kali iod, Calc sulph, Calc flour, Silicea – 6 for daily dose 20 days ; or 30/200 for weekly dose 5 weeks; or 1M for monthly dose 5 months – depending on chronicity.
27. To reduce further renal damage in chronic renal failure – Zingiber 6, Eel serum 6, Phos 30, all od for 20 -40 days.
28. Hair loss in dogs – Alfalfa 6, Hypophysis 12, Juglans 6, Kali phos 6, Lecithinum 6 – all od, 20 days.
29. Actinomycosis – Hekla lava 1M, Calc Phos 200, Calc flour 200 – all bid , only 2 days.
30. Tape worms in cats – Felix mas 30/200 – od , 1-3 days
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