BY-Aishwarya Roy ,second year BVScstudent,Ranchi veterinary college,kanke,834006 under special guidance of dr. Nandani kumari(department of animal breeding and genetics R.V.C B.A.UHumans , animals and the environment are inextricably linked-a fact that needs to be remembered and exploited in our modern approach to health.From the point of view that all organisms and the environment share one health,expending effort to address the needs of animals and ecosystems might pay better dividends for human health in the longer term.One health is a collaborative, multisectoral and transdisciplinary approach-working at the local, regional,national and global levels-with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognizing the interconnection between people,animals,plants and their shared environment.One health is not new, but it has become more important in recent year and also in wake of covid 19( 18) this is because so many factors have changed interactions between people,animals,plants,and our environment.A)Human popolations are growing and expanding into new geographic areas. As a result more people lives in close contact with wild and domestic animals,both livestock and pets,which provides more opportunities for diseases to pass between animals and people.

  1. B) the earth have experienced changes in climate and land use,such as deforestation and intensive farming practices. Disruption in environmental conditions and habitats can provide new opportunities for diseases to pass to animals.
    1. C) the movement of people, animals and animal products has increased from international travel and trade. As a result,diseases can spread quickly across borders and around the globe.

    These changes have led to the spread of existing or known (endemic) and new or emerging zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can spread between animals and people.(ZOONOTIC DISEASES SUCH AS-RABIES,SALMONELLA INFECTION,ANTHRAX,BRUCELLOSIS,Q FEVER ETC.)Animals also share our susceptibility to some diseases and environmental hazards. Because of this they can sometimes serve as early warning signs of potential human illness.*COMMON ONE HEALTH ISSUES;-One health issues include zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance and food safety and food security, vector borne diseases, environmental contamination, and other health threats shared by people, animals and the environment. Even the fields of chronic diseases,mental health,injury,occupational health, and non communicable diseases can benefit from a one health approach involving collaborations across dsiciplines and sectors.*FOUNDATION OF ONE HEALTH :-The three main principles behind the working of one health are:-

    1. Communication

    B)CoordinationC)CollaborationAmong human, animal, environmental health, and other relevant partners.One health is gaining recognition in the US and globally as an effective way to fight health issues at the human-animal-environment interface,including zoonotic diseases.CDC(CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION) uses a one health approach by involving experts in human, animal,environmental health, and other relevant disciplines and sectors in monitoring and controlling public health threats to learn about how diseases spread among people,anomals,plants and the environment.Successful public health interventions require the cooperation of human, animal and environmental health partners. Professionals in human health, animal health, environment and other areas of expertise needs to communicate, collaborate and coordinate on activities. Other relevant players in one health approach could includelaw enforcement, policy makers,agrivulture, communities, and even pet owners. No one person, organization, or sector can address issues at the animal-human-environment interface alone.By promoting collaboration across all the sectors, a one health approach can achieve the best health outcomes for people,animals and plants in a shared environment.*CONCLUSION:-The one world one health concept continues to emerge all over the world. Better understanding of the relationships between animal health, human health and the ecosystem health is needed to protect public health and for an effective public health.*ACKNOWLEDGMENTS:-The author is thankful to Dr.nandiniKumari(asst.professor of animal breeding and genetics RVC,BAU) for her immense support and considering me an able participants for this competition and I m even greatly obliged to the DEAN SIR(Dr.sushilprasad) and all the professor who have directly or indirectly played a role in this article.*REFERENCES:-1)CDC(CENTRE OF DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION)2)one health basics( REPORTS(the European molecular biology organisation)

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