Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, DUVASU (Mathura)

Dogs are the “man’s best friend” because they provid companionship, security, services and stress free environment which is beneficial for improving human health status. Bitch attains her sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months. Proper time of service (mating) is about 10-15 days after first bleeding (sanguineous vulvar discharge) starts. After the successful mating (conception), pregnancy (gestation period) is started which is normally completed in 63 days ± 2 days. Generally small breeds produce 1-5 pups, medium breeds producing 2-10 pups and large breeds producing 3-15 pups in her single pregnancy. Management of pregnant bitch as well as new born puppies is most valuable with extra care and attention for prevention of metabolic, managemental, nutritional and gynecological problems.


Pregnancy diagnosis-

Abdominal palpation after 28-35 days of mating and radiograph (X-ray) after 44 days may be performed for diagnosing the pregnancy. Ultrasound (USG) examination for pregnancy diagnosis should be best performed between 28-30 days. USG examination is better predictor for the litter size, fetal viability or abnormal pregnancy. It is better to get pregnancy diagnosed after about 1 month to provide better caring practices to pregnant animal.

Feeding of the pregnant bitch-

It is advisable to keep pregnant bitch on high quality diet (adult maintenance type diet) started well before the bitch enters in proestrus and then continued up to 5 weeks of pregnancy. However in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy intensive growth of the foetuses and it will also compress the stomach of bitch, to accommodate this bitch will require high density, easily digestible diet (growth or puppy type diet). Energetically and nutritionally well-balanced diet is usually maintained throughout gestation and weaning period. Increase the amount of food by about 10 per cent per week and multiple feeding with smaller quantity is recommended. Supplementation of vitamins and minerals is hardly required. Excess of some minerals and vitamins like Vit. A & D impairs the absorption of other vitamins or minerals. Both underfeeding and overfeeding exert negative effects on pregnancy. Underfeeding will result in metabolic disturbances during the pregnancy (gestational ketosis), abnormal hormonal balance, faulty placentation, pups with low birth weight and poor survivability, eclampsia in bitch with insufficient milk production. On the other hand, obese bitches can have difficult whelping (act of giving birth), particularly if they are not getting proper exercise. During pregnancy sufficient exercise is required (not encouraged to jump and fighting) to normal whelping. Calcium is required after the 35th day of gestation for the development of teeth and fetal bones properly but during late pregnancy it may cause difficulty in birth (dystocia), puerperal tetany (eclampsia), soft tissue calcification etc. To avoid frequent problem of cleft palate, bitch must be supplemented with folic acid (vitamin B9) during the pregnancy. Other than carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins pregnant bitch requires fat and omega-3/omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids to fulfill her energy needs. For the development of fetal nervous system, immune system stimulation and retinal function Omega-3 fatty acid is recommended @ dose of 1000 mg/20 kg body weight of the bitch.



No any supplements or drugs should be given during pregnancy unless required to maintain the bitch’s health and until not adviced by veterinarian. Any type of parasites (Ecto or endoparasites) are responsible for inadequate utilisation of nutrients from neonates, could induced digestive disorders, loss of electrolytes and anaemia, ocular or neurological diseases. If it is necessary, Use of antiparasitic drug is recommended after 43rd day of pregnancy. Some parasiticide drugs are considered to be safe in pregnancy like pyrantel, praziquantel, fenbendazole, ivermectin etc. Generally vaccinations should be given well before the bitch enters proestrus, and not during pregnancy.

Management of bitch during pregnancy and whelping –

• At least one week before the expected date of whelping, pregnant bitch should be provided with quiet, clean, dry and ventilated whelping box (place of birth).
• Whelping box must have proper bedding (by using clean newspapers, gunny bags, folded blankets or bedsheets). A heat lamp over one corner may be provided for warmth.
• Mild luxative diet is advisable in the last 2-3 days of pregnancy to avoid problem of constipation at the time of whelping.
• She should be given balanced diet and quality water.
• Fighting, jumping and running should be prohibited.
• Hairs around vulva and mammary gland may be clipped/trimmed cautiously well before whelping.
• Rectal temperature (RT) should be observed twice daily. 1-2 ºF drop 24 hours before whelping is normal.
• Signs of labor like straining, anorexia (not eating that day), flaccid swollen vulva, dark green vaginal discharge, presence of milk in mammary glands and increased digging or pacing activity etc should be observed.

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Management of bitch after whelping to weaning –

• Rectal temperature (RT) should be examined daily for the first 3 days after whelping. It may go up to 103˚F on the day after birth and then become normal.
• Checking general health, rectal temperature, appetite pattern, milk quantity, vulvar discharge and other abnormality should be done regularly.
• The bitch will require increased food intake (2 to 4 times) for at least 3 weeks during the period that pups are nursing and rapidly gaining weight.
• Most cases of hypocalcemia (low serum calcium) occur within 3 weeks after giving birth showing different clinical signs like trembling of the muscles and stiff limbs.


• Before whelping arrange a box which must be contains clean and dry cloths or towels to dry and rub pups, cotton thread, surgical gloves, sterile scissors and milk replacer etc.
• Normally around 6 – 8 hours is taken by bitch to expel all the pups. The placenta are generally expelled along with or 10-15 minutes after birth of pup and normally eaten by bitch but ingestion of more placenta may cause digestive troubles.
• Normally by licking, bitch removes the placenta over the mouth and nose of puppies. It can be done manually by care taker with clean soft cloth. Rubbing over the chest stimulate the breathing. Puppies should be dried well and returned to the warm whelping box.
• Cutting of the umbilical cord with sterile scissors about 0.5 inch from the body, tying it by cotton thread or suture material with application of mild antiseptic solution is needed.
• Health status of each pup regarding weakness, suckling reflex, urination, defaecation, umbilical hernia, cleft palate and other congenital problems should be observed.
• Rectal temperature in first week of life should not be lower than 98˚F.
• Each pup should be assisted to breast feeding within the first 8 hours after birth so that they can take colostrum (first mother milk).
• If the bitch does not have sufficient milk then pups should be supplemented with commercial canine milk replacer. Baby bottle or shocking cotton may be used for the purpose. It is all right to feed a 10% sugar solution in a baby bottle for a day or two if there is a delay in getting canine formula. Well mixing and luke warmth of feed should be ensured.
• Close interaction with mother should be facilitated as much as possible. She provides pups the warmth, cleans them which is as important as being fed.
• Pups that are continuously crying and moving around are of concern & should be checked whether they are too cold, too hot, hungry, sick or unable to eliminate urine & bowels.
• If bitch is not lying down to nurse the pups very well, try gently lying her down while pups nurse for 15-20 minutes at a time
For pet owners all above informations may prove very helpful if they keenly observe pregnant bitch and her puppies at each and every step (daily). Advice should be taken from only registered qualified veterinarian before taking any decision, medication, supplimentaion to avoid any complications in dam & puppies.

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